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Everything posted by Calax

  1. Oye... if your going to write a review... play as more than one race. Or play more than one game. If he had he'd have realized that each different race is good at different things (for example, CSM's are actually a tad weaker than their Imperial brothers at higher tiers. and the Force Commander is only a Marine leader.) He also doesn't understand the coutner system very well. Boy... he played like NOTHING of DOW.
  2. I suppose next they are going to go grab cattle prods for the riot squad.
  3. honestly? I felt that I was watching Bourne+XXX... I felt that it went way to over the top with the fighting... Instead of a bunch of running around and pulling spy stuff (gathering intel and such) they had a look at a cell phone, a fight, a look at a computer, a fight, a evil look from a bad guy, a fight, a romancing scene, a man on foot running after a truck, a fight, poker, a fight... you get the picture. All the spy stuff felt like it was just a gloss. I donno but I kinda liked it back when bond only ever really fired maybe 12 bullets in the entire film. I'm willing to bet that if you took the exact same script and toned down the violence you'd get a bigger audience. (the way my dad saw it, they just caused half their fanbase to run away screaming because it was so gritty. And all the blood and violence would cause most women to not see it)
  4. Dark Crusade! Again!
  5. Probably has to do with the advent of NWN2 and the finding of this thread.
  6. from the youtube video he seemed compliant... until he got zapped.
  7. but I think he might get for that one.
  8. it's a violent black version of groundhog day where the wife dies every time.
  9. hating casino royale.
  10. I would at least pull the officer's while the investigation was under way.
  11. I just went through some of the other videos on Youtube and found that they had a rally about this. At the rally they say some... interesting things.
  12. at some bigger stores they've had cops escorting people to their cars after they get the system.
  13. are you a manager at EB or somtink? In other news... I've just been hired at Gamestop (angels sing out in an immaculate chorus)
  14. because of the nature of the fans you can usually find a good list of games that are along similar lines (in story terms) in the C&C forum
  15. Only the Disiple can do that.... (ancient joke)
  16. now we just need to give him our credit card numbers and addresses "
  17. Huh... appearently the stores can't say exactly how many extras they get and at what date because theres been problems with armed robbery. They don't want some little two bit whippersnapper to rob the place and sell all fifteen of his ps3's that he got illegitamatly on ebay for more than enough to get him off prison time.
  18. wow... I'd forgotten this little sucker... <wasn't around for BISboards...
  19. Just listened to the adam carolla show, they offered two campers an all expenses paid trip to the playboy mansion, a night with a bunny, and food and such. If they got out of line... Both refused.
  20. I would have thought you and Nick would pm eachother to change your avvies and sigs.
  21. I think that delightful title belongs to either Eldar or Meta.
  22. I'm going with Mus and saying Tie Fighter.
  23. you have 12 pms? I got two!
  24. only because jefferson was there.. if an american was there, it's important. otherwise your all a bunch of old fogies who have no purpose in history.
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