That helps kill everyone around you...
So? People driving like maniacs help kill people around them as well.
That's why driving like a maniac is least in the US. Those taxi's in Mexico are another story.
To an extent yes. But you can get away with an awful lot, while still being within the confines of the law. Heck, do you see the police cracking down on tailgating, which is actually a pretty significant cause of traffic accidents? I'm sure most drivers all obey the two-second rule where you live.
I wouldn't consider a maniac driver as being someone that is breaking road laws. Heck, every time you change lanes you increase the chances of an accident happening.
Or perhaps you could look at the act of driving cars period. There are people that find gas emissions exceptionally irritating. I'm betting that hanging around cities that have frequent smog warnings is as bad for one's health as second hand smoke is (especially if you already suffer from breathing conditions). Any motions to outlaw fossil fuel emissions in the near future?
round here the 2 second rule has every other person getting infront of you. And on my way into Sacramento I go over a rather large hill that on a clear day, lets you see all the way to the costal mountain range... (I'm in the foot hills of the Sierras) But when it's bad... it's really bad... maybe 1/4 the view range.