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Everything posted by Calax

  2. probably head back to the Far east for their next one...
  3. figured out what it was... it was the state sanctioned psykers lightning arcs. they had two in the party and one lightning arc demoralizes any squad pretty easily. Finished my Tau game. As I suspected the IG posed the most difficulty. Tried a Necron game but found that the lack of voices and pace of the Necrons didn't appeal to me (the necrons rely entirly on power. which certainly isn't plentiful) so I swapped to IG. Found somthing interesting in fighting the Necrons with the IG... the IG SUCK at the beginning against necrons (well... anything really but they can hardly kill necrons) Once you get a hellhound you do better because of the fact that it demoralizes the opponent. But my entire IG strategy for the entire game is turtle until I have a baneblade then go to town. (for those who don't know the baneblade is a tank with 11 barrels of doom death and destruction). I think Necrons are going to be my nemesis this campaign but it might actually be the tau due to my heavy reliance (as a player) on infantry to get my job done. I think its interesting that out of all your opponents in the game. Only two actually don't blow up their stronghold. these two are the Eldar and the Chaos. otherwise when you beat the stronghold they decide to try and take you with them. (marines orbital bombard, Orks just activate a hydrogen bomb, IG blow up somthing thats a bit of a spoiler, and Necrons are one heck of a spoiler.) I cried because they added caps to the number of Kasarkin squads and Ogryns you can have (one of each) when my old strat was hold the line... get all Kasarkins and some Leemuns and kick butt!
  4. Just wait till I get my armored nobz on the way. 'Ere we go, 'ere we go, 'ere we go... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> don't forget the flashy gits... (shoota boyz on steroids) Just hope my broadsides don't get in on the action (movable static defense )
  5. Actually Kroots can be effective if you give them a shaper and their leap (this is the basic kroot team) because the shaper boosts their speed and health and the leap knocks down their opponent. Generally I only use kroots to disrupt the enemy infantry. As to the IG, they are good entrenchers (as their buildings can hold infantry) but when attacking I usually use Armor with a small heap of Basic Guardsmen and a few Kasarkin squadrons. The guardsmen are cheap and plentiful, so I use them as chaff to distract my opponent from attacking my better infantry attackers. Plus when fighting other infantry Guards get Grenade launchers that do splash and also knock down anything near the point of impact. Also the Ig's command squad is an excellent troupe to have. Ogryns are just tough little sods with very nice melee... I practically never use them. The Ig are a horror to fight with the tau, not so much because of their constitution but because there is just so many of them (think the orks green tide aussalts... but with ranged squads that also have a commander), and the fact that either the priest or the psyker (I think its the latter) can INSTANTLY break your morale.
  6. Dark Fleet? you refering to the Trawn series (Heir to the Empire, Dark Force Rising, Last command)? Because in those he's forcibly cut off by yalismiri. Edit: oh wait... your refering to the Black Fleet Crisis. Still he didn't even hear of such a technique... and even then I wouldn't put much stock in the series as the author turned the Falcon from a flying junkheap into militant pleasure yaht that could have taken on most cap ships and won.
  7. highly doubt it. and the 500 dollar system is actually the second level of stuff you can get (like the 360, how it had the core system and a system with a HD) Games will be about 70 I think.
  8. the mass shadow generator was able to manipulate Malachor 5's gravity into increasing geometrically. essencially they took tech from the Empire (the Interdictors) stuck it on a planet and let gravity have its way. In laymans terms... it ramped up the gravity so much the planet and everything within a certain distance was drawn to a certain point so fast that they were all killed/crushed. Not entirly sure how guys were walking around on the planet though.
  9. actually it turns out only the vehicles do this... If the bodies are fresh a necron lord can rez everything but after a while it's impossible. The campaign is a little stale. No real objectives in most of the maps except for demolish your opponents hq. Kinda like rise of legends without the pain of having to kill everything. So far, my nemesis with the tau has been the IG amazingly. Primairly because the IG is also infantry based but their infantry is designed to be so much chaff so that the kasarkin or orgryn or whatever squads will be able to murder my poor fire warriors. But the up side is that the only thing that can oppose me in the Space Marines is a dreadnaught, and that's if I haven't got the final tier of units yet. (the major letdown of the Tau is that they have trouble with a vehicles). Eldar just can't stand up to fire warriors range/power combonation. Chaos are just easy because the comp likes to spam cultists Orks are a pain. Because once they bum rush you enough and get in close you get murdered. usually I take care of this by having either a Crisis unit or my commander running around with a flame thrower. The best way to kill Tau is to get a bunch of fast infantry that are hand to hand and charge... if your fighting lone units of fire warriors it'll be easy because fire warriors have absolutly no Sight range. But if theres a pathfinder squad, or the Commander nearby your screwed because the Tau have such incredible range. Also tau bases suck for turtles because there is no such thing as a static defense... only listening posts.
  10. stupid orkies... you can't stand up to the power of the Greater Good!
  11. It's out? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> In america... My tau have only fought the Necrons once and learned somthing very interesting... Dead Necrons still count towards the pop cap. Because of the fact that necrons rez when friendies arrive. So if you just play turtle and hold out long enough against a necron aussalt you'll eventually have the entirty of their army and population at your base under guard (bombards are good for that) and then you take some disposable forces and attack the base.
  12. Warhammer 40k Dark Crusade.
  13. I would have liked to see somthing other than heavy industrial areas. The scariest part of that game was when Alma appears at the top of your ladder.
  14. I think it's known as the FIS.
  15. Swap Isreal for Germany. My local Paper did a huge spread about it (this is the Sacramento Bee) and said that there are five countries in the poliferation treaty: US, France, UK, China, and russia. Three other countries are KNOWN to have nukes: Isreal (who is militarily something of a puppet for the US in that they get 90% of their equipment from us) Pakistan India then it put NK in the "possibly" catagory that only contained NK
  16. do not EVER approach tau unless they are on the move or you can Jump into them (raptors and their like are REALLY GOOD against tau). Well Fire warriors anyway, Kroots are the exact opposite, Kick the crap out of them from a distance.
  17. Party like it's 1699! :D <{POST_SNAPBACK}> and for new old times sake the WOW version!
  18. "We Can't trust the sword of 1000 truths to a NEWBIE!"
  19. WOOO HOOO! This comes out tommarrow. Also gamespot has some really nice looks at the new units for each faction (eldar:harlequin IG: Heavy Weapons Squad Ork: Flash Gitz Chaos: Daemon Prince and finially the grey Knights of the Marines.)
  20. Didn't South Africa have nukes and give them up? I think they did. So it is possible. That example notwithstanding I agree that it is unlikely that a country will give up military capabilities. But they might let them decay if there is no perceived need for them and they are costly to maintain. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> but were they diplomatically pressured into giving up their nuclear capability or did they just do it because they were cool?
  21. US, Russia, India, Pakistan, China, France, UK and Germany are, I believe, the nuclear powers of the world right now. With NK theres nine total. It should be pointed out that once a country has nukes, it will never give them up via diplomacy.
  22. one of the oddities of WoW... goes from canyon to jungle in two feet.
  23. looks like a rat my family killed a couple of months back... Also sith have cats.
  24. He boxes them, and wins. And is making a postal movie. http://video.yahoo.com/video/play?vid=c860....929552&cache=1 I guess he thinks might makes right.
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