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Everything posted by Walsingham

  1. Sure we grow up quite slwo in our culture, but both sex and death are very very powerful things that even at 18 are hard to cope with.
  2. I like to sing, and am told I've got a good voice. I know of plenty of songs about losing the one you love, or being in love. I want a good singing song for when your loved one leaves for a couple of days. You know, when you won't see them for a week, and as they walk away you can feel this big empty gap in your arms. Failing that, let's write one.
  3. Shadowpaladin: Good point about the child soldiers, but bear in mind those kids get permanently messed up.
  4. Due to a genuine misunderstanding and some cross wires on our first ever gaming session I packed a .65 calibre elephant gun on a trip to Norway, leading to two things: - Recurring jokes about the rare and graceful 'Alpine Elephant of the fjords, leaping nimbly from rocky crag to rocky crag, it's dainty feet leaving no impression on the virgin snows.' - A long and succesful career, or as it is otherwise known, descent into madness. ~~~ For getting people scared you absolutely have to move to an unfamiliar location for the session. An old shack out in the woods is good, but please remember not to read aloud from your deluxe player handouts of the Book of the Dead.
  5. When violent I play females. Kipling being correct and all that. My favourite of all time being Silence, the shortsword magekiller and later Lady of Murder. When non-violent I tend to play males.
  6. The uniforms and the big tanks often get in the way of the fact that they were appalling bastards. Maybe you could mix this into the campaign.
  7. Books: Hitchhiker's Guide; On the Psychology of Military Incompetence Film: Sonatine (1984) [a French Canadian short film, which if you've seen it tells you a lot about me]
  8. You have chronic brochitis? Sheesh. I used to have asthma and they don't bother me, neither. I'm sure its true their smoke makes me less healthy, but for Christ's sake, as the great man said: "Non-smokers die every day. Sorry to pop your eternal life fantasy."
  9. I liked Event Horizon, but it makes more sense when you know that the script was born as one for the Warhammer 40k universe. A couple of genuinely scary bits. I'm glad someone else liked Groundhog Day. I too found it a more than usually insightful commentary on life. I rewatched True Romance for the bajillionth time over this weekend. Not only is it the finest script of any film I can recall, but it also has some very fine acting, especially the faceoff between Dennis Hopper and Chris Walken. Which is funny because I absolutely hated the film when I first saw it!
  10. I think that just because one remembers being a horny 11 year old does not make it OK. When I was eleven I was starting to notice girls, but I also really wanted to go off and join the Royal Marines. If I had actually been sent off to war with the Marines I would have been totally incapable of coping with the experience by virtue of immaturity. Ditto for the girls, IMO.
  11. Indeed my favourite comedian. And with the exceptio nof his mistake about arming Saddam, 100% accurate. "I'm Bill Hicks, and I'm dead now, because I smoked cigarettes. The cigarettes didn't kill me. A bunch of non-smokers kicked the s**t out of me one evening after the show. I tried to run, but they had more energy than I. I tried to hide, but they heard me wheezing."
  12. The Greeks also had slavery with rape. And Meta's right. Child abuse is child abuse, and it's statutory because the kids can't make the decision to engage in carnal activity.
  13. I'd love top participate in this thread, but still spoilers... Use the ['spoiler'] tag.
  14. Do bears do something infinitely more sinister in the woods?
  15. The Telegraph is hardly the bastion of journalistic standards. Can you say incitement to riot and sensationalism to sell headlines with me boys and girls. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> They're the only paper which consistently asks experts in military science to write their defence articles. Unlike some papers. But yes, not precisely balanced. Financial Times ftw!
  16. Haven't time to comment in detail. I'd just like to express my sorrow that the bastards have been able to destroy such an important site. Perhaps this will show just how narrow the Islamist church is.
  17. Since I have made a bet I can lose my paunch by next year it is all academic. In fact if you can call them 'Ingrown toenails' that would help.
  18. But written orkish rules.
  19. All the same, the more I think about it the more I recall instances where actually climbing that highest mountain carries more weight than simply saying you would.
  20. Eldar is, unfortunately right, goddammit! If you can go out and criticise religious people for being hyperactive and uptight and passing judgement on people and causing a hoo-ha, then they are equally entitled to point out what they feel is wrong with you.
  21. The Garrison Kiellor radio show. WHAT?
  22. Incidentally, I found this quote from the BBC rather apposite: "The event was intended to highlight the opinions of moderate Muslims after demonstrators earlier this month carried placards threatening violence through the capital. Among the images which have sparked outcry is one of Muhammad with a bomb-shaped turban on his head. "
  23. Pah. I still say that poetry just isn't the best way to get a message across. You're better off speaking with actions than words when it comes to the heart.
  24. I think that ultimately Jediphile is correct. We actually NEED to be able to criticise religious beliefs and institutions.
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