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Everything posted by Walsingham

  1. Just saw Silent Hill. Surprisingly good. Actually made me queasy in one point.
  2. My family arrange things like investment portfolios, and as a consequence I do not trust the industry whatsoever. IMO you are better off putting your money into things like compromising photographs of politicians, and real estate.
  3. Rosbjerg, as any married man will tell you, wars are started to win women and keep them. Zam, zamin, zamun. :D If women behaved like bonobos and did not demand shiny things men would be utterly peaceful fat creatures. Of course, then we'd all be gorram hippies... Colrom, since you asked so politely you may have colonelcy in one of my Highland regiments. Best get practicing your sporran swinging.
  4. Since enjoying the cash involves spending it on goods and services (unless one intends to make it into a vast bed and sleep on it), then the question really depends on where you spend it. For example, 500k will not take you all that far in the United States, but in Thailand you'll live like a king. I would be inclined to enjoy my money as I go along. You never know when you will pop your clogs.
  5. I'm sure it will be good, but time and weekend internet access forbids. Have fun.
  6. You loonies.
  7. I would misquote various people here by saying "The only thing worse than having a global hegemony is someone else having it" It's that simple. Resources my foot.
  8. Ah.... looting. My favourite part about murder is the way people explode into bags of coins and gemstones.
  9. China doesn't need to start a nuclear war. All it has to do is, like, buy tonnes of US dollars to scare the US economically, aggressively trade with them to offer a positive incentive to avoid war. Then it can act serruptitiously by arming all potential other opponents of the US so the US has to spend a fortune around the world trying to protect its interests while the Chinese get richer. Hey, waitaminute...
  10. I'm finding all these references to alts pleasingly similar to Battlestar Galactica type paranoia about cylon infiltrators. Anyway, I'd say my favourite would have to Aerosmith. Before they got old and cranky.
  11. You do have a primary responsibility to look after your basic needs. After that, giving time/resources/attention to others is definitely 'good'. If, however, once your basic needs are attended to, you fail to give to others, or worse still take from others, then I'd say that was the root of evil, and bad m'kay?
  12. I know some guys who have flabby pecs no matter how much they work out. Frankly I think they should go for some firming surgery. Then they could quit complaining, be happy and so forth. I wouldn't go for surgery because I'm old-fashioned enough to feel embarassed, but If some maniac abducted me and fixed my broken nose and the bags under my eyes I'd forgive him.
  13. I vote you edit your high-school graduation to include a savage blasterbrawl.
  14. Lady Luck does as she sees fit. And I'll not argue with her. But I will say that on balance I've been bloody lucky over the years. By which I mean I have had plenty of good things happen that no human agency could control.
  15. The guy sounds like a typical half-educated half-awake technical cretin. I've always used spybot, and adaware, AND NWN, and firefox. Indeed, I switched to firefox to get away from IE which kept downloading spyware. I'd suggest walking up to him, and staring at his left ear for five straight minutes.
  16. You're no more excluding muslims for the pork than the alcohol. Just get on with it.
  17. I liked the soundtrack, but aftera while I replaced it with the Tigerlillies album 'Births Marriages and Deaths'. Well worthwhile.
  18. The man tumbled into the seat, his beige ill-fitting clothes collapsing about him like a schooner's rigging. And having done so he sank into silent repose. Large pale eyes drifted across his newspaper from behind albino lashes. Hi spsectacles glistening wetly in the carriage lights. One arm darted out briefly to turn a page then folded back like an umbrella spoke.
  19. Meta had the right idea. I've got three sketches standing by but felt it was rude to kick off with them.
  20. Mmmm... deep fried rainforest. *drools* I have to agree that campaign totally backfires where I'm concerned. It sounds delicious.
  21. Right now I hate my country for its suspicion of politicians being only matched by its blind trust in journalists.
  22. Large breakfasts are the hallmark of Empire, my boys! You should see a Victorian breakfast. You feelthy Euroweenies can take your croissants and espresso. See what it does for the rest of your day. *thumps chest heartily, so the cholesterol can be heard rattling in his arteries like the drums of the highlanders*
  23. Warhammer is plain twisted and rotten. If they make a game true to all teh novels then by Grugni I'll buy my first MMORPG.
  24. I thought it might be nice to have some generic character sketches for when the PCs meet people. Basically, we take our trusty notepads and write descriptions of peopel we see around the place. Others then use the descriptions in their games. How'd that sound?
  25. IN France they would have gone "Euah. A beumbe. Did you eurder a beumbe?"
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