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Everything posted by Calax

  1. Huh, I think this was the only mark kotaku noticed to. And I can't help but feel a bit satisfied that West and Zamp can take their self importance down a notch.
  2. http://www.pcgamer.com/2010/11/09/e-sports...illion-viewers/ Somebody might have found a formula for e-sports to be broadcast in a not-korea country. http://www.pcgamer.com/2010/11/05/latest-s...veal-new-units/ http://www.pcgamer.com/2010/09/10/shogun-2...gn-impressions/ New shogun infos
  3. Well, the heat transfer would also depend on a variety of things too, including velocity, surface area, density et al.
  4. I think I know this answer. It didnt melt everything because it is contained within a magnetic field, much like the prototype fusion reactor do. I doubt that's necessary. Such results are extremely short lived. Even short lived that'd be a lot of energy that'd probably burn through several feet before it cooled enough to be a puddle. I'd have to be in magnetic containment. That said, I think it's quite possibly the "mini big bangs" that were generated were very similar to our big bang, in that they actually birthed a universe. It's just it got shunted off into somewhere else . *shrugs* I'll have to ask my advisor about it. Oh hey! My school is doing something on it that'd go completely over my head because I'm still undergrad!
  5. I have decided that the Governor of Texas is a complete ****.
  6. http://kotaku.com/5684775/review-call-of-d...rfare-redefined Kotaku thinks treyarch is better at Call of Duty than infinity ward.
  7. Sometimes a dumbing down is needed. Or at least a tweaking to make the game a bit easier. I mean liberty island was a pretty rough intro to the game and kinda tossed you head first into a wall expecting you to know how to hit the armor and rocket boots to get through. Invisible War showed just how NOT to dumb stuff down, had a few interesting concepts in it (my favorite was a pop start having interactive holograms posted all over that were modeled on her and would slightly change personalities to those she was interacting with), but it was dragged down by basic mechanics being to basic. *shrugs* I just hope they decide not to pull a Dead Rising and have a difficulty curve that isn't so much a curve as a brickwall.
  8. I think to be lovecraftian, A) there have to be things that are so far beyond the characters it's not funny B) Supernatural entities don't care about humans at all because we're so insignificant and C) Heros never win... ever. Even if they win in the short term, in the long term that just means they're even more screwed.
  9. Yes, iron man is iron.... I suppose superman is the man of steel... and this would be a former man of steel:
  10. Hurlshot, man of steel ... dude, collossus isn't the man of steel! SUPAMAN MUTHA FU*KA!
  11. You missed my point entirely volo... I mean after we'd basically annihilated the iraqi military machine in 91 they were in negotiations with us and an uprising was taking place in the south. The Iraqi military commanders asked to be allowed to launch their helicopters (not saying for what, but basically to turkey shoot any rebel in existance) and the American commander gave permission. If he hadn't Hussein would have fallen then due to a populace uprising.
  12. I personally don't deny that he was a bad man, but then just being a bad man isn't a reason to come in, and topple his government. Hell, if we (america) hadn't been complete idiots in 91 he'd have probably gone down then due to a civil uprising because he had no air support.
  13. Monte, I've found that usually on VP maps there's one close to axis, one close to Allies, and one in the center.
  14. After going back to Civ4 with the 2 XP's I think you are missing out. The more I play civ4 and more I see civ5 short comings and lack of ability to hold my attention for the same lenght of time. I would also suggest you give civ4 a try as well. You will see civ5 simply is dumbed down and lacks the depth and challenge of 4. Yeah I've read that Civ V has been simplified in a few ways. But since I've never played a game like the Civ series before (IIRC); I'll take the simplified version to get a feel for the overall type of game it is. Then I'll switch over to the hardcore
  15. Mainly I learned I slept like crap last night, and walked around a bit trying to find a bus before learning that they run only once every 45 minutes and even then they're not on time so I just said screw it and went home (was trying to move my car back to the stadium but I can do that tomorrow). I also learned that 4Kids entertainment (a company known best for basically slaughtering anime productions during "localization" like changing foods, turning guns into walkie talkies, changing theme songs, changing character names, removing anything that might be the most remotely violent or offensive to anyone...) is basically deader than a doornail. They were kicked off the NYSE and ended up as a "pink sheet" (basically really dangerous investment) within the past year. In the past two and a half years their stock price dropped from 25 bucks a share... to 52 cents a share.
  16. http://kotaku.com/5683023/this-guy-beat-fa...with-zero-kills
  17. Calax


    Niagra falls, the gobi desert... possibly yellowstone.
  18. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3wfmLrsxkAs I love the judges reactions.
  19. And yet the inherited politicians keep the purchased ones in check
  20. CANT! *leaps through the air and gets bashed down to the ground in anime style*
  21. Well... it's more that on standard time speed I've had a 12-15 city empire that had several turns where I did nothing simply because all my production ques were still working and I was at peace.
  22. uh... what about the blatant assertion of corruption? Is anything going to happen with this? (This is in reference to "I laundered 1 billion for the IRA and north african terrorists")
  23. I think a lot of people are pretty happy overall with Civ V. But my biggest problem with it is the fact that you can't cover massive tracts of land and still expect to culture that well, and thus will always have to deal with barbarian spawns, and the fact that often production takes almost to long (really... 7 years for a rifleman?)
  24. I feel like I'm accidently arguing eight sides to this.
  25. Thing is, early on you're not making 3-500 gold per turn, so you spend most of the time just sitting on your hands waiting for something to happen.
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