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Everything posted by Calax

  1. According to Battlefield: 1942, you should be able to kill the entire population of a small nation with impunity now. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> And according to Call of duty 1 you can snipe your enemies from a village over. COD2 says you can't hit squat. MoH says that that sucker is worse than a subbie.
  2. And you realize how much money the state makes off of the taxes the profession brings in? Imagine if it were legal in say... California. Cali's Economy would probably go through the roof
  3. why is it that every tic or mildly abnormal behavior is caused by some sort of abuse? Girls aren't nymphettes because they got abused by uncle lester in the feed storage that one time on the farm while mommy and daddy were out shopping. They like sex because sex is fun. Getting paid to do somthing fun is a Good Thing that we are all supposed to strive for.
  4. He was using sarcasm. Also, usually people arn't known on the WoW boards for being the "best" of XY or Z. If you wanted to have the sympathy, don't got to a bunch of anonymous people. Use your guildies boards.
  5. they made a particular point in saying that he was playing Ghost Recon (A violent video game) you know.
  6. actually.. it was only about 4 hours of playing it. I'm still trying to get used to the 360's sensativity so we took longer than usual to run it.
  7. in the past five hours, me and a friend went about half way thought gears of war.
  8. slashy slashy!
  9. actually malachor was pretty much cut from the game by LA to get the game out on time.
  10. Just wanted to revive this to say that I think that Daniel Way (of Wolverine Origins fame) is going to get canned soon. the two highest profile things have been him telling a fan that he didn't care what fans thought because his book still sold, then he put the derogitory term for a gay man down under a posters title because the guy gave an honest unbiased review of Origins on Way's board. and most recently, http://forum.newsarama.com/showthread.php?t=94069
  11. so... is your inventory in your pants like in Monkey island?
  12. btw strider... how do you subsytem target? and you guys mean this?
  13. actually aeris isn't from any of the ultimas... it's from Final Fantasy sevens midpoint.
  14. Of course it's a spoiler if she hasn't played it. Let's step through the logic: Darque hasn't played game, someone tells her something about the game, now the surprise (and possibly her enjoyment) is spoiled. Hence: spoiler. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I think the situation is compounded by the fact that she said "Hey, I'm playing NWN at the moment." It's one thing to talk about it in an open discussion and given its age, I wouldn't lose much sleep (any sleep) if someone mentioned it without hiding it in a spoiler tag. But when someone says "Hey I'm playing the game," it's a bit bizarre to just go out and state straight up what the end of the game is like. Even if she already has been spoiled from previous discussions. If someone where to pick up Ultima VII ( a 13 year old game now ), I wouldn't just blab the ending suddenly to them. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> One thing everyone knows (even if they don't know who the heck she is) is that aeris dies
  15. what happened to the grapics? supposedly bumpmapping is nonexsistant without you having some technical skill in overrideing the system. http://forums.relicnews.com/showthread.php?t=127244 the relicnews thread that made me ask ^
  16. I believe that one of the questions the USAF asks when interviewing for security clearance is "In the past 15-20 (not sure which) have you ever thought about taking control of the world?" Now if you ask this to a 25 year old person, they are going to have to say yes, because what adolecent DOESN'T want to control the world?
  17. dang.. Kitty be right... ah well, we can still discuss the thing here
  18. Calax


    So... I dislike Frank Miller with a passion...
  19. Calax


    Except that Superman in Frankies comics, is a complete wuss who is used by the government. Admittedly he's an earth bound GOD who's used by the government, but usually miller treats Superman like the worlds best punching bag and makes Superman into the bad guy.
  20. yup. Thats why he had to quit being a mod, because he got hired by bethesda. as to alan I'm not entirly sure... I just thought he might be able go give us a reason as to why they decided to use the Armada 2 engine rather than getting permission to use... say... the Homeworld 2 engine.
  21. Well Star Trek Legacy is out in America and according to things I've read, the game does horribly. I was wondering about the thoughts that you guys had and what shadowstrider might have to say (given he works at Bethesda) about this game. User reactions on gamespot: http://www.gamespot.com/pc/sim/startreklegacy/review.html Game Informer gave it somthing close to an 8.
  22. isn't the whole not confessing to a mistake thing somthign that's the subject of jokes about microsoft... you know when they put the wrong spelling on a word in one of their processors and they promptly use their massive marketing and financial power to cause the entire english language to change the spelling?
  23. Calax


    Note: If your going to try and insult me, get your facts strait genius. Yes it was a reboot but it was a horrible reboot. You don't have a high class jewel theif turning tricks for 20 bucks on the street because you want to be grungy. As for holy Terror, you don't send a fake character after a real thing for the same reason you don't send superman in to capture hitler. It wouldn't work because it'd feel all wrong. And no, theres nothing wrong with being a patriot... just somthing wrong when you think that batman is to be your vehicle for patriotism. Batman is the antithesis of everything the law stands for. If you want to be patriotic, be nice to Superman fer christs sakes. yes... I do like posting willy nilly with minimal checking of facts... it's fun and often gets more of a response than posting correctly
  24. isn't the teachers aide in Prek/k a mother who's got more time on her hands than she knows what to do with?
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