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Everything posted by Calax

  1. you referring to me? I was saying there was a ripoff of this orange guy: Ok so technically it's robotMAN but hey. it's still a ripoff.
  2. Because the AI sucks, so you can beat them when they have 3x as many guys, but they can't be you when you do. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> still it would have been nice if the last battle was just a slaughter of your opponents...
  3. we do of course realize this has been continuously worked on as hobbies (rather than as a job) for about 1 1/2 years now right? not trying to put down Aurora and her team just pointing out that given it's a hobby It'd probably not go very quickly.
  4. you n00blet... >.> <.< PWN PWN PWN! seriously that was a funny clip... Thompson trying to hype himself while adam sessler vehamently tries to defend video games and the CEO just sits there like a bump on a log. (makes me wonder how he got to that point.) Also jack looks to be hitting hard times right now. Where's SOE? he needs to break out the old Thompson avvie...
  5. Captain state the obvious.... Violent natures are part of humans... it's impossible to go through life without being exposed to violence.
  6. nothing is undefinable because we are incapable of comprehension. the human mind requires somthing and thus when we imagine nothing we see somthing, namly the color black. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> It is presumptuous to assume that people assume nothing to be the color black. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I was running on hyperbole...
  7. the guy from game daily looks high.
  8. oye I'm having flashbacks to people doing this WHILE THE SHOW WAS RUNNING! on the coh boards.
  9. ah.. but empty is not nothing.... nothing is not empty... the only way to define nothing is the lackthereof.
  10. Kate Bosworth only really was Lois for the airplane scene.
  11. nothing is undefinable because we are incapable of comprehension. the human mind requires somthing and thus when we imagine nothing we see somthing, namly the color black.
  12. I think at the beginning of thrawns campaign against the new republic it's stated that the empire only controls about 1/4 of what it used to. Also I want to emphasize that thrawn was an alien. The empire was a version of nazi germany in that it idealized the human male as the pinnacle of goodness. The fact thrawn became a grand admrial makes him at least 10 times as capable as anyone else in the empire at the time.
  13. Ah. I was gone all day and didn't see the original post. I was hoping maybe one of their random word generators they tack at the end of the emails/posts had just turned up some particularly hilarious results. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> make the last paragraph spam rather than innuendo and you've got it.
  14. not really. The mon cals were on equal footing with the ISD and the newer ties were not used by thrawn during his attack on the republic. He beat people only with his mind not with his muscles.
  15. by a VERY long shot. Let's see... a jedi knight who's had more memory loss than a goldfish and who can only think one step ahead of his opponent vs an ALIEN IMPERIAL grand admrial who thinks 10 steps ahead of his opponents and is able to beat people from studying their ART. he's only ever not understood sombody from their art once and he still turned them into dust.
  16. no... that's because they play SO MUCH gaming that they got buffed out!
  17. this is two school children arguing:
  18. I like what they've done with him in the Ultimates. They looked at the character and said "Captain America is a Super Soldier, not a Superhero." So he has no problem with killing and obeying orders. And they focus more on the man from the 40s stuck in the new millenia. So he still has the whole "Women belong in the kitchen" attitude, and doesn't understand why people are offended by that. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I have two problems with the ultimate universe... well three but ones kinda just a problem in general 1) Shield is EXACTLY what everyone is worrying will appear right now (a leviathan like branch of the government who can kill people without care or authorization. they also control anything that's not "normal") 2) the ultimates are having a competition to see who's the bigger ass hole 3) spiderman is WAYYYY too emo.
  19. bad bad retailers... selling games to MINORS!
  20. depends... most comic shops carry TPB's as do bookstores (anymore) albeit bookstores have a horrible selection. Unfortunatly the closest comic shop to me is about 20 or 30 minutes away :'( I swear if I ever get the chance I'm opening a comic/niche shop.
  21. ... Powergirl?
  22. You are getting Dead Rising at the mall? Imagine what would happen if you were in a crap horror movie. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Ahh, someone got the joke! <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
  23. spatula. also the greatest line ever said by Cap. in the ultimates "You think this A stand for FRANCE!?" isn't this only part 2 of the comics thread?
  24. Y is good... very very good. DC has just released the most recent TPB of Teen Titans, this one actually runs up through the begininigs of Infinate crisis and shows the death of one of my favorite characters, Superboy. also the supergirl book is wierd. for a few issues it seemed like supergirl was having an incesteous relationship but it turned out superman that she was sleeping with was actually ultraman mind controled by satrun girl... (head spins) oh yeah... invincible Trade paperback volume six is out.
  25. he came back to life... took about six months for the story to progress (however there was FOUR books about superman at the time of his death. so in terms of other single books it would have taken TWO YEARS to get through that arc. Unless it was the current Fifty two series (one book per week) but yes ultimatly he did come back. and I think that his resurection played havoc and helped cause IC.
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