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Everything posted by DarthShad

  1. Sorry to resurect this topic, but I thought I will let people know that this game WORKS on a Intel 82865G motherboard. I've already finish the game and have only experienced two or three CTD's.
  2. Okay. Here are a few: - Characters. They have more and better personality than the first KoTOR. - Story. Well written and thought out. The plot "unfolds" while you progress in the game, and imo, that's a great way to keep to keep the player interested. - Ability to break down components. Great addition. - Prestige classes. Another welcome addition. - Influence system. Yes I have to agree that it could've been a little better, but it is good enough. There you go. Of course, that is my opinion, and I'm sure some people will disagree, but you asked for some examples.
  3. Well, you have a funny way of liking a game. Almost every thing you said was negative. To each his/her own, I guess...
  4. And it will keep going until a patch is released...
  5. Volo, you are entitled to your opinion, but if it isn't sustantiated with all the facts, then you don't have the whole picture. Finish the game first, THEN post your review on the plot. Besides that, yes there are bugs, and a few inconsistencies, but that doesn't make it a bad game.
  6. Yeah...way to soon for a patch.
  7. Don't know if there is, but you should be more respectful of other people.
  8. This happened to me as well. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> That happens no matter what. .
  9. Well, the same thing happened with the first KOTOR. The game came out, and a lot of people were having problems and reported a lot of bugs. Maybe its just the engine...
  10. Yeah, same here.
  11. That's a good point. The spoiler forum is way too big now. Finding something might take hours...
  12. Hmm... are you going to start 'rebalancing' it right away? (w00t) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> :D Well I have to handed it to you, Hades. That's a pretty great attitude. If you don't like something about the game, then mod it. I knew you would see the "light" ...
  13. Finally some official word. Well, it's only two more days than what Gamestop.com and Ebgames.com predicted. Not too bad... If i've waited this long, two more days won't make a difference...
  14. Er...well you will still buy the game even if it comes out on the 15th...
  15. Yeah...but I don't think they will add new quest/locations. It wouldn't be fair to the Xboxers, specially considering that KotOR 2 doesn't support XBox live.
  16. I want this game so bad...I can't wait...there must be something for "KotOR 2 deprivation syndrome"
  17. Geez I need to pay more attention....
  18. Epiphany from what I've read in your posts, you hated this game. Well, that is your opinion and you are entitled to it. But some players have enjoyed the game so much, that they had overlooked some of its flaws. Just because you dislike the game, doesn't mean everybody else does...
  19. I don't see any reason to bash the original poster. He enjoyed the game and he saw more in it than anybody else in this forum. Actyually, I think that Obsidian wanted to give us a very dark chapter in the KotOR saga. And for what I hear (I haven't played the game yet), they succeded. The real world is not absolutely light or dark, it has shades of gray that the game portrayed perfectly. I guess we, the gamers, are used to perfectly defined good or evil characters. To me, that is extremely unrealistic. Besides it is always refreshing to hear some positive feedback from people who have already played the game. Great post ATB!
  20. There are female sandpeople in the enclave. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> And how excactly do you know this? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> They were a bit slender and had a slightly different attire or mask. You could tell easily that they were female. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Of course the floating bubble above their head labeled "Female Sandperson" greatly assisted in decipering... " <{POST_SNAPBACK}> :D Right! I wasn't sure of the floating bubble so I didn't post about it here.
  21. You know, Darth Ni. You're right, I overlooked that detailed. I thought the site was referring to Feb 5 not Feb 2005. I posted this in another thread, and now I see I was wrong. Damn! I guess I want the game so much that I didn't pay too much attention. Sorry about that. Anyway, Gamestop.com and Ebgames.com post the release date as Feb. 8 - and I don't think they referring to Feb 2008 . Hopefully the game will available around that time.
  22. I agree with Hades. The story is the same so therefore there is no need for a spoiler forum. What we should have is Technical Support forum for the PC version. Edit: Spelling
  23. There are female sandpeople in the enclave. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> And how excactly do you know this? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> They were a bit slender and had a slightly different attire or mask. You could tell easily that they were female.
  24. Yeah. Those three dark jedi were very annoying after a while.
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