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Everything posted by Calax

  1. Woke up, did a bit of gaming, then had to get out of my building because the fire alarms went off. Turns out somebody burnt pancakes on the 4th floor. Basically we ended up just parking ourselves outside for about 30 minutes while the FD showed up to check it out. Met a blind girl while out there and we got to talking. Hopefully I can find her again and start a bit of a relationship, she seems fun.
  2. In the first book it's not that prevalent, but later books have everyone taking on mormon ideals and having fantastic lives. If you wanna see him get REALLY preachy on the subject, read Folk of the Fringe or the Enders Shadow series.
  3. ... Enders Game?
  4. More like "And with that, Duke Nukem never saw store shelves because they were rated AO."
  5. http://www.nzfortress.co.nz/forum/showthread.php?t=20768
  6. Problem with our level of population right now is that if something happens that kills the infrastructure we're totally boned. Japan would die off pretty quick if you cut off their trade simply because of their population problem. Sure they have some good ideas about how to deal with it (hydroponic greenhouses indoors, building up rather than out) but if something goes wrong, boom... population crash (and possibly evolution is triggered because of the lack of being able to move around.
  7. Not sure, they might have it set up so that you can go to your last checkpoint (either your objectives changed or you completed a bonus). I ended up getting frustrated at my Online matches and did some Lehr campaign from Opposing fronts. I love that campaign... putting MG's in slit trenches overlooking water that people try to do amphibious landings is delicious.
  8. Monte, I had a guy with 6 at guns and several supporting units just sitting there because he was afraid to advance.
  9. Gah, I need to play the game with friends... my allies are to content to sit back and defend rather than go for the points so my opponents always charge up and take 2 points while I snag one and defend it.
  10. I've played two random games thus far. One was a 1v1 match that I dominated by posting infantry at two of the victory points and the american player just couldn't disloge me without armor that he didn't get. The other was a 3v3 match that I lost because while one of my teammates did pretty well, the other was a defensive doctrine like me, but ONLY produced 88s when he could. So eventually the point he kept trying to go for was surrounded by captured 88s. And he finally hit his 3rd tier as the game ended and I was trying to snip all the 88s into inactivity and then charge around with a panther. *RAGE!*
  11. It bases it off the speed at the second you look at it... so one minute it could be 20 seconds, then you flick on a quick image download and it goes to 100 hrs.
  12. All multiplayer games will be Axis vs Allies. So you'll never see Whermacht or Lher teaming with America or Britan. Also my Steam Account is [soDOff]Calax. And my Company of Heroes name (for the actual games anyway) is Calax
  13. Napoleon solved a lot of the screw ups in empires (as in, made something other than line infantry actually worth it, and more than just three battle maps). And its campaign sizes were smaller so you didn't have to deal with swarming over the map and microing 18 different relationships.
  14. Installing now. Monte, I need a way to yell at you to play COH or COHO.
  15. They should make more of em explode and set action movies on em.
  16. One thing I've found in life is that if a couple get... aroused and they want to do it (as in they have their partner) they WILL find a way to satisfy themselves, usually ends up without any protection so you get a kid in 9 months sometimes.
  17. Boy, I guess my grandpa should have kept a small investment in his NY oyster business.
  18. http://news.blogs.cnn.com/2010/09/02/rescu...in-gulf/?hpt=T2 Yeah, another oil rig just exploded.
  19. the EVIL takeda? grrrr... they better at least give Nobiyuki Sanada his due (he died only because he tired after killing a HUGE number of people at the battle of Osaka Castle.
  20. for those who don't know this is basically that we shouldn't be constantly increasing our population and should work to lower the amount of people per generation. It's usually proposed by those who are seriously worried about overpopulation which I can understand.
  21. Let me know if you are up for some multiplayer (V CPU perhaps) as it's my main online gaming fetish. The OC is very good, Cherbourg is even better in a skirmish v CPU (you can download the map for multi-player, funnily enough the OC maps don't generally make it onto multiplayer mebbe their not symmetrical enough). I'd be up for it. I'd need to get back into my groove, and I need to get my copy of Opposing Front from home at SOME point...
  22. Runnin through Company of Heroes campaign again. It's easier than I remember although Cherbourg is still probably the best of the campaign levels.
  23. *snarls and leaps on Purk*
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