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Everything posted by DarthShad

  1. Actually they are VERY specific. The official site (www.kotor2.com) says the game will be available Feb. 5 2005. I don't know about international releases. Err...please ignore this post. I got a bit confused. Darth Ni is correct. Lucasarts' site does not state a day but a year.
  2. All I want to know is when KotOR 2 will be available in the US for the PC. Amazon, Gamestop (not Gamespot) and ebgames say Feb. 8th. The official site states it will be available on Feb. 5th. So??? Anyone knows?
  3. Wait! Why are you guys talking about the release date being the 11th or the 17th of Feb, if the official site states it will be the 5th????
  4. Palpatine all the way!
  5. Right! If it was in the list I would've voted for him. No other Sith Lord compares to him.
  6. If you have a Gamespot Complete account you could download the guide...
  7. Nope. I like Kotor the way it is.
  8. I wouldn't mind waiting a few months for a relatively bug-free PC version. But aren't you exaggerating a bit? I mean, 8 months?? If a developer takes that time the fix the bugs, then the game was never even finished...
  9. LOL you sure you want to keep that thought of Lucasarts? Don't forget it's the same company that promised COUNTLESS times a simultaneous release, then changed their minds and didn't even give an explanation for it. Judging from the way they do business, customer losses isn't a big deal to them. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Yeah. You might be right. I forgot about the change in the release dates. I just hope it doesn't turn that way.
  10. Nice post Maria. But shouldn't this be in the spoiler forum?
  11. Hehe, Morrowind consumed countless hours of my free time. I still get chills thinking about playing that game with my first character. Good times indeed. - dr cloak <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I agree with you Cloak, I loved that game. I enjoyed it from start to finish.
  12. To each his own. I never stopped caring about the game. I always wanted to keep going to see what the story will unfold. I enjoyed it every minute (even after my third and fourth play). So I guess it's a matter of taste. You stopped caring, but that doesn't mean that everyone else did. Don't generalize your opinions.
  13. Yeah I suppose. But I fail to see whats wrong with telling a Publisher right off the bat: "Listen, I know there are deadlines involved, but my Company simply will not ship a game until its finalized. Take it or leave it" - dr cloak <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Well: 1 OE didn't have control over the Star Wars license 2 OE is a new company 3 They need to make a name for themselves (and K2 was their chance) Sometimes you have to bow your head and keep going in order to survive...
  14. Except for the fact you're brand new and you have to start somewhere. Landing the SW: KOTOR franchise was a big coup. Any brand new developer that turned that down on "principle" or because they wanted to do everything their way would be out of business in no time. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Exactly. To me Obsidian didn't have a choice. In any business reputation is very costly comodity that you can't just get easily. If OE stood against LA they would've had a costly setback in reputation.
  15. There was more to just "press a button and wait" in KOTOR as well. You don't need to lie about its simplicity to try and prove a point. When I played BG2, if I pressed the button once, my character would take on an enemy until either he or I died. Yes, you could do other things, but technically you could let it "auto fight" for you, just like KOTOR. Same with NWN. So singling out KOTOR for this aspect is an out and out lie. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> As I said before to Hades, in another topic, you can't convice someone who doesn't want to be conviced, Ghost. Don't think that this discussion will have a conclusion since both Drakron and Hades wont listen to anything...they are just closed minded about their views...
  16. Hmmm...that would really suck. But I doubt that LA would make such a bad move...they need the money and I don't think they will make such a huge mistake, because they will probably lose a lot of customers for any future games....
  17. Let me guess...Hades and Drakron will probably reply that there not becuase of the d20 rules that where not implemented properly...and so on and so forth... As much as I respect Hades' and Drakron's opinions...well it gets a little old to hear the same rumbling all the time...it is very simple: if you guys don't like the game, then don't buy it. Nobody is forcing you...
  18. Obsidian is equally to blame as Lucas Arts. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> In what way Hades? They don't make the decisions...Lucasarts does.
  19. Good point. But at least we will be able to patch it.
  20. Excellent.. We see: there is still hope! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Yeah, but that doesn't help the poor schmucks who got taken on the X-Box version. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> That's what they get for owning an Xbox " j/k
  21. I agree with 100%. I don't understand too much of the d20 rules so this is not a problem in my book. I want to be entertained with a good story. That is all.
  22. The hard working developers at obsidian had to make a choice way back in production... Create the X-Box version and complete the deadline of 6th December 2004, or lose the deadline attempting to complete both versions at once.... They made a call that the X-Box version should be complete first and therefore American X-Box users get the game first. European X-Box users dont get it because the Dvd drive uses different encoding in the 2 different places. And the PC version wont be completed, and isnt completed to date so that is that sorted... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Not completely true. They were done with both versions of games. It was Lucasarts' desicion to release the game early. Trust me, I didn't think Obsidian Entertainment was too happy about it either. You know, they could have done some extra content for the X-Box USA, and release it on Feb 2005, but Lucasarts decided not to. And if you ask me, they don't have a real reason to postpone the PC game, unless they made some sort of deal with Microsoft. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> No reason? What other reason do you need? There are a lot of bugs in the Xbox version and they need it the time to fix 'em for the PC version.
  23. Who was that in response to? I clearly stated that the XBoxers had bigger issues than just lagging to worry about. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> My bad Ghost. I was typing too slow, I guess. The reply was to Drakorn. I forgot to quote his post.
  24. Those are bugs too, Ghost. If the quest is in code, and it doessnt activate doesn't mean its broken, it is just buggy... At least that how I see it. I might be wrong...
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