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Everything posted by Walsingham

  1. Gin, bingara, and lime juice.
  2. Depends which God he is. If he was the Judaeo Christian God I'd be hellbound anyway so I'd have to sock him as well. If God was a she, well...
  3. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/africa/4786216.stm Using abundant 'spare' resources to purify water.
  4. Great Britain I hate us for our conceits. Our obsessions with fashion, with sofas, with obscure and pointless pursuits. I hate us for our timidity and double standards in international affairs. I hate us for our delusional and self-congratulatory attitudes on charity. Most of all I hate the way we destroy our culture, heritage, and advantages in the name of democracy, but really out of reverse snobbery and petty jealousy, while at the same time preserving our fat cats and slums. I also hate us for being ashamed of the entirety of our national history. But cathartic as this is, I'm more or less OK with the place. :D
  5. It's a fair question to raise, but to be honest I think we're all sick of discussing it. Our positions are exhaustively shown in the archives. I would only say that the forum has a healthy and frequently well informed diversity of opinion.
  6. Favourite American beer: Sam Adams Favourite british beer: Firestoker
  7. There's a 0.78 correlation between communism and bottom size. Just look at the bushmen of the Kalahari.
  8. *Looks around for the 'high hat' moderator option*
  9. Yes. Neutrality. Dealing with a tiger by ensuring you will be eaten last.
  10. I actually want us to be as humiliated as possible. So that perhaps finally we will wake up to the reality that our team needs to do more to win than just possess a handful of prima-donnas. We need much more time training together and playing together, and we need a decent captain who can inspire the team. And as for effeminacy, m'dear Baley, compare the casualty stats between American football and football.
  11. I agree that is much more the way people use them. Civilised use of ANY phone means only using it when you will not disturb people nearby, and only ringing people at civilised times, or by appointment. Now texting people by phone is pure genius.
  12. I had the exact same problem. I have an old nylon and velcro wallet. BUt unlike yours mine is still in perfect operating condition. My girlfriend objected and wanted me to have a more 'manly' leather one. I object because the nylon one is doing the bloody job. Of course, I also like testing to see who gets snobbish when I pull out the battered thing. People who do get on the list for further observation. However, in many other areas I WILL go for a more expensive option. Suits and shoes for work, for example. But that's still going to be on the basis of strength and utility rather than famous brands. And incidentally, only merchant bankers should wear pinstripe IMO, no matter what the magazines say. Anyway, in general buying things just so you've got new things is idiotic and snobbish.
  13. There's no such thing as a free Gutman.
  14. So he could look in the original manuals for deptus Titanicus, by GW, and tell me once and for all the battle Hymn of the Fire Wasps?
  15. I would buy this for one of my friends, but am instead spending his birthday money on some Aladdin style curly slippers. They are superb.
  16. So long as the Queen has her PS2, we fuedal serfs are safe.
  17. Couple of unusual ones. The Death of Grass - John Christopher A little bit Day of the Triffids. But also very good indeed. Looks at the consequences to society of a disease whch destroys all the grass family, including wheat, rye, and rice. Worldwide. When Gravity Fails - George Alec Effinger I was overjoyed to see this title has been reprinted recently, with blurb on the cover to indicate it is finally getting the recognition it deserves. GAE is one of the best sci-fi writers I've ever read, for the humanity of his characetrs, and the the (admittedly intermittent) originality of his ideas and settings. When Gravity Fails is the first in the Budayeen trilogy, which terminated with the author's death from cancer. And in many ways it echoes the desperate energy, despair and hope one finds in late work by Bill Hicks.
  18. Blitzkrieg was definitely not coordinated. And the vaunted efficiency of blitzkrieg only worked when the Allies were buried neck deep in mental sand! I recommend you have a squizz at 'In Pursuit of Military Excellence' for more. Or indeed, 'Barbarossa' by David Glantz.
  19. Agent Smith is certainly another fav of mine. At least in the first film.
  20. I want cyborg humans. All emotions ripped out of them, only logic remains. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> What about the boogie?
  21. quote from P.J. O'Rourke on the Nazi uniforms: no-one has ever fantasised about being taken roughly by someone dressed as a liberal. Rommel was strategically naive. He was tactically a true genius, and operationally ignorant. Hardly surprising given his personal history. Not sure what your point was about the Sealion recreation, Meta...
  22. You wait a moment, which terminates in violent shrieking and the oddly unmistakeable sound of a man's soul being sucked out his nose.
  23. I don't know about favourite, but the one I have most wanted to be defeated has to be Grandma from the Preacher comics. Also best death ever.
  24. This from a talking kumquat?
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