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Everything posted by Calax

  1. If I may, If wikileaks hadn't posted this information how much of it would be discussed? And if the discussion didn't happen then how could the public make a call on if their leaders were doing a good job or not.
  2. The main complaint I've heard about it is that when they decided Samus was going to talk, they didn't realize that at some point she'd probably need to shut up. Literally everything I've seen has said that.
  3. This is just me, but even if what you say is true LC there's still the fact that for the MASSIVE part of the game the only thing you see, through action and rumor, is their dark side. Nipton, Boones wife, the rangers outpost, plus rumors all point to "LEGION IS EVAL!" Now I've only just gotten to vegas and haven't entered the strip, but I have yet to see anything good the Legion has to offer to anyone. I find myself more drawn into New Vegas than 3 and I can't quite put my finger on why. Best guess is that I always seem to have a finger pointing me in the right direction and I don't have to dig my way through subways to get to the next point. F3 always felt more about yutzing around rather than following a distinct track, while New Vegas has a very linear sequence of events that doesn't require you to traipse all over the blasted place just to get to the next section of the main quest. Seriously, it's just kinda one big U to Vegas, while in 3 you're going this way then that way, then back, and often I felt like I didn't have a real direction. Admittedly this is probably more of a bash towards sandbox games as a whole, but there is something to be said for linearity. At least I know where I'm going rather than just having a fuzzy idea and a four mile obstacle course to get to the approximate area.
  4. New Deals! Tales of monkey island 2 2.50 Metro 2033 10.00 Alien Vs Predator (the new one) for 6.80 And KotOR for 2.50
  5. When you saw him on the tv you knew what what you were seeing and sometimes that was exactly what you needed.
  6. Well... I've been using my compy chair from my school quite a bit... to the point I just broke the back brace off from the rest of the chair... rassafrassa. At least the desk downstairs should be open.
  7. Calax


    http://kotaku.com/5700983/south-korean-pol...-isnt-starcraft When asked by the South Korean Congress as to why the response was delayed in a retaliation, the Defense chairman said "This isn't starcraft".
  8. So... I just got the game (yay for 30bucks at gamestops online store) and gotta ask... Anyone know how I can make my own face for the pc? Here's what the Obsidian guys did:
  9. The fact of the matter is, Piracy will happen, and in the digital media section, you have to find a way to moderate between "You must have your gene sample on file with this game to play" and "Here, take it for free, just give us money if you can". Everyone flips out when I say this, but Steam is possibly one of the better drm scheme currently active as it provides a bonus to the player (with the community equipment) as well as the DRM built in. One thing I think nobody is really looking at is the abuses going the OTHER way, usually in the fact that due to the nature of the 'net, people can claim copywrite infringement with minimal connection to them and have something removed that disagrees with their views. This mainly pops up on youtube and I've seen it mostly in videos relating to Intelligent design, creationism and evolution (with false DMCA filings being used to remove an opposing view or rebuttal). This has also been used by entertainment companies to remove web reviews of their media from the 'net in order to prevent it from being ripped apart (most sterling example is Tommy Weisu taking down any and all videos reviews of his only movie "The Room"). The problem here is that it's REALLY easy to file the claim, but bloody hard to get it removed. Problem with the users is that they want everything to be on the honor system, problem with publishers is that (being businessmen) they'd want to charge you for breathing if they could. And trying to strike a balance in the 'net (which is barely able to be regulated, much less moderated) is going to be akin to trying to get a cat to stop snubbing it's owner.
  10. I still use XP
  11. Why don't you buy it and spread the love yourself? Edit: Uh, related but http://kotaku.com/5700678/these-gaming-dea...-monday-edition friggin gaming deals.
  12. Yeah, most everyone agrees that the Cod4 is worth the money.
  13. http://masseffect.g33kwatch.com/?page_id=42 Another marathon, this time it's Mass Effect. I didn't post it before because it wasn't to significant... until the PS3 producer for ME2 entered the chat and started... dropping hints.
  14. I think my roommate may be working on something relating to this.... he had his computer run a simulation about photons being destroyed.
  15. Ok, Portal is 6 for 15 bucks and freedom force is 10 for 7.50
  16. I'll take one, left my disks at home in Cali
  17. Deus Ex is AWESOME! But no longer on sale anymore unfortunately. Left 4 Dead 2 is on sale in a 6 pack for 25 bucks
  18. Honestly, all you'd be missing is the aesthetic. For the most part the really epic quests were never done because you went to outland so fast. The new world design actualyl makes leveling much easier because between 30-58 you aren't traipsing from one end of the world to the other in the name of questing.
  19. And when you don't feed her
  20. I get the feeling however most people consider that nationalistic wars ware more... justifiable than religious ones. And reading the court order, the mother sounds like more of an idiot than the father. The father is only really mentioned once in a negative light, when he failed to manage his anger once and sent a whole pile of texts at his ex. Meanwhile mom had evidence of being neglectful (leaving kids home alone, not feeding them breakfast or buckling them into the car).
  21. They didn't so much remove and replace as overwrite. The zones are still there but they've been updated to reflect the changes that have happened since the original game came out. So basically they move the time span ahead by 3-5 years. AND HERE'S WHY JOHNNY!
  22. http://richarddawkins.net/videos/552151-fa...-being-agnostic *jaw drops*
  23. I think that they did a lot of graphics updating this expansion. I was running around on a lower level priest and found an AWESOMELY funny quest where you help a... special druid work with the cenarians. By special I mean this druid turns into water form on land and wonders why he's upside down and can't move, goes bear and can't see, goes kitty and randomly pounces around, and goes boomkin form and moonfire spams himself until he's out of mana.
  24. Calax


    http://www.cnn.com/2010/WORLD/asiapcf/11/2...T1&iref=BN1 Basics are: N. Korea fired about 200 rounds of arty onto a S Korean island, killing one injuring 15 others (two civies). It's in about the same area that a S. Korean ship sank under suspicion that it was a N. Korean torpedo attack.
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