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Everything posted by Calax

  1. And they say PC gaming is dead. Well half the games on there are console ports.
  2. Yeah, that'd be Mechcommander.
  3. I donno monte, that's the most epic I found, but you can check the guys postings as he seems to have the entire Mech2 soundtrack up.
  4. Squeenix kinda failed at market research for FFXIII. From the sound of it, they didn't even care about the global market until somebody from the dev team slapped the producers over their heads.
  5. That would be the old gods in general. So far there are three known of, C'thun, Yogg Saron, and a nameless one impaled by a MASSIVE spear. C'thun was taken on in the AQ40 raid back in the vanilla game, and Yogg-Saron has been reimprisoned in Ulduar in Wrath. We (the players) haven't actually killed these guys, just sent them into remission if you will. C'thun is being revived for the expansion (I believe) and Yogg-Saron currently has the norse pantheon guarding it, now that we freed them from the crazy that Loken (Loki) hit them with. Anub-arak got a bit shafted in the expansion. He appeared "alive" in a 5 man dungeon. Meaning that he was literally killed over a million times during dungeon running. The fanbase yelled because it wasn't doing him justice, so the developers brought him back to life for the Trial of the Crusader raid as the final (technically "surprise") boss. There is nobody in Icecrown Citadel who a Warcraft player would know (I mean the strat games) beyond Arthas (I think there shoudl have been other guys in there that were with the King for a long time). Arthas is officially dead (mainly due to the souls within frostmourne rebelling against him). The way he died was... spectacular in showing the players that we are just insignificant gnats compared to him (as part of the fight, when he hits 10% life he waves his hand and kills your raid. Terenas, his father, appears out of Frostmourne, and brings the raid back to life and uses the souls in the sword out to hold Arthas while you beat him into the floor.) Although, by far the hardest boss fight was with Algalon the Observer. Admittedly he became easier with gear, but Algalon and Yogg-Saron are two of the hardest fights in the game currently (barring Arthas and Sindragosa hardmodes). Algalon is actually a Titan... In the ulduar story arc, you learn about Yogg Saron breaking his prison and subverting his guardians (mainly loken). As part of the 5 man arc (meaning before the actual raid) you enter the Halls of Lightning and fight Loken, killing him (of course). When he died however, a signal was triggered by Titan safeguards that informed them something was very.. very wrong (Loken had frozen the signal about Yogg's prison). They sent Algalon to investigate and determine if Azeroth should be rebuilt (meaning all life would be eliminated, and the entire planet sundered to start anew). So (of course) the raid has to fight back against Algalon, you actually "summon" him (basically they made it so you couldn't take him on until you were good enough to try) and get exactly one hour from the time you summon him to beat him, otherwise he departs to inform the titans that Azeroth needs to be reordered. For Lore sake, they say we beat him (very few actually pulled it off when it was "current") and apparently the denizens of Azeroth are the first to fight back, which causes a bit of an existential quandary for Algalon Basically he feels an emotion for once, and then gives you a code that'll prevent the other titans from rebuilding the planet while he wonders off to ponder this. ... Why I just went on that tangent I don't know.
  6. That's kinda what's been suggested with Cata. The Undead have attacked south and are hitting Gilneas, Night elves have been ejected from Ashenvale (which has been deforested) and the alliance has made a push into southern barrens.
  7. I want more Teron Gorefiend! Gorefiend subverting the Ebon Blade and having a DK civil war!
  8. Emerald Dream or bust. > That's been fix'd in a book. It's how we get Malfurion Stormrage back.
  9. Eh, I never really got that Vibe from Staghelm... I'd have preferred if they kept him as a sort of split for the Night elves factions but meh.
  10. Burning legion could make a resurgence
  11. They've actually said they're gonna base an entire expansion around her and what's in the maelstrom in general.
  12. Possibly the Maelstrom where you take on Queen Azhara
  13. HE COMES!
  14. from what I heard, Quantum of Solace was an average game. there are better ones out there (obviously)
  15. it's shopped, found it on Kotaku during their "breast cancer awareness" shopping contest.
  16. http://kotaku.com/5665407/blizzard-suing-s...ii-cheat-makers Well Blizz is trying to sue the makers of the trainer that they banned people for.
  17. The fact stands that at least one version of the game, at retail, was a buggy mess. You stating "wasn't for me" is A) post patch B) purely anecdotal and C) one data point does not the majority represent
  18. There were a great many people in WoW who said they'd drop it to go to Vanguard, too! And they did, but then it turned out vanguard wasn't for them so they came back
  19. There are several people I know in WoW who say that they'll drop it to go to ToR.
  20. Not your opinions, but you shouldn't deny facts like the one that it's a buggy mess
  21. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tmut6FBx4xk
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