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Everything posted by DarthShad

  1. References to what movie? Please do tell...
  2. Interesting theory. And that would also mean that one of the Sith you must fight is Bastila. That would be great because not only would you be able to see her again, but you could be responsible for her dead. Not that I hate Bastila or anything, but at least that would be better than having her killed offscreen.
  3. Er..., if Alan Dean Foster 'ghost' writed it you won't see any source credit him as the writer. That's the whole purpose of ghost writers, do the job for some big shot name who will get all the credit and leave you with a few dimes in exchange... Perhaps...but I don't think that GL would've have let someone else write it. At that time, he wasn't very popular in Hollywood, he was even rejected as a director for Flash Gordon. Without popularity and little money I doubt that he would have hire someone write it. He may have asked for a few pointers and/or opinions, but someone else writting it? Hmmm...doesn't sound right... I guess some people think GL didn't write EP IV because he could've done a better job with the prequels (story wise, of course).
  4. Not to rain on your parade...but that aint happening...ever... Thank god.
  5. Well if IMBD says it's George Lucas, then that is how it is. Here's the link: IMDB
  6. Yes definitely Yuthura. Hopefully she escaped the academy (after being turned to the light) before it was destroyed.
  7. :D :D :D Now that's funny!!!
  8. Hmmm...but you are suppose to be a new PC on KotOR II. You are not Revan anymore.
  9. Yes, the Devs have said that it is going to be much darker. The pictures were taken from the demo Obsidian presented in E3. They said that demo does not have anything to do with game. They were just showing off some of the cosmetic changes to the engine (like robes). So I wouldn't worry about having a few quiet places every now and then. After all, there is a story that needs to unfold, and I doubt that it would be represented through a bunch of lightsaber fights.
  10. Yes. That he is. Although Episode IV was well written, IMO. I don't have a major problem with the first 2 episodes, but I know he could've done better in terms of story. The problem with GL is that even though he has an awesome imagination, he is not so profiecient in story writting. Actually, I think I heard in one interview (don't know when), that he really hated this particular aspect of movie making.
  11. Agreed. The thug approach was really lame. I would have preferred a more intelligent approach to the dark side. Take Palpatine, for example. He manipulated every single being in the OT in order to rise in power. He could be mercyful (as Chancellor Palpatine), when being so will let him come closer to his own twisted plans. Everyone was a tool to him, a means to an end. This is what I want to see. Put everyone against everyone. Create distrust, mislead the Galaxy into thinking you are it's savior, when in reality, you're it's conqueror. Now, that's evil.
  12. No problem Adria! Anyway, I agree with Gromir. Teen romances are always represented in video games. I guess because they are "nice." What we need is more complex ones. Maybe even a love triangle. It would be great to have disagreements or arguments with one of your party members, based on the fact that both want the same female/male npc. And what about the conflict between love and the Jedi ways? How far are you willing to go in the name of love? Will it lead you to dark side, if you succumb to it? Or will you let go of your feelings for the greater good? I think this is an interest aspect of the Star Wars Universe, and I would love to see it move fully developed in KotOR II. Well that's my two cents. I don't know if this makes much sense, hope it does.,. I'm off to bed... -DS
  13. Good point. And you are right. The romances were great. I enjoyed them. But there is definitely some room for improvement and depth. I guess we will have to see.
  14. Man, I'm dying for more info on this game. This idea seems great, we still have 9 months to go before the game is release and I would love to have updates every week. Hopefully the Devs will agree to this.
  15. LostStraw "I'm beginning to think I'm the only one who didn't like Jolee." Well I guess you are. My vote goes for Jolee also. He cracked me up with his comments. Besides he was a neutral Jedi, and giving him dark side powers was a lot of help in some of the quests.
  16. Hey Adria! Nice to see in these boards! As someone else mentioned already, romances in KotOR where one of the more satisfying experiences in the game. So yes, I would love to have romance in KotOR II. But...this is a pointless debate. The Devs have already said that they would include it...so I'm sure there is nothing to worry about.
  17. Both Weapon Master and Sith Lord sound promising...but I'll probably play WM in my first game since I will be a lightsider.
  18. Keep up the good work Ender! It would've taken me a lot of time to search for the answers to these questions. Thanks a bunch!
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