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Everything posted by Walsingham

  1. I just re-watched Serenity. *sniffle*
  2. Their website is stinky with flash gimmicks.
  3. "Welcome to Afterfall
  4. So he is in fact turning to see who's shouting at him? ...back and to the left...
  5. Thread pruned. Gentlemen, quit playing silly buggers. This is a reasonable question by Eddo.
  6. It's social contract time, ladies and gentlemen. You sign up to abide by a common set of rules as the price for living in civilisation. Because, basically, civilisation means toilet paper and being able to do more than scamper through the underbrush hunting for pale white grubs to eat and shrieking at leopards. So, yeah, if you run contrary to those common laws then you get spanked. Who writes those common laws is a huge part of all human history of course. Most of us feel that to be bound by the laws you should have at least the chance to influence them. Hence democracy. Most right-wingers I know who get moralistic with 'degenerates' say that they are offending the laws of God. I don't buy this.
  7. It is NOT better to be a middle manager in a big firm than a senior manager in a small one. For starters the parties are better.
  8. I keep telling you, WE are the 'ancients' for the rest of the galaxy. We have to get off this rock and get busy.
  9. Slayer are ...interesting... Not my cup of tea. In fact, probably not tea at all. Nevertheless, fair play to 'em.
  10. I just had the chilling thought that perhaps he really does look like that.
  11. Yes, because they have had their feet shot off previously.
  12. Time travel would not startle me, for I have read the 'Time' books by George Alec Effinger.
  13. *brandishes scattergun* You stay away from those male cosplay photos....
  14. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/london/4957060.stm Is it just me, or does that e-fit picture look distinctly non-human? No-one in human history has ever had a head that shape.
  15. South Africans are only that polite because it makes such a refreshing change to have someone near your vehicle without them trying to shoot you and steal your shoes.
  16. Clearly time travel, because then I'd have no further excuses to explain these unkillable Austrians that keep chasing me.
  17. Wait. Are we talking Maldon sea salt, or that cheap mined stuff you buy in massive packs in Asda? Because if it's the latter I'd guess their worth could be as low as a tenner.
  18. If it were me, I'd rather lose the weight and stick to a light flak vest and helmet. I'd rather be able to move and fight than stand and take it. Or at least use teh weight for water, food, and ammo. But that's just me.
  19. Bill Bryson claims that Americans drive badly because the country is so damn vast you forget what you are doing.
  20. I don't want to drag this down the Iraq road, but the insurgency is not 'kicking your ass' it is kicking Iraq's ass. I would also question whether 'they' are really getting so many US troops by comparison with their own. Anyone wants to refute this, please bung into a new thread. EDIT: As for spending on education and healthcare I should point out that the US budgets for those are really much higher than you might think. And regarding Delta Force, last I heard they were specialists in hostage extraction. The SEALS have special responsibility for operations at sea, or from teh sea, like beach surveying.
  21. I thought you were running for the legislature. Now get up that mountain, damn your eyes.
  22. Don't get anything that doesn't have an upgradeable graphics card slot. Or at the very least an integral high end card. Don't get this system unles you want to be the game equivalent of a fat kid with asthma during football. Like me.
  23. I say you return the Eastern seaboard to us, and Texas to the Mexicans. Stir things up a little. It may not be sensible, but it would be interesting as hell.
  24. I recommend you stuff all the Hunter S Thompson books in a knapsack, fill your pockets with hotel miniatures of alcohol, climb the nearest mountain and stay up there until you have read all the books. Come down and declare yourself the Freak Power candidate. I shall volunteer to act as your campaign manager, and volunteer Metadigital to act as your lissom secretary. Which state are you in, anyway, other than a mess?
  25. Surely this should be in the military spending thread? Yeah, go see it. You will be entertained, and ghorrified. Which, given it is a horror movie, should make you happy.
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