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Everything posted by Walsingham

  1. Thinking about it more older types tend to use a terrifying number of cliche'd statements, the worst I use being 'at the end of the day'.
  2. hey, daaave, how's the new diet going?
  3. I was going to bump this topic with the private autopsy report news: not suicide, as I surmised. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/entertainment/8130006.stm Nihilus, I'd suggest you stay well clear of any kind of drugs at your age. Don't make any assumptions about being able to resist any kind. I'm not just being a jackass. I've lost too many friends to drugs, even sof t drugs who took too many, and most of those took them when they were young.
  4. Please give your six figure grid reference. Stand by for JDAM.
  5. I thought that was an urban myth?
  6. I think we can all agree he was completely mental.
  7. The over god should be Munchkeeen (three Es). Who rewards followers for rules lawyering.
  8. I tell you one thing: if sentient life does exist it had better have more important things to do than fly a bajillion miles here and stick objects up people's behinds. If not then frankly I don't WANT to make contact.
  9. There should be a real plan with goals and timetables and such, made clear to the public and the world, on how we plan on reforming Afghanistan, its government, and its populous. At the moment, we are just trying to seize "control" of a ****ty country from the Taliban. These problems are too complex to be solved in a half-minute internet debate, buddy. Recognizing the problem is the important first step. I don't think I've ever espoused anything other than a reasoned, balanced and long-term commitment to helping Afghanistan. I've been interested in the country for over ten years, have studied it in quite a bit of depth, and have friends from there and serving there. If you think there aren't smart people with clear goals and plans for the country knocking about in power then you're relying on the mass media too much. There's much that can be improved by way of development aid, but I think you need to sharpen your awareness before you adopt poses of authority which even I'd hestitate at. Recognising the problem isn't the issue. If I may say so one reason I like this forum so much is everyone kinda gets the problems. So, I ask again: what are you selling by way of solutions? And don't fob us off with teh excuse taht it's too complex. We don't need to hear about every nut and bolt. Tell us the executive summary of your proletarian panacea for Africa.
  10. I know only two young people. One is my ex's son, who is about 17. The other is my subordinate, who is about 20. They're both clever buggers. However, in general young people seem pretty deficient in vocabulary. I get quite depressed about this. I think a lot of this is not so much an absence of education as a social imperative to avoid looking clever. Mainly because government schools seem to be a Lord of the Flies style lawless morass (judging by what my friends in teaching tell me). Survival of the most pointless. Which I find terribly sad.
  11. Amy is doing the Keith Richards solution; pickling herself. Winehouse on
  12. Now hang on. From what I understand, people don't have a great deal of leeway in being attracted to kids. If they did it could be cured and it can't, so far as I know. Assuming this then surely someone who felt that way but never acted on it would be praiseworthy. Like a man with no arms scratching his arse. If I thought he hadn't done anything then I'd have MORE respect for MJ, not less.
  13. You CAN go bankrupt when you have your developer's legs bitten off by shai hulud.
  14. Genuinely sorry to hear you're leaving. I hope I'm not being gauche if I suggest you might drop by here after you leave. The forum's always going to be happy to hear from you.
  15. I think it'd be funnier to make that assassin droid into Pooh bear.
  16. Thanks for clarifying. the good news is that you should be able to meet those targets. I guess the most important thing is deciding how complex you want the game to be. I don't know how you'd track this, but coming up witha system for complexity would be great. It occured to me yesterday that such a system - if it had a numerical output- could be used to rate games. Given how autistic gamers are this could help push games complexity over games graphics. Just some idle thoughts.
  17. I didn't recognise any of those beers, man. *happy sigh*
  18. 1. Sure. Saddam was always laying on cookies. And he should still be there, complying with the weapon inspectors. 2. You actually said 'reactionary imperialist' Which, in spite of myself, I found unbearably cute. Say it again. 3. May I ask what grounds you have for commenting on Afghanistan? Or what you think we should do? ~~~ Throughout all your comments on these forums the ONE time I've heard you make a concrete suggestion of what should be done is to buy a used computer. Have you any more stunning world-fixing proposals?
  19. I was lying in the garden last night with my eyes closed, and I heard a loud ripping tearing noise in the sky. I knew it was a plane, but thought for one second "what if that is a meteorite?"
  20. Fish rarely bite when I'm fishing. However, I use fish-fu and the second I feel anything move teh line I pull the bastard in as fast as I can. I often hook fish through the side or whatnot. Inelegant but I get my din-dins.
  21. What for, Stan Lee created some of the mythology of Spiderman and fantastic 4, and countless other well known superheroes. For this limited to moderately impressive accomplishment he somehow managed to become even more famous than the artists who actually made the comic books. What is the big deal about Stan Lee, other than the fact that he is still alive. With the exception of some iconic fantastic four and even less spiderman the writing is pretty bad. He became Iconic because while he did only come up with the basics for most of the marvel heroes, he was the driving force behind most of the best story lines in the early days, and he made the business successful again after the war genre moved out. He's basically responsible for comics as we know it today (in terms of writing and story). I think part of it is that he's the person people go to to figure out exactly what Marvel characters should think (since they all pretty much come from his brain). Also he has a great sense about self parody (see "So you want to be a Superhero" or whatever reality show that was, and the various robot chicken clips), and is a generally likeable guy. Particularly in an industry where some guys can be total jackholes about things (Alex Ross won't draw anyone who was created after the silver age, Dan Way bans people for asking why he only writes five sentances in a book, Greg Land traces porn and says he doesn't...) Alan Moore described Stan Lee's role as "introducing two dimensional superheroes... I'm super-powered BUT I have a wooden leg" iirc. It's a pretty neat concept, and lots of important things sound obvious after they're done. Plus he does seem kinda cool. It's like Bruce Campbell. I don't think he's done anything particularly special, but I'd give up my place in the lifeboat for him.
  22. Because you are never here, you bastard. *sniff*
  23. We used to have summers on the coast of Scotland, in a hut with no electricty or (frequently) running water. The hut was made of asbestos. The bad kind. There were rats everywhere, and the water was ice cold or full of jellyfish. We would end each trip covered in lice. It was around this time that I went mad.
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