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Everything posted by Walsingham

  1. So is it time to buy an 8800 yet, and if so, which one? (I got a new contract in)
  2. Certainly sounds serious. But if antivirus isn't detecting it, might it not be some kind of temp file? I'm simply guessing. A temp file that is being added to but not erased.
  3. Snap! My theory is that women just can't resist internerds.
  4. Totally with you there. Another benefit of organic ales is that they boost your immune system.
  5. Boardgames ftw! Easy to make boardgames.
  6. Watching the show 'Later with Jools Holland' on the BBC iplayer. Genius.
  7. Padania (not Padua) is the name that Umberto Bossi leader of the Lega Nord (one italian party) gave to the North Italy (Lombard
  8. Juicy example?
  9. IMO this is turning into another religion vs science debate. So far as I can see all this fuss about Christianity is simply because some of you chaps don't know anything about the religions that came before. Bone up on what people did in the name of Ahura Mazda and come back. You'll find a tonne of forced conversions, witch-hurling, and penguin wrestling back then. N&S if I understand your point correctly, we are actually far closer than at first appeared, in a sort of potato/pohtahto way. You mentioned that genetically we are homogenous in Europe. well, I'll but that for a dollar, and also buy that genetically we are homogenous worldwide. As I think you know. However, as Muso says, it's hard to claim we're homogenous culturally in the UK. Certainly this puts strain on things. BUt it's also a boon in many ways. I'd be bored witless, not to mention educated to a lower standard were it not for so much intermixing.
  10. I agree that Carter was a disaster. However, depending on one's perspective, the conservatives (or whatever the term is) have been disasters too. This raises a new point, which is: what if it's a bad thing for Obama, a liberal at a time of international crisis, to be in the White house? I don't believe his policies will work _at this time_ (another time, fantastic). Result - he looks like an idiot; liberalism looks stupid.
  11. I guess a lot of it comes down to where we are talking. Cavalry on the Western Front were nil. but cavalry in Africa, Russia, and the mideast did better. Mostly this was because they could move about at speed. Interestingly I read recently that the Poles were not nearly so daft as they sound. they thought they were about to charge a bivouaced infantry regiment. Had they done so they would have won hands down. Instead the infantry moved off and tanks tok over. result less impressive.
  12. After a few years almost all our games were free form, dice wise. The only seriously divergent game I ever used was one based in Britain 1990s where magic started emerging slowly. There were basically two kinds. There was a simple concentrate real hard variety, and a colllect ingredients, inscribe runes on them, and focus your willpower variety. The latter was far more powerful, but charcters could get things horribly wrong, depnding on what they used. i started them out with some simple runic command phrases, and invocations, and kept a master list, and ruled on variations as they arose. Simple spells could get totally mad if invoked using too powerful base elements. The players never liked it tho.
  13. I agree with Sand on this one. The roleplaying should counterbalance their advantages. The fact that this isn't implemented mechanically doesn't prevent you constraining yourself.
  14. Not true, I want to stay out of this conversation as much as possible, but I would also like to state that I am actually offended by your statement, as it is both a lie(which you're most likely not directly responsible for) and ignorant, an absolute by product of the age we live in, thus the sickening truth of an overly conditioned society, and the hypocracy of British governments since 1950's onwards. The truth is we've been duped into thinking a pack of lies is a fact, I suggest that one examines british history over the last 2000 years or so in depth. If it's incorrect, help me out and show me why. My understanding was that with the obvious exception of miscegenation on colour lines we're a huge hodgepodge of Nords, Celts, saxons, Irish, French... In what way precisely? ~~ Benefits of Christianity: pacifism charity towards the weak the so-called 'protestant work ethic' Just a couple that sprang to mind. Or would you prefer Nordic or Classic religion? ~~~ BTW I'm going to pretend this is relevant to Europe going down the tubes because it refers to notions that we are being impoverished by outside influences.
  15. I believe they tried at one time and another to fight from the horse. Basically they were intended to exploit any breakthrough in the lines. They waited a long time.
  16. What if he's right? I've spent some time in countries run on those lines, including apartheid South Africa. The result is the perpetuation of racist notions, bigotry, violence, and cultural stagnation. If that is what one wants then certainly give it a try. I think it's pertinent to add that Great Britain is an absolutely determinedly mongrel nation, and one could hardly call our achievements insignificant. (Not always glorious, but certainly on a grand scale).
  17. http://www.ima-usa.com/product_info.php/cP...products_id/253 I just liked the notion of a camouflaged cavalry helmet. "Good thing I camouflaged my head. Now the only problem is that I am seated six foot off the ground, on top of a horse.
  18. I understand Sicily and Sardinia, but Padua?
  19. I must state again - if it needs stating - that Obsidian forums has no tolerance for the expression of views which endorse bigotry or racism of any kind. Opposing miscegenation - the mixing of races and cultures - is a hallmark of the very worst politics humanity has ever contrived: apartheid, nazism, and genocide of all kinds.
  20. That just will not happen for a number of reasons. They are both Senators, that combo has not won in over 100 years. They are both from states the democrats are going to win anyway so nothing would be gained by having each other. They are both lawyers with no previous business experience and both very liberal. When you pick a VP you need to employ a little strategy. Pick a popular politician from a state whose vote is in play. Or you pick a political icon not in politics. If you are young, pick someone older, if you are older pick someone young. If you are moderate, pick a liberal that will appeal to the left of you party. The VP choice really is not made based on how qualified a candidate is of how good a President they would make, it is all about what they would bring to the campaign. And the other thing is Hillary will not be second chair to anybody. I think Obama should pick an actual timberwolf.
  21. I'm a rare example of backseat DUI nearly causing a crash. I was on the way home from a party, and everything started spinning as it does. I thought we were spinning, yelled out "Oh my god, the tree!", and we braked so hard we nearly came off the road. Not fun.
  22. Not meaning to be rude, but you can't seriously compare a
  23. Oh, well that's alright then. I'm sure he won't object too strenuously.
  24. I'd advocate having it lasered off, as Sand suggests. That or grow a tiny lopsided moustache, and claim it keeps slipping.
  25. No you wouldn't. 1. We believe in Society this side of the pond. You believe in hiding under a duvet with a shotgun. 2. We believe human life is precious. You believe someone should be shot for stealing fig newtons.
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