Llyranor stepped up first. I'll continue with him in a second. My cunning scheme for you, Lonewolf16, is that you shall spend Monday wandering the downtown area (or equivalent) of your location*, and you shall be looking for people to help. You will help five people. In so doing you are sure to either happen across a winsome young lady and impress her, or you will be so annoyed with me for sending you out in the first place that you will get a date with an entire women's volleyball team, and become a sex-writer for Playboy magazine, just so you can publicly mock me.
Llyranor, you given us some excellent material. I think your best bet will be some kind of young violent offender. I'm not really sure where they hang out. the only thing I'm coming up with is to bait your car with overproof rum and leave it outside a women's college.
Anyone else want to chip in with a plan to net Llyranor his dream psychopath?
*If you are from Minnesota, just follow the Moose.