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Everything posted by Calax

  1. Hell, NCsoft just released an expansion to City of Heroes, which most people have written off but still makes money.
  2. One thing that somebody smart once said is that the most successful mmo will be one that is almost nothing like WoW in any way shape or form.
  3. I have now started to try to figure out if I could make it to the Jon Stewart Rally for Sanity! In washington DC on october 30th. Funny thing I noticed while just browsing around the interwebs about this... Most headlines were neutral (as were the articles) except for (of course) Fox. They had a tag up that said "Permit dispute arises over Stewart rally". For giggles I read the text and the "dispute" was just that the guy from the parks service hadn't confirmed anything to fox. The only other negative thing I saw was something from the "bighollywood" blog or some such where the poster said that Stewart couldn't get a crowd the size of Becks unless he promised to be tarred and feathered... EVER.
  4. ok... I'm gonna see if i can find my way to DC for that...
  5. ok, so the monkey island on sale isn't the Tales stuff... (the stuff from the past few years). It's "Secret of Monkey Island" and "Monkey Island 2"... the 90's LA adventures!
  6. Ok, GD I wasn't saying that Feds should be big or small in my opening statement, rather that the Constitution (and the apparatus that it describes) wasn't necessarily designed with the current size of the US (both in population, and geographical terms) in mind at all. Similarly they didn't think there would be an internet, telephone, or any other method for information to be transcribed across hundreds of miles of land within seconds. This was mainly to point out that the Constitution isn't a be all end all document that will always be relevant. Ok, so you're saying that the amendments are a part of the constitution, I thought so. Then as part of the protection of civil rights and equity, Education and abortion are fairly within the realm of Feds. Gay Marriage has been a State issue from the beginning and is only really pushing up the ladder in the court system due to a civil rights issue. Financial reform HAS to be done by the feds because they're the only ones allowed to really touch the economy in a meaningful way. California couldn't say "I'll give you 400 billion BisonBills for your toxic loans" to a bank and actually, you know, been able to do anything. Unemployment is everyone's problem, and the feds get blamed so they have to do something. See the biggest problem I can see with your current stance is that rather than being one cohesive nation with a national identity, all of a sudden we're 50 nations, with the same language, money, and a set amount of tithing to a coop defensive force. Nothing more. Also a lot of your problem stems less from the federal government itself and more from the use of the court system (which was set down by Marbury v Madison as having this exact power...) to review laws for constitutionality, and strike down state laws you think are state matters as federally unconstitutional. Thus Abortion, Gay Marriage, and Education (to a degree), have all felt a federal touch via the court system at least once. Had the feds jumped fully into Abortion or Gay Marriage and made a law about it banning it, then my current residence in Iowa wouldn't be able to have gay marriages, and nobody could have an abortion (you know, like they couldn't before Roe v Wade?). Edit for Gorgon: The Tea Party, from what I can tell, has mostly been played as a cohesive unit by Fox News. I've seen a few interviews in papers that show that they don't have any centralized leadership, nor really any binding issue beyond the financial one. As such they have a diverse grouping that Fox likes to show off (while hushing up their lack of centralization). Fox is probably the only reason the Tea Party is so big, if they hadn't started singing the party's praises then the party probably wouldn't have made itself national and instead been more grassroots instead of "Astroturf" (In a New York Times op-ed column, economist Paul Krugman, wrote that "the tea parties don't represent a spontaneous outpouring of public sentiment. They're AstroTurf (fake grass roots) events, manufactured by the usual suspects. In particular, a key role is being played by FreedomWorks, an organization run by Richard Armey. -taken from wikipedia)
  7. GD, one of the problems with strictly adhereing to the constitution like that, is that it wasn't designed to handle a nation that is this large and with this particular population density. I mean electoral college as set up is designed because the members of the college would take the votes of those in their area, then be the one to report what they thought to the feds. Also, in Article One Section 8 you get this: Which doesn't exactly conform to your particular hard line view of how the federal government should operate. It specifically says that Congress has the power to enact laws that are necessary and proper for the governing of the people, and to protect their rights. Several of the things you thought the government shouldn't have a hand in would fall under the necessary and proper clause mixed with the Bill of Rights. And then there is also that "pursuit of happiness" thing. Also, I am assuming that you would be including the amendments within your definition of strictly adhering to the Constitution correct? And Dagon, "liberals" (probably the most generic term I've heard of in the political arena...) aren't the only ones who run to the supreme court. It's just that usually the question placed before the court is one that a republican/conservative group has forced that tends to impede on rights.
  8. Ironically nobody realizes that they stole the stories concept from Glenn Cooks "The Black Company". http://myth.bungie.org/legends/relics/blackcompany.htm http://blackco.tripod.com/myth-n-bc.html
  9. The Monkey Island series (the new ones) are on sale for 750 right now.
  10. Eh, not usually. At least not in my social circle, it was kinda an invisible because not many people played games/RTS's at the time. Also it as initially a Mac title.
  11. So? I'm sure they'll release the english version soon.
  12. Has anybody mentioned Myth and Myth2 Soulblighter?
  13. NEW TRAILER! http://kotaku.com/5640498/deus-ex-learns-j...s-trigger+happy
  14. If you're axis one of the hardest times you'll have is against Airborne US commanders under AI because they're cheaters so unlimited manpower and a good sight of the battlefield (don't know if they get full sight or not) means that there will be a constant stream of paras and at guns dropping on you.
  15. I'm much better now... just took two days of being a hibernating bear to get rid of it.
  16. part of the afganistan and iraq bungling was that the administration didn't follow marine standard doctrine for that sort of thing.
  17. I would use the picardfacepalm.jpg but Ive retired its use in honor of Hades passing. That same trillion dollar savings is going right back out the door, most likely x3, for UHC over a decade. Wheres the savings? That same 100 billion per year could buy us 9 new aircraft carriers PER YEAR, which would at least produce something tangible instead of creating a money hole. Not to worry though, "the rich" will be taxed into paying for it all. That work instead?
  18. How would we know if we're patient zero until people are dying in droves?
  19. The Somalian debacle was actually because they weren't allowed to have heavy weapons. Also the whole thing was run by UN. In any case, the issues in Somalia have almost nothing to do with Iraq and Afghanistan, it was sold as a humanitarian mission, not a counter-terror or threat to US mission. Well A) Afganistan was taken under the UN aegis (technically) and B) certain members of the media tried to sell us the Iraq war as a humanitarian mission as well as a "proactive defense".
  20. And the other man is a c***. Not necessarily, branding somebody as a terrorist is a good way to sway the population to the side of the established authority. People are overly reactionary to call everyone who disagrees a terrorist sympathizer or a terrorist.
  21. http://kotaku.com/5639336/steel-battalion-...roller/gallery/ http://kotaku.com/5639355/steel-battalions...o-new-york-city Steel Battalion coming soon, and it's a Kinect game
  22. 1 trillion dollars less government debt every decade is "nothing"? How economically responsible of you. I'd rather pay a trillion for defense than for social programs and other such bull****. So... basically, you'd rather have grunts shooting weapons who can turn things into mush, than an intelligent and stable population. Gotcha, have a military to defend an idiocracy.
  23. Woke up yesterday with the mucus sore throat, figured it wasn't much and started in on a nutritional study. Today I'm sick as a dog, can't breath, don't have much energy, and spent half the day napping and skipped class I felt so bad. Fortunately I'm going to the health center tomorrow anyway so I can probably pick up some cold meds then.
  24. Just gonna say, one mans terrorist is anothers freedom fighter.
  25. Empire at War is 5 bucks... good for the space battles but that's about it.
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