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Everything posted by Calax

  1. whatsa LEIGON? is pronouced- lee-jeen? or lie-gon? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I spelled it wrong :"> but it's the Legion of Superheroes. It's coming out on Warner Bros this fall I think and is based off of a comic. It's done by the same guys who did Superman:TAS Batman:TAS Justice League and JLU(which is technically an extension of JL.)
  2. I find that the law could be good if it doesn't get used like a weapon. Reading the article the lady that "inspired" the movement did try to make an arrangement but ended up killing the arrangement herself because she didn't "feel like getting out of bed to close the windows at 7am" and ignored the system and then yelled at the smoker who lit up next door. Honestly this is a law that is very very easy to overblow. I can see some crotchety old jerk persercuting a smoker who smokes in their back yard, other side of the yard, in a boxed in corner. Just because the neighbors dog bothers him.
  3. and triarrii RULE!
  4. it's called the force unleashed.
  5. Ah yes. That would be it. Although wasn't Red Alert 2 the only one that could really be classified as "campy"? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Red alert one counts, and the origional command and conquer was campy with out meaning to be.
  6. Chris Claremont writing him as a mutant superspy with claws and the ability to heal quickly. think 007 with claws, feral rage, and martial arts abilities extending beyond the simple punch, kick, and fencing. I do find it interesting that when you go back through the "essencial" collections of Xmen (the Xmen runs from Giant sized number 1 on, uncanny from Uncanny Xmen 1 on)you notice that Wolverines healing ability got supercharged (I think they said that it was in response to magneto yanking out Wolvies skeleton) to the point where, before he could die and take hits that would knock most people silly and keep on ticking (but be black and blue for a week) where as now the writers somtimes have sadistic soldiers torture him for fun (in ultimate Xmen, they have him get hit with more napalm than was used in desert storm. he survives. He also gets run over by a bus, impaled, shot in the head with adamantium bullets, blasted in half, and I think he's gotten his neck broken once or twice. in the "real" universe he gets sliced to ribbions and keeps on ticking). Oh and it's reported that He DOESN'T AGE!
  7. meh... when I saw it it seemed interesting. But I'm waiting for LEIGON more.
  8. All I have to say is I've picked up more spanish in my six months as a McDonalds Employee than I ever did in highschool. Also most of the necessity for bilingualism is for the southern cali folks. Up north there are communities of latino's but it's much more "white" (not trying to be racist). My mother didn't have to be bilingual for her teaching credential back in the day (she taught at a skills center for those who didn't have a GED or equivalent). And it ultimatly is quite silly to force people to learn a language that they might not ever use... (thinks about a poor teacher in Michigan who had to learn spanish in the wierd white supremesist universe of the email)
  9. keep people happy and work on your infrastructure. With Rome when you fight on defense just stand there and let them come to you. by the time they reach you their troops will be fatigued and you will win easily. Make sure to keep yourself (at first at least) confined to ONE battle front so you don't get knifed in the back by an opponent while your main army is making a swing west.
  10. Generals was fine, although it just wasn't really C&C. It was missing that something. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> 3 letters... FMV. And a plot that actually made you care/pick a side. I mean generals was great gameplay but it tossed out several C&C trademarks, the pallett that took up your right side of your screen that had all the building stuff and all your info (this got moved into the warcraft esque bottom of the screen). FMV sequences, the story was told by live actors in suits and they were trying to be campy as heck. Generals was told using the ingame engine and voice overs. (in zero hour they had some fmvs but they didn't have the level of interaction that the other C&C's had). psycho twisted science, Tesla coils and Oblisks and ion cannons. Nothing was sacred and nothing didn't work in C&C. then we go to Generals where the only real outragous thing was the particle cannon. and that actually acted like it should, were it plausable. It should be pointed out that Joe was origionally one of the execs of Westwood (I think)
  11. You're female? Some people tried to convince me that it WAS ingame (we are talking about the heli takeoff and attacking right?) but it has all signs of a cutscene with ingame foolishness (soldiers as large as tanks ) Gimme SupCom above this anytime <{POST_SNAPBACK}> nope. the gameplay movie is on the website. (the tanks actually get a little bit of air after zipping over a hill.)
  12. the first movie followed the first TPB, second movie the second. If it keeps doing that the third one will have the ultimates vs. Thor. and thor Smacks them all around like they were a set of bobbleheads. until Wanda tells her overprotective brother that thor hurt her. I still like using Hulk as a bioweapon. (when in danger toss 97 pound biologist from a helicopter, then tell the resulting hulk that the aliens were calling him a "sissy boy")
  13. nope... the writer is making fun of the fact that wolverine is ever so pervasive (he's in Uncanny, Astonishing, Wolverine, Wolverine Origins, Avengers and I think one or two other books with guest appearances in about six on a regular basis). So they just took various different wolverines, used extra dimentional technology and put em all on one team. http://www.milehighcomics.com/firstlook/082306/ex85cvr.html
  14. cortosis was an ore that origionated in I, Jedi and Spectere of the past/Vision of the future. It WAS a rare ore but the emperor had enough of it that he could ring the imperal palace in it. I think that technically if it's got cortosis in it your lightsaber should shut off every time you touch a vibro because the cortosis causes somthing akin to the tripping of a circut... only in your lightsaber (after every strike against cortosis the lightsaber automatically shuts down so it doesn't go boom). While i"m not entirly on the side of bioware in that cortosis could be forged into a blade, I can understand why they said it. After all only jedi use Lighsabers and if the jedi cut through all the vibro blades it'd be even less of a challenge.
  15. it's REALLY pathetic when you play a greek state and attack a group of 20 archers and spend the entire battle chasing them down.
  16. City of heroes supports Ageia PhyX.
  17. Imagine the portal gun with the grav gun in half life 2... :shudders in geekasmic glee:
  18. Calax


    california's kookie in that the department of education (or rather the counties that we live in or somthing) have decided to send school from about the middle of august through the beginning of june. So where most students go from Labor day out to about June 10, in the area of me and Feng, it goes from (this year anyway) approx Aug 14th through june 5th. At my school they did this so that every monday was a minimum day (got no teaching done what so ever) and you had a few days off. but the mondays really cut into vacation time (whee three months of summer becomes 1 Month! Plus summer school!) yeah... when this happened in middle school I started to try to get into private schooling (didn't work)
  19. actually saturn knight reminds me more of guardian/vindicator or Captain Britan.
  20. :stabs out his eyes: talk about bad writing.
  21. just gonna pop in and say that a geologist from Cali that my mother teaches about grapes has Jim Morrisons origional gravestone. When asked how he got it he said "I was there when it was stolen"
  22. oh.. the next arc in exiles is EVERY SINGLE INCARNATION of wolverine is being put on a single team to stop somthing.
  23. the forum leader board! OnNotice.php.jpg
  24. good, good, never read it, know the game more, and unique but meh.
  25. Few things are sadder and depressing than the Counterstrike community! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> One thing being the Obsidian forum community! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> battle dot freaking net.
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