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Everything posted by Walsingham

  1. I'm going up for a contract renegotiation in about a month. So I'll be sure to let you know how badly I get spanked. It will make you feel better. I am pretty chicken when it comes to these things. Actually, thinking about it I've been getting much better since I started playing poker. Maybe you could try it.
  2. If I ever ran a military academy cadets would be obliged to watch Janeway just to learn how NOT to make command decisions.
  3. I think it was an excellent idea for a film. But McDs never EVER siad you should eat in there morning noon and night. I think for his next film he should hit Baskin Robbins.
  4. *appallingly bad acoustic guitar* Hey Joe, don't feel so bad. Take a sad song, and make it betteeeeer...
  5. Judge Walsingham says: Charge the girls with littering. Hold the people who paniced up to public mockery. Case closed.
  6. Once, in BK I had just purchased a large soda, and walking away it toppled off the tray and spilled everywhere. Naturally, I asked for a mop, since it was my damn fault. But they were so impressed I asked that they mopped up and gave me another free soda as a replacement. I always eat in BK now if fast food is required. Conversely I was in a KFC, and ordered chicken wings. The wings arrived and they were red raw, so naturally I asked for a refund and some properly cooked wings. I was told (not without sympathy) that the manager was an +donkey fundament+ and would insist on coming out to the restaurant in person before a refund could be given. In those days I was quiet and reserved, and waited patiently using my zen ninja skills. These days I'd have yelled at him. Cretin. The moral of the story is: don't take poisoned apples from wizened old crones. What is wrong with you people? What kind of irrestible sales gimmick do you think a crone is, anyhow?
  7. Basic rules of getting the most out of pay negotiations are: - Be doing such good work that your leaving would be a serious pain in the ass. - Be capable and willing to walk out, including having a backup plan - Approach your boss when they are in a reasonable mood. Do not be above engineering this good mood with cake. - Be quick and clear. If you enjoy that sort of thing you could look at www.dramatec.org for some fairly straightforward game theory and other conflict resolution models. And best of luck! :D
  8. As Winston Churchill once said: "Whuh?"
  9. They better watch how they move. China and Russia both eyeing them greedily.
  10. Staffies for the win! :D
  11. I had a crush on a girl when I was six. Only I didn't know what a crush was. I just had all these weird syptoms like blushing and thinking about her, and my heart racing when she was around. [thinks: I suppose I could have been going through the menopause, but that seems unlikely] I asked my mother what was going on and she told me. Several months later in the playground everyone overheard her confiding in another mother that I was 'in love' with the girl. I was unbelievably embarassed. Regarding the Playboy thing. My folks found my first Playboy, except they were very cool about it. All, like, "Oh now we understand your choice in girlfriends" or something. I was outraged. Parents ought to know the ruels of the Game. They are supposed to go ape, because rage versus indignation is safe and comprehensible.
  12. I've never had a problem with people who say oil profits were involved in this invasion. To deny it seems to me a nonsense. However I STILL get steamed about persons claiming this was the whole reason. False reasons? The legal basis for reactivating the 1991 conflict was supported by the US and UK, and opposed by France and Russia. France and Russia both having equally tremendous corrupt reasons not to want a war. The moral justification I couldn't find stronger. Militarily there was no reason not to. Capice?
  13. But how many countries for Miss Marple? I know we know Poirot more now, because frankly it's much better, then one has to remember the shows are more recent. Incidentally, did you know that Agatha Christie hated Poirot and kept trying to drop him?
  14. I am party to a bet, which needs to work out which TV show has sold to more countries - Miss Marple shows, or Poirot shows. That is, number of countries, NOT quantities. Can anyone help me find out?
  15. Old hands here may be surprised to hear I enjoyed V too. And for once I was not just watching Natalie Portman, although that's partly because she was horrifically skinny. I am going to be listening with interest to conversations to see if the common man picks up any of the ideas. Interestingly all major UK newspapers we checked today slated the film. Conspiracy?
  16. Huh? You mean Uwe Boll? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> *Shrieks and does the dance of banishment*
  17. That must mean the Valentine's date has matured into a full-throttle neck-deep-in-romantic-comedies relationship ... " <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Eh? I got dumped, brutally.
  18. Walsingham


    I don't think it's that high. More like 30%. But virtually all Canuck oil ends up in America. The neatest idea I heard recently was one I overheard on the train about how there is a type of tree which grows in desert conditions, stabilising them, and coincidentally can be processed to extract fuel oil. Yet the gulf states seem intent on spending their money on rolexes.
  19. I would politely remind you gentlemen not to post in languages we can't spy on like malevolent spiders, and crush ruthlessly beneath our heels. In my case this means you are welcome to post in English, Spanish, Thai, and Zulu. But try to keep the irregular verbs down.
  20. Judge Hades on the nose there. Bad fantasy is like everything else that's bad. It's bad. Personally I'm sick of stories about late twenty something women.
  21. Mmmmm... Fred
  22. I once tried to interview the South African Neo-Nazis. But walking towards them I burst out laughing, and had to hide inside a car. They coudln't quite make out what was happening, and were wrestling with their 'dignity' when they wanted to come and look closer. I suppose laughing at Nazis is a more creative reaction than my ancestors who shot them.
  23. No, that would be an Ebola Victim... " <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Well that's just lovely, I must say.
  24. That is a great idea. I like! Am sure it woudl work with me, if I drove. I gave up on cars a while back when I realised I could get taxis or lifts everywhere and it would cost less.
  25. Quick somebody, lend me a hand. She's going into a fuhrer-frenzy!
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