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Everything posted by Calax

  1. Except that if a retailer can't sell an item to those below the age of 17, they might not carry it, which would kill that products sale and possibly it's developer. Also, comparing this to porn is... stupid. It's better to compare it to what comic books went through in the 70's with the Comics Code Authority after a whack job said "If you show your kids comics they'll become homocidal maniacs!" using the same logic as "If you let your kids breath they'll become Homocidal Maniacs!" It took until the 90's for them to get rid of the CCA and they only got rid of it because they did a PSA specifically for the government.
  2. yeah, the reports of it being short is the major "hmmmmm" thing for me. I mean... I don't want it to be like Mirrors Edge (short, but amazing until that 19th time you're trying to pull of a jump and can't seem to make it then getting shredded by things), but I also love the feeling of insane powah you got from the first one. Everyone is praising the combat (on of the things eurogamer was ticked about was the fact that QTE's are back to let you do awesome things without having to memorize an 90billion button finishing move), but seem to get hung up on the story and length.
  3. No. The state has the "right to protect children" although its more a "responsibility to protect their citizens" but in this case, the law breaks fed constitution, so even if this was "Don't let the KKK hold a protest on a brooklyn school's playground" the freedom of speech would still have it be allowed (assuming proper permits were given etc). Just because you think something shouldn't be said, or is harming somebody by saying it, doesn't mean that it is censurable. This blatantly is the Cali legislature trying to parent the millions of children within their boundaries. IT IS NOT THE STATES JOB TO BE A PARENT IN PLACE OF THE ACTUAL PARENTS. If this law ends up sticking, You'll see a deluge of legislation aimed at this, and other media that are considered adult to criminalize their sale, which will lead the distributors to stop selling it, which will end up causing all forms of entertainment to be most "risque" at PG.
  4. TFU2 to me seems like it'll either be a game I love and think that the reviewers were to harsh on because I was easily able to get over their problems, or I'll hate for the reason the reviewers talk about As to LA, anything that has the star wars brand is LA in some way shape or form.
  5. Out of all characters I played so far I think I dislike Ieyasu the most. Now I'm finishing story paths with Oichi, she is a juggernaut I will probably get DW6: Empires or DW: Strikeforce soon, I'm not sure which one to pick. uh... neither? Both are horrible. Ieyasu seems hard... until you figure out that one of his special abilities (R2 and square I think) you keep mashing square and it goes into a combo string until he's keeping 40 guys afloat with just his fists. Of course, i'll always have a soft spot for him because he gave me a 5k combo (Used his L2 hold ability as big as it could get, on probably 100 guys... and it knocked out a base commander at the same time).
  6. To sum up euro gamer: "The story is simple, the level designer needs to be replaced again, and force grip is worse than before. Otherwise nothing has changed".
  7. Actually, I think this is more a reaction to "Oh crap, we made a boring lifeless game!" on Cryptics part. The gameworld was designed so you were all one one "plane" with each server running a different section of the world, but it was so big and the grouping was terribly handled (particularly in comparison to their other game, City of Heroes) that it felt dead. Also, broken powers and the fact that none of the different power sets felt different (because they designed it so you could mix and match... meaning you could be super strong with nuclear farting powers, and kill the same thing as a guy who grew toenails and could generate static electricity). If you were melee you had a power to get you to your target, a power to build up momentum, and then several abilities to string together for combos. If you were ranged you had your momentum builder, a charge up ability, an aoe ability, a hold down and do a huge number of hits ability, and your nuke. And that's really it...
  8. Well, last night I learned that for the most part, people won't have a friggin clue who I am if they google me for two reasons 1) I go by my middle name 2) You google my name and get 40 walk throughs and 4 wikipedia entries as well as my facebook page and about a skillion websites that contain my family name and personal name in the same mass of data. Today I woke up early to have my blood drawn and get a few things for this nutrition study I'm in and had to walk through some heavy rain, and seriously strong winds. I'm proooobably not going to be leaving my room today except to run to the bus.
  9. I was talking to a Chinese immigrant lately. He lives in Canada now, but he moved from China to Australia originally. Then he left Australia because, his words, "Australia's worse than China". I find it quite scary to hear that from someone who has lived in both places for many years. Maybe the western world needs to stop trying to save the poor asians everywhere and fix their own deep **** first. Admittedly I don't know him that well, but my roommate (from shanghai) seems to not mind China. The other one from Xuzhou province is more outgoing and technically knowledgeable (to the point he was using internet proxies etc while still there.)
  10. Calax


    "First man in rome" by Colleen McCullough. It's... interesting. The wording makes it feel like Shakespeare and is almost to poetic for me. Also it feels a bit slow and like you're being whip lashed around the story between perspectives. Of course I'm only 40 pages in so *shrugs*
  11. weren't people saying about the same things about Cataclysm at the same time last year?
  12. Blizzard misses the point behind trademarking a name.
  13. IIRC (didn't watch much of the Diablo stuff) They said something along the lines of "We wish we could put the necromancer in here, but it couldn't live up to the amazingness that was the D2 necro"
  14. They kinda said that the assassin is going to be based around a mix of amazon and assassin abilities. Specialty is dw crossbows. Also announced is a PvP and PvE realm division, so that those who like to kill other players have their own area (and arenas actually) while those who like slaughtering monsters for loots don't have to worry about the flying barbarian of dooooooom. They also said they were probably going to bring back the hints at what happened to the characters of the previous games (I think mike chu said that in one of the panels).
  15. Aye, this be true!
  16. When I first saw this I thought it said "your brain could be blessed" O.o
  17. I like Ieyasu's attack chains better than Mitsunari's meself.
  18. Apparently a mall near my family's home has lit on fire and is so awesomely on fire that CNN and FauxNews talk about it! http://www.cnn.com/2010/CRIME/10/21/califo...ex.html?npt=NP1
  19. Don't you guys have riots if a soccer game doesn't go your way?
  20. http://www.escapistmagazine.com/videos/vie.../2216-Mailbag-1 Mailbag episode. It is just friggin AWESOME
  21. I'm surprised you didn't include Archimonde in there given his "If anyone dies' you're completely boned" and "Here, have a trail of fire that you leave and have to avoid everyone else while doing it and make sure that it doesn't block people" mechanics.
  22. do you mean Oliver, who won the "mother****ing lottery, man"? he actually was very helpful, as soon as I finished talking to him, he ran off right into the radscorions' nest and drove them away from me. saving my life A-yup. Scary part is he actually looks pretty close to me
  23. I am somewhere in that video and so far people have told me "I shot you in the head" and "I watched a rad scorpion kill you"
  24. *looks around on youtube* boy, did they like find one of the various photos I have up on teh webz of me for my npc? Although the voice is rather high
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