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Everything posted by Calax

  1. the formatting and language hurt my brainz
  2. Since movies. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> You have defeated me this day... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> also... in the future hackers will be the only thing between us and an oppressive Big Brother Tyrrany... or robots, take your pick.
  3. Halo!? Red Faction would be a better choice
  4. how about pure O2 Mk?
  5. I don't think that Baley is 26. And I don't think the AG's office is going to get their hands on the guy.
  6. ... shadows of the empire?
  7. It'd be funny to walk into a bar in Neverwinter and see Hades, Volo, Meta, and Cano (if he still posted here regularly) bickering about local politics.
  8. Also WOT posts don't count in the ticker over there < if it did hades post count would be horrendus.
  9. Ok, so refusing to go off and murder innocent women and children and taking a stand against injustice and dying for your beliefs would cause people to look upon you in shame? I'd totally be a draft dodger. If Canada became some sort of crazy imperialistic war machine, I think I'd skip out and go to australia or Ireland or something. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> when was the last time canada actually GOT INTO a fight with sombody? WWII!? I'd dodge the draft like neo dodges bullets.
  10. Welcome aboard... please fasten your seat belt and keep your trey table in the full upright and locked position for the duration of your stay is it is generally very turbulent here (at least in WOT and C&C)
  11. luckey
  12. Nihilus is Galactus from a certain standpoint Neither good nor bad, more of a immutable force of nature. (and their MO is the same) I don't think there should be such a thing as the dark side and light side given you can use almost any power incorrectly and it comes out hurting someone.
  13. sigh... you don't know the classics
  14. I'll need about three fiddy. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> reminds me of the guy on the price is right who said it was three fiddy for a camcorder. I only saw it because one of my classmates was on that day (so everone watched it)
  15. I didn't think you did... I was trying to communicate psychicly with the guy who did.
  16. Gifty... two things... What's the source/s? other thing was me trying to find the article, but instead found several sites about the urban legend of a teenaged babysitter who (while tripping on LSD) put the baby she was sitting in the Nuker and killed it.
  17. what... you haven't seen the picture of the crew holding signs? One of em actually says "Millar licks Goats!" actually found it!
  18. sounds like you've got a budding revolution... From the looks of things (at least what you've posted anyway) the president's actions have caused the people to go so much against him that he's been forced to use power tactics to try and muscle the population back under control. My guess is that if he wins the third time it'll be the kickoff to a full scale civil war/revolution And judging from the fact you can't toss him from office with a vote, you guys probably should draw up somthing that allows you to do that, AND attaches term limits to the leaders stay in office. I'm wondering if you have any other branches of the government that aren't subordinate to the prime minister. If so the easiest way to find a way out of this is to use that branch to pressure the pm into resigning, or to be the figurehead/leader of the rebel side.
  19. if your going to do that... do it without photo shop and without as many inaccuracies.
  20. Forces of Corruption... EMPIRE GETS BOMBARDMENT! :D :joy:
  21. Also I take it your reading Nextwave? :sigh: can't find the cover from the "not a cival war tie in" issue.
  22. I would think the babysitter... Beceaus the mother seemed (at least in the report) sane.
  23. Just one? And you call yourself a Canadian. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> bah... In russia the beer bets YOU! In russia they also bet four bottles of good vodka.
  24. ... Col. Mustard in the Library with a Candlestick...
  25. oooohhh the cavern of trancendance... GOLEMS FOR EVERYONE!
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