You should try Bringing Out the Dead. I think you'd like it and it's a class Nicholas Cage film.
I just got back from watching Cloverfield. I'd like to be generous, because it tried to do a number of good things.
1. no sappy ending.
2. no explanations of the bigbad.
3. some nice destruction shots
4. Some really creative camera-work to make the best of a low budget
But there were several things that went horribly wrong:
1. I was expecting to get tired of the camera work, but I felt really ill at several points. There was no need to have it ALL shot badly. In fact I thought it detracted from the drama of some points.
2. I loathed and despised all the characters except the cameraman. Particularly the spoiled rich kids. Mainly because...
3. Disaster movies are supposed to have panicky imbeciels in them. But define the entire film around panicky imbeciles?
Lessons learned:
1. If you live in Manhattan, you should practice evacuating the city at least once a week.
2. Ideally, when visiting Manhattan, carry an emergency radio, first aid kit, crowbar, and life vest AT ALL TIMES.