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Everything posted by Calax

  1. I think the problem for the ai is that it's one unit per hex. Plus the arty stuff and ranged kicks them in the groin as they come at you piecemeal and you just have three archers wiping out entire armies. ... Now that I think about it, this reminds me of Empire Total War where you could be moving three units and a general around on the field and watch the enemies entire line constantly reorganize itself while the other 80% of your army cuts them to shreds. And the culture thing I think is to prevent the expansion that we saw in civ3 and 4. Also to make smaller empires viable (I much prefer three or four cities rather than having to rush out to get 12-18 before all the land is taken). and make them more specialized rather than specializing cities.
  2. There are a lot of problems with what you just wrote. 1. If you bought AC2, then you aren't a pirate. 2. Waiting for a fix or returning it are the proper ways of handling the situation. I don't buy Ubisoft products because of their online always policy. 3. Non-technical consumers are not technical enough to turn to piracy. Applying cracks and using torrents requires a decent amount of know-how. Piracy isn't all that convenient. You are opening yourself up to all sorts of problems. Cracked software typically comes with plenty of problems on its own. People pirate because they are cheap or they are impatient. Using torrents requires know-how? Whaaaaaaaaat? Hahahahahahaha. It requires know how that isn't easily available or covered. I mean how many people know how to use WORD much less download and figure out a torrent site, and then figuring out the actual torrent program and THEN getting half the stuff required to get the thing you just snagged to work.
  3. Why is it always that the most conservative of people are the most frightened of progress scientifically and culturally?
  4. I think that a lot of the information that we have re-discovered at the end of the dark ages was not just because the church preserved it, but also because the Arabic scholars preserved it. The dark ages did lead to a lot of information and culture being lost during the constant warfare, plagues, and search for money to survive, while he european society was collapsing Arabian cultures were thriving and they made many leaps and bounds in various fields. The problem with any religion is when extremely conservative reactionary groups come in and take over. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tiGT9V-SY04 That's Neal Degrass Tyson discussing how we get a huge pile of stars with Arabic names. And discussing where the number 0 and algebra etc come from while the church was triggering a massive brake on the societies educational and cultural growth. And he discusses how the same thing happened in Islam.
  5. http://www.escapistmagazine.com/videos/vie...ject-Ten-Dollar Actually that video kinda gives you a break down of the costs being attributed to where. At about 1:03 they bring up a pie chart that shows exactly how much goes where (for those unwilling to watch Retailers get 15, Returns are 7, Distribution is 4, Platform Royalty is 7 and the publisher gets 27 bucks of that 60 dollar game)
  6. it is what I'm playing.
  7. GTA IV was ok. It gripped you story wise but the whole friendship mechanic and stuff was just utter bs and should have been scrapped.
  8. The thing Hurl, is that while the Church kept good records and managed to support some science, they generally didn't allow much progress in the science *points to graph which is obviously bias but hey*. After all, Galileo, Copernicus, and others were censured by the church for deigning to even try to figure out the universe because their conclusions didn't fit with the "good book".
  9. The Sistine Chapel, the preservation of Latin, Hagia Sophia, the Jesuit Order, Rome... I could really go on and on. Christianity is an intrinsic part of European History. For better or worse, the Church was involved in everything that happened in Europe after the Fall of the Roman Empire. Here is an interesting question: If the Crusades never happen, does Europe still have a Renaissance? I would think so given the aristocracy was wiped out by the black plague. The thing is, the Roman Catholic church completely killed the scientific progress and even made it step back a bit. I mean would there need to be a renaissance if the church wasn't there?
  10. I suppose the reason for that is while being larger you have more sources of culture, but also it's harder to keep the ball rolling in terms of culture and often a cultural magician might end up completely useless because he is not recognized by being lost in the sea of people.
  11. Also we are still not entirely sure about the time the universe was formed. Current estimates place it at 14 billion years ago, but we are actually launching a telescope that'll tell us for sure if that's true or not (as it can see above 14billion light years)
  12. yep you fly in the old world now.
  13. whole new old world is being implimented :D. for example, stormwind!:
  14. http://kotaku.com/5653568/fallout-new-vega...s-time-for-cake Why is it on bethesda?
  15. The devs have actually said they regret the arena implementation. The ultimate problem with lich king is that it was A) very piecemeal in terms of how content arrived, and B) to easy for the dungeons and somewhat for the earlier raids. This would appear to be changing pretty well in Cata.
  16. PvP has basically devolved into arenas almost completely. There are rated battlegrounds, but in general battlegrounds are just honor farms while the "pro's" play in the arenas where certain class combination's are always ruling. They are adding a new mechanic to paladins (holy power) and changing the resource system for hunters (to "focus).
  17. He makes a lot of good points though, and presents evidence. Although his evidence could be about as well constructed as the evidence that young earth creationists use (which it seems to be given he cites the boston globe and world net daily). Particularly given that he tries to present that mini-black holes will expand and possibly eat the world as something posited by scientists when the source he cites (World net daily: here) states that it is random people who are contacting the organizations and saying "don't do it! you'll eat the world!" and making death threats against the scientists. Ok, I take that back, they also report on a news story they ran that a group of scientists (led by a chemist...) sue to stop it on the grounds, but the physicist (you know, the guys who work on this stuff) just said that that was a load of tripe. To put it basically, the law professor is citing non-scientific sources that seem to be heavily bias against the LHC. Hell, he's not even doing it on the LHC, he's doing it on the legal surroundings of the LHC.
  18. No, real men play City of heroes.
  19. http://kotaku.com/5652876/this-is-not-a-ma...better/gallery/ Awesome garrus cosplay http://kotaku.com/5653024/electronic-arts-...-medal-of-honor EA decides to pull Taliban as a playable multiplayer faction in MoH
  20. Thing about China and India going to war with one another is the question of "what do they get from it" beyond being able to laugh while millions die due to fallout and the simple satisfaction of being able to deal with an enemy. Both are currently overpopulated and would probably be trying to expand their territories to create room for that population. Mongolia would probably kiss it's ass good bye as it's almost inconsequential on the world stage and would get steamrolled by China, and India would probably either choose to expand via pakistan and afganistan, or down towards thailand IMO.
  21. There is no "speed of relativity" per se. There is light speed where you start moving at speeds that cause you to slow down in relation to other things (known as relativistic speeds) but in all actuality you can pull that stuff off by flying two gets around the world one high and fast the other low and slow. It's just that it wouldn't reach our perception until you were much closer to light speed (or C)
  22. HAI OPINION PIECE! Why did I imagine that in Tommy Wiseau's voice? "I DID NOT HIT HER, I DID NOT, IT'S BULL****, I DID NAAAAAAAAAAHT. OH, HAI OPINION PIECE!" What has that horrid movie done to me? Actually that's about the same tone I had in mind for that line.
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