honestly? I felt that I was watching Bourne+XXX... I felt that it went way to over the top with the fighting...
Instead of a bunch of running around and pulling spy stuff (gathering intel and such) they had a look at a cell phone, a fight, a look at a computer, a fight, a evil look from a bad guy, a fight, a romancing scene, a man on foot running after a truck, a fight, poker, a fight...
you get the picture.
All the spy stuff felt like it was just a gloss. I donno but I kinda liked it back when bond only ever really fired maybe 12 bullets in the entire film. I'm willing to bet that if you took the exact same script and toned down the violence you'd get a bigger audience.
(the way my dad saw it, they just caused half their fanbase to run away screaming because it was so gritty. And all the blood and violence would cause most women to not see it)