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Everything posted by DarthShad

  1. Thanks for the explanation nightcleaver. And Old Skool Wheelman, there's no need to be hostile. A simple explanation would've been sufficient (just like nightcleaver did). Besides, I'm sure that Drakon can defend himself...
  2. What do you expect Drakon? You are assuming that everybody in these boards knows who or what a Darth Helmet is.
  3. I would love to see Coruscant. Regarding Naar Shada (sp?), well, it is supposed to be a vertical city. I just don't see that in the screenshots. Of course I could be wrong.
  4. FORCE SIGHT: It lets you see through walls and the auras of other npcs, revealing their alingment in the force: blue for good, red for evil, and gray for neutral.
  5. Hopefully Yuthura It would definitely be nice... rescued pre-attack, she talked about possibly joining the Order again. I'd almost wish the same as some others, that she could join the party as a light side padawan again. The sith attack on Dantooine didn't destroy the entire planet (the same goes for Taris). Remember that Malak didn't have a Death Star with him.... So, Yuthura could have gone into hiding in some cave or something, opening the possibility of being recruited by the new PC. Also, and taking in cosederation my theory, if Yuthura was able to survive the Sith bombardment, maybe some of the other Jedi Masters survived also. Who knows.... Or if you did Korriban last like me Dantooine was already bombed. Well...Yuthura could've survived either way. I don't think it matters whether you talked to her on Dantooine or if you did Korriban last. The only thing that matters if whether she was brought back to the light or not. If you did, she escaped Taris, if you didn't...well...she was killed by you. So....I'm thinking that there is still a big chance to see her again....
  6. er....ok
  7. "The hero neves dies..." (except for Qui-Gon, I guess)
  8. :D :D Hmm...I like that idea....
  9. Hopefully Yuthura It would definitely be nice... rescued pre-attack, she talked about possibly joining the Order again. I'd almost wish the same as some others, that she could join the party as a light side padawan again. The sith attack on Dantooine didn't destroy the entire planet (the same goes for Taris). Remember that Malak didn't have a Death Star with him.... So, Yuthura could have gone into hiding in some cave or something, opening the possibility of being recruited by the new PC. Also, and taking in cosederation my theory, if Yuthura was able to survive the Sith bombardment, maybe some of the other Jedi Masters survived also. Who knows....
  10. Hopefully Yuthura That is, if you brought her back to the light...
  11. Perhaps you wont be able to recruit Dark Jedi, but you would be able to turn any jedi in your party to the dark side.
  12. Well, there are a few ways to develop your character. One will be through solving quests and exploring the planets. The other is by interacting with other NPCs. This is were romance comes in.
  13. No to be rude, but with a post like that, I don't think the Devs will read it. I agree with you on some of the the stuff, specially the Jedi clipping their lightsabers to their belts, or hiding them in their robes. But I don't know if the engine will be able to handle that, or, if its possible, how hard will it be to implement. Remember that this game is not being developed from scratch. There is an existing engine behind it.
  14. It ruins roleplaying. I am not so sure about that, Opus. Care to elaborate a little further?
  15. Agreed. But remeber they can't make EVERYBODY happy and I'm sure there will be NPCs that wont make it to the final cut. It's all about making an interesting story, without trying to bring everything from the first game. Anyways, lets just keep a little optimism on this subject.
  16. Well, I guess I can't argue with that...But it still doesn't sound right to me. Perhaps I always thought the GL wrote it, and I just can't accept it... anyways, c'est la vi... Yes Opus you're right. I forgot about those films. Of course when I saw them I was just a kid, and I liked them. I am not to sure that I will if I see them again now.
  17. Powergamer Galore, anyone? ^_^ What are you smiling at ?!? This is dire news... <_< And what on earth is wrong with powergaming?
  18. I see...thanks Adria.
  19. Jeremy Soule is NOT making the music for KotOR II ValhallaGamers: I read in another article that Jeremy Soule is not composing the music for KOTOR2. Given the tremendous job he did on the original, who is the composer this go round? Feargus Urquhart: This time around it is going to be Mark Griskey who is a composer for LucasArts. They
  20. The DS/LS points in the KotOR represent a Jedi/Sith preference for the light or dark side of the force, and hence they get bonuses in their force abilities and power, when they are mastered. For non sensitve characters, even droids, it just represents a morality meter: their tendecy to commit good or evil acts. So, it is just an alingment scale. But for the Jedi/Sith it represents more than just that. If you are in the light and keep committing evils acts you will fall to the dark side and vice versa for the dark. There are bigger implications for force sensitive beings.
  21. I can't find any references confirming this. Why are you guys so certain.
  22. Is there even any real confirmation that Bastila will be dead in the KotOR II?
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