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Everything posted by Calax

  1. he is the only character I've known of to only die once... that was in 94. against doomsday. that's him in the comics a page or two before they double tko. heres him in animated form from Justice league (he just got lobotomized by a paralell universe superman.)
  2. Superman the Animated series season one in one sitting. One of the special features them going through an episode and tossing out trivia. like when jimmy first appeared, when lex appeared, then they started running out of stuff so they talked about dinosaurs because the ep contained a robotic dionsaur... then they had one that said "real dinosuars don't have video cameras and electronics in them" then to top it all off they said "this is not a real dinosaur"
  3. red faction suffered from a few things, One thing that bugged me was that it really didn't have all that much to do with the origiona. I mean in 2 the red faction was a POLITICAL PARTY! where as in 1 it was essencially a workers union with guns.
  4. I figured it out. I still don't understand WHY the opponent has 3X as many troops when I control 2/3rds of the kingdom.
  5. Drawn together season one.
  6. whups... misread your statment. I've taken Stormfist meaning I've met back up with my loving aunt. I finished that and got the cunscene where your opponents say "quick <charname> is coming! get EVERYONE you can here! Including the forces at rainwall!" then you wake up at your fortress and are running around with nothing to do.
  7. granny with a walker: 200 POINTS! um my entire hobby consists of posting on forums and playing my games like a nutso little child.
  8. I remember that it had vehicles but one or two of em were only used once. And that the wall breaking thing was a wittle bit wacko in terms of what you could and couldn't blow up. They did make Red Faction two (not nearly as good imo)
  9. Your suppose to head into the Godwin manor. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I did. but got chased out by godwin soldiers. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Head to the middle of the arena... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> what? for the fight with Childrich? I've completly taken stormfist.
  10. Your suppose to head into the Godwin manor. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I did. but got chased out by godwin soldiers.
  11. Dynasty warriors is a good pure hack and slash.
  12. just got off a V binge... got frustrated because I"ve just taken storm fist but NONE of the triggers were working. I tried to start off the next part of the story line but Lucrecia keeps saying "Make sure you've done everything" when I've been running around for an hour and a half!
  13. couldn't really get into 3 because of the "three stories at the same time" thing.
  14. Just you. It's part of the plot and the guys your fighting are clones. Edit: actually it's you and the opponent's leader, It's wierd to figure out who's "special" in that game.
  15. After playing Suikoden V and 3 I've found I actually kind of like the Idea behind them, For those who don't play "jrpgs" or more specifically the Suikoden series, what you do is you start out with your hero/heroes and follow them through a story that winds up with them running an army. in each game your able to "collect" party members (108 in total) and use them in a number of ways. One way is that you every so often get into strategic battles with your opponent. Trust me the strategic battles are only really strategic for the set up, then you spend most of your time jumping from one army to the other (at least in Suikoden V's iteration of the system) as they engage in battle. the battles themselves are really just rock paper scissors but with numbers attached. Now with the advent of more capabilities I think were a game made similar with the degree of complexity and sheer length of this game (I'm pushing 40-50 hours on my first run, and I'm only about 3/4s' of the way through) I would hope that they'd add a different system and a itsy bitsy bit of complexity to the armies system. As it is now your troops are determined by which of your generals is in primary command of that unit. Personally I'd like to see somthing more like Kessen's system where each general is better with various units but can be changed between unit types based on the number of swords/horses/rifles/whatever in your inventory. Also because of the way Suikoden is set up, I would hope you'd be able to attach and detach men at will. So that for major engagements with your opponents you'd have a pool of say 10000 volunteers + whatever your various leaders brought (people representing various factions within your army would have troops already attached. As would those who's backstory would allow it) from that pool you'd "draft" people into a swordsman, spearman, archer or cavalry officer based on what you needed for various engagements. It'd also make sense from a different point of view. One of the "stars" that you meet in V is a dwarf who wants to forge weapons but isn't allowed to by his boss. He joins you because with you he'd get to make "LOTS AND LOTS" of weapons. Now the way the system is set up now you don't actually have anything to do with "lots and lots" of weapons being forged. instead you "forge" your weapon to a higher level. This came out of somthing that kept bugging me as I was playing because I'm a RTS fan. The fact that my fights are determined in a rock paper scissors fashion bugs the bejessus out of me because me and the computer always send the defending units weakness after it which can lead to a giant circle of troops trying to catch each other and make the unit in front cry like a little girl before the unit behind it does the same thing to it. Besides a prince should command more than 1.6k troops.
  16. .... yes I am a superhero if that's what your asking " In fear your characters only major bonus over the ai is that he's got enhanced reflexes and essencially bullet time. It's really a good story but you have to get EVERYTHING to figure it out.
  17. how is this NOT spam? or specifically against Forum rules?
  18. a book that in my area was required reading for eighth graders. It's about migrant farmhands trying to make a buck but ones a bit of a retard (seriously not the "u r!" version) but is a giant. it's... a trip.
  19. ... all i saw was a half hour for magic missile. I'd prefer to see your ability to use spells relate to your stamina. the more spells the more drained you are PHYSICALLY. instead of by your freaking memory.
  20. 1/2 hour for magic missle? :imagination: Fighter:ok we're going to fight now! Mage: casting Magic MISSILE! everybody:... Mage: :tribal chanting, hopping on one leg: Don't worry I'll kill that evil rat on the tree next to us! Fighter: ummmm what about those giants? Mage: you realize that I'm gonna be doing this for a half hour? Fighter: oh.
  21. it was due to special effects but it's supposed to be blue... kinda like how you can see bens extension cord going into the hilt during his fight with vader on the Death Star. and lucas would have made all the good guys have blue or green but SLJ made em do purple because it's his favorite color.
  22. Empire at war for space combat. For ground you might as well grab C&C generals and a mod or somthing because all the SW games on ground are garbage. Rebellion (shudder) was good in theory (Woo! Civilization IN SPACE!) but bad in practice as it turns into a MASSIVE time sink
  23. (remembers a lan game with friends who duped fireball to the point of level nine... adventuring in the church of Diablo 1 and fighting things as a warrior only to see fireballs flying across the screen blowing stuff up (it had aoe). then one hit the skeleton next to me....) Yeah I see your point.
  24. It's yoru opinion (I understand) but I should point out that Lucas Arts had a HECK of alot better games in the olden days like: Xwing Tie Fighter (ultamtly their pinnacle of Space sims) the Monkey Island series Grim Fandango and a few others. However we lost the brilliance of the teams behind these games when Lucasarts restructured so all they had to do was throw a bit of money and the starwars license at a person to get a game. (I cite Force Commander and Battlegrounds as evidence!) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Don't forget the masterpieces Indiana Jones & the Fate of Atlantis, and Sam & Max Hit the Road! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> point
  25. Which one was he? I haven't "read" TOTJ for ages, so ze memory is ze fuzzeh. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> the male furry.
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