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Everything posted by Calax

  1. True, but still, I gotta hype Glenn Cook somehow I'm guessing bungie might find something OTHER than Halo to do, but then if halo continues to be this lucrative probably not.
  2. I thought the point of robots is that they don't have feelings and thus you can abuse them and work them as much as you want... Racist. ... I wanna have babies with the car I'm making!
  3. Because they want to give you the black plague and watch you die slowly while everyone around you, who is infected, gets treatment and survives?
  4. I thought the point of robots is that they don't have feelings and thus you can abuse them and work them as much as you want... Am now stressing over a midterm that could cost me my grade and my school career here (because if you're a junior or senior you can be booted for having a sub 2.0 and I'm only taking one class...)
  5. Honestly, I found the infamous choice to be overall meaningless. Probably the best way to have done the third option was to set a timer that you had to climb up to one side, and then snipe the bomb or cutting mechanism that would kill the other side and make the timer fairly tight that you COULD do it, but you'd be down to 1 or 2 seconds by the time you finished.
  6. Who's plot was blatantly stolen from The Black Company. So? Whats your point? At least its a good pick. Its the only fantasy strategy game that I've played in the last decade whose plot was worth following. Well, when you use "creative" make sure you qualify that Stealing the entire story from another media isn't generally considered creative. I will give you the fact that they implemented a pretty good physics and formation engine, but not the story.
  7. Both places I've lived have been in heavily red areas (well, ok, so my school isn't so red) but it's usually at the point where you have to be one extreme or the other if you ever get into any sort of religious conversations. Doesn't help that half of the phil classes you can take are filled with 1 or 2 vehament atheists and 1 or 2 zealots for (insert religion here) that spend most of the class sniping at each other.
  8. Yeah, that's what I've heard. One of the best strats I've seen is massed roaches with winged lings to harass. Of course this is countered perfectly by M&M Terrans.
  9. HL2 suffers because the action just Halts at certain points as they want to push across exposition
  10. Wow blank, you're actually upping my opinion of the reverent.... Most of the ones I've talked to around here tend to go "Oh, you're an ATHIEST..." and then find their way to get away from me, probably thinking that if they don't get away I'll rape them/their girlfriends at the first chance I get...
  11. Who's plot was blatantly stolen from The Black Company.
  12. Well, my tenure at the place basically is for the entire time that they have as being eligable for so I am one of the highest earners out of the plantiffs
  13. about 725$. Also it looks like I lost almost that exact amount of books, games, movies and other malarky in the US mail. *twitch* Hopefully the guy who sent it (my dad) will actually take some responsability for his screw up and give me SOME cash (He sent it at a rate that doesn't track your shipment or move fast at all, meaning we have 0 way to know where it is beyond "it's between here and there!" and it's well past over due.
  14. Found out I'm in a class action suit against ye olde gamestop and am eligible to earn a pretty large chunk of cash. Gamestop could loose up to 4.7 million dollars to the suit plus the overhead.
  15. Hey, it didn't sound like a specific book so much as a literal chart on the wall......
  16. It should automatically download into your game.
  17. Can you give me like an amazon link for this?
  18. The JWST is a baby compared to this sucker (which coincidentally will also be paired with the most powerful super computer in the world - once it's invented!) problem with that is that it's under the atmosphere and thus gets interference from several sources compared to the space scopes which have much clearer pictures.
  19. *gripe* I have an urge to play a total war game, but Napoleon just takes to long to do anything and my rome game just went nuts when it leaves the battles for the strategic map causing my computer to reset due to a bad memory reference or something. *sigh* I need to run back home for a tiny bit and pick up a few games (Including most of my Midieval total war disks... I have kingdoms disk one but nothing else (thought the rest of the disks had been in there).
  20. Is she dancing? I think she's got a pistol off the side of the screen gangsta style and is firing (notice the flash?)
  21. Well... the Zeratul one is just friggin sweet.
  22. A) Before the Internet you had to get the whole album if you just liked a song, now you can get it cheaper without buying the album. That's loss of revenue right there. B)So did pirated games, except that there is no profit to be made by the uploader. Plus piracy only gravely affects small companies without many AAA games who rely on the few good pieces of IP that they have. A thousand lost sales for MW2 means nothing compared to all the profit it made. The 10 dollar project is another dead end just like buying DLC, they aren't usually very good. C)I'm not sure about those numbers, we already talked about how every p2p isn't necessarily a sale. A is debatable. itunes is a compromise basically formed out of what happened with napster. People didn't want to have to spend 20 bucks for 12 songs of garbage so they instead go for the 2 dollar single songs. Which in general nets more money for the producers. B) the big difference between used and pirated is that used there has to be versions circulating. That was my point with C as well, in order for gamestop to make that used sale, they have to also make a new sale in the first place for each version. Before gamestop can make 60 used sales they have to have sold at minimum 50 new versions. A pirate can buy one copy and have that sucker spread like wild fire over the 'net.
  23. Well, I think I found a good popular historical account (in the vein of killing angels) in http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Masters_of_Rome
  24. Thing is he made everyone else run, and completely changed how wars were fought.
  25. Ok A) the itunes stuff still delivers royalties to the record companies B) Used games still had that first sale made, and even now companies are trying to build around gamestop's used program (see EA's project 10 dollar) and C) The thing about p2p for lost sales is that the company gets 0 for the 100-600-however many peers that that one copy brings. In theory, Rockstar could get a total of 28 bucks for 1 copy of GTA that is pirated so much that 18 million people have it.
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