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Everything posted by Calax

  1. where can I get RTR? the main site is down... one of the others I tried said that the dl was "incomplete or damage".
  2. cable has one of the wierdest character bios I've ever seen... Supersoldier from the future he fought apokolypse for most of his life until finially he traveled back to the ninties to kill apokolypse in the past. Then they made him the son of Scott summers who got infected by a techno virus that threatened his life, Scott sent him to the future so he could be cured. Then he was cloned by apokolypse. Then he killed apokolypse. Then he lead the Jr Xmen. Then he dissapeared... only to reappear and promptly get a god like power boost. then he got himself lobotmized and replaced his powers with tech... and now he's trying to turn the world into a utopia with backdoor deals. The only person who's got a wierder bio (in my opinion) is either A) Wonder Girl or B) Nate gray (who is ironically his Cables genetic twin)
  3. and here comes the auxilia
  4. Shogun redone please... It'd be fun to play if it weren't a pack of 2d sprites smacking eachother around like idiots Plus it's not in Europe.
  5. and yet in the Ultimate universe he's a schizo hobo with a gun who pushes Xavier down some stairs.
  6. It's regan beating up terrorists... and loosing his shirt! I feel i should point out that miller didn't write watchmen.. that was alan moore.
  7. ah... well I'm not expecting anything similar to Watchmen or DKR from him. Heck I half expect Batman to become more of a presidential black ops person than anything else. The idea of holy terror almost makes this look good:
  8. problem was that it was street fighting... REALLY hard to flak the bastards. I finially put three groups of archers next street over to tear them apart while my barbarian mercs took most of the causalties (can't have romans dying can we?)
  9. ? Other than the fact that Miller is working on this project yesterday and Today... I don't see your point narty.
  10. I've always had trouble with the brutii because their expansion is via the blasted Phalanx's. With the Julii I've been having trouble when I get attacked by a warlord and his heavy cav. I'd be winning easily then he charges my lines and promptly wins because his heavy cav can mop the floor with my hastii and velates... Fortunatly I've officially hit the marius reforms so I get LEGIONS!
  11. Centerpoint... Makes stars go nova.
  12. Are we talking about the same Frank Millar who has trouble writing any stories about women that are not prostitutes? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> yup.
  13. FF7 Xenogears Dark forces Jedi Knight (yay Jerec!)
  14. well once I grab dacia most of northern europe will be my plaything. While the trade income from Greece is nice I can probably get more from taking the northern port towns in europe.
  15. eh... just use centerpoint station and kill em both.
  16. no... no he didn't... Naga is the most powerful sith. Then comes Exar Kun.
  17. I feel very very sad.... Frank Miller (Watchmen, Dark Knight Returns) has seemingly found his patriotism, and given that converts are ever so much more zelous than the usual... he's writing BATMAN: HOLY TERROR! guess what... it's batman vs osama bin laden
  18. Bevel Lemsic was... diciplined by the emperor for the oversight of the exhaust tube... it was removed from the second Death Star's design. Not entirly sure but from what I can tell they picked the date of the attack for three reasons... One: they knew where it was being built Two: it was close to completion, at that point it would be insane to try to hit the station again because of the amount of causalties it would cause, Three: The Emperor was there. the term Phyrric victory comes to mind when looking at the resourses needed to knock the death star out of commission. And the little thing you quoted talks about it being the energy field from the local planet that wreaks havoc with electronics and equipment... so are we also going to count the endor shield?
  19. Is it wrong that I'm letting brutii work on the macedonians while I use two massive armies (full stack according to unit banners) made up of primairly Mercs to take over Germania and Gaul? (Dacia is next on my hit list... once I declare war I can put about 1/2 their cities under siege at the same time given the troops.)
  20. Hey! My romans Like to parade!
  21. what you mean other than the fact that if the thing was completed those holes the rebels used would be closed? The entire reason they attacked at the time they did was because they had to kill it before it was completed so they had a shot at destroying it without having to nibble away at it with more ships than you can count....
  22. anyway... Mice in my house aren't abnormal as we have a cat who's had two litters (before we got her anyway) and is very adept at hunting (she also is able to snag humming birds.) Probably the wierdest thing I've ever seen was her just sitting on our couch staring at (seemingly) the wall. I pick her up and move her, she just goes back to where she was... then I notice the brown shape decending the plant. I appeared either that she got a rat and let it loose inside to teach us to hunt, or it got inside by itself and she was doing her job trying to kill it. It was a short chase but I lost the bugger and about a week later my pop caught it and tossed it in a bucket with some dry ice. Oye... the critter stories I could tell... A mole in our freezer because my mom wanted to show it off for her Pest management class....
  23. I just realized how bad my previous post was... ugh I was looking at the boards for this and it would appear the turn system will be 2 per year. Meaning it's exactly like RTW. It was interesting to learn people like to roleplay their leader.
  24. I know about it... I've played it... but it's not what I'm looking for at ALL. It's a completly different Genre of games from RTW.
  25. Alan... wouldn't the DS2 be completed for this fight?
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