What you haveto understand is that if it's a question of getting in front of a couple hundred people, or even thousands of people and telling them soimething they need to know that's easy. Either it's right and all kosher or it ain't in which case don't fething do it.
In this case it's bloody art, and you have to care and not ccre at the same time. I've done it now, and so far as I can make out from friends and audience I did a good job. Far from perfect, but they enjoyed it. I sang Feeling Good, and Minnie the Moocher. Both started out a bit lame, but once I found my feet I kicked a discreet quantity of ass. The audioence were all grinning and singing back top volume for minnie the moocher, even though I was improvising.
If I don't change my mind I will post youtube version of me singing asap.