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Everything posted by Walsingham

  1. I tell you one thing: if sentient life does exist it had better have more important things to do than fly a bajillion miles here and stick objects up people's behinds. If not then frankly I don't WANT to make contact. I don't know. Aside from the goofy UFO stories, maybe 'flying a bajillion miles' for them is as trivial as taking the car on a trip to the supermarket. And maybe they're observing us as we would observe a colony of ants. I'm not very comfortable with that analogy. I used to boil ants with big kettles of water.
  2. I just had a thought, and I'm hungover and hungry so bear with me if I'm being thick. If scientific enquiry is about conducting experimental tests of hypotheses, and the construction of such trials becomes increasingly difficult in ratio to the degrees of freedom inherent in the system (n), then God (n = infinity) would be incomprehensible through science.
  3. It'll be about a week before I get the DVD. Does anyone know how I can capture from the DVD to post?
  4. Eh? They need to square their **** away. I belive that the day all is even is the day when someone mentions colour and everyone looks at them like they're mental. Skin colour ought to be as important as whether you can roll your tongue.
  5. I hope I'm not being too lame if I am true to the general principles of sunday school Anglicanism. Th efact is that whatever I say I refer back to the smple values of compassion and general cake, tea and nicensss I was taught. I'm damned if I'll worship God. But niceness and cake are my core things, and hope they remain the same till I die.
  6. What you haveto understand is that if it's a question of getting in front of a couple hundred people, or even thousands of people and telling them soimething they need to know that's easy. Either it's right and all kosher or it ain't in which case don't fething do it. In this case it's bloody art, and you have to care and not ccre at the same time. I've done it now, and so far as I can make out from friends and audience I did a good job. Far from perfect, but they enjoyed it. I sang Feeling Good, and Minnie the Moocher. Both started out a bit lame, but once I found my feet I kicked a discreet quantity of ass. The audioence were all grinning and singing back top volume for minnie the moocher, even though I was improvising. If I don't change my mind I will post youtube version of me singing asap.
  7. Believe in yourself and you can fly, Walsy! Just what this town needs: a flying, naked, singing fat man.
  8. Worst. Sweet. Ever. I mean I LIKE licorice. Who in the name of holy badgery F*** would put salt in it? I had some in Sweden. three times, because I couldn't believe how bad it was.
  9. I think it should be fairly obvious that I am no-longer young enough or pretty enough to get nekkid on stage. I will be singing, and however bad it is i think it unlikely the audience will feel sick to their stomachs. This would be the ineluctable result if I got nekkid and did a little nekkid dance.
  10. I hate waiting to perform. It's like slow torture, except you can't even be proud of the anguish because it shows you're tough. It just shows that you're a girly fool. Aaaargh.
  11. I think I just worked out 'why Sand'
  12. The best bit about MotB is the character interactions. Therefore high charisma is a bonus combined with high wisdom. I completely kicked ass as a favoured soul. I wouldn't be too dismissive of spellslingers. I normally hate them, but there's some interesting things you can do with spells now. they're not just a really annoying form of slingshot.
  13. ""My lasfire is Wobbly. It's good lasfire, but it Wobbles, and the holes get in the wrong places.""
  14. "That screaming noise means something. If there's a screaming noise, somebody's making a screaming noise, and the only reason for making a screaming noise that I know of is because you're a meatbag."
  15. I'm not sure how I feel about the title including 'shadows of the colon'
  16. Those spike things would be fun.
  17. That's far too straightforward. Amber uses something similar and Amber is great fun. I think it should be NO primary effect stats. You have all the secondary non-obvious ones like optimum arousal state, blood haemoglobin count, cholesterol levels, nerve density, etc. These have to be combined ALL AT ONCE by the referee in an equation taking 12 hours to process by hand. Hence all game boxes will contain a 12 year old Indian maths prodigy, and a sack of brown rice.
  18. I was much younger and prettier in those days, but nevertheless I made it very clear I wasn't going to date anyone from my school. Interestingly this provoked a perfect storm of notes, flowers, and general adulation. I think teenage girls need someone safe to adore, and clearly it deosn't much matter who that is.
  19. damn the very day i post this i bump into Sarah (the vocalist) in town later that night 'bump into'
  20. What about Shadow Darkness: Darkness Rising: Hordes of the Narcolich: The
  21. Thanks as usual for all your kind thoughts. We've got ourselves squared away, as the support crews, at least. Step one is going to be a week's relaxation for her, tone down the fighting, give her a break. You can't expect anyone to stay fighting fit and focussed 24/7 for as long as she has been. Stage 2 is going to be to focuss on revamping the kidneys and liver. We've got a list of vitamins, like B6 and C, that we are going to add to zinc and potassium. The right amounts of those, combined with horseradish and acupuncture should help cleanse them out. If we do that while she's resting it is at least a plan of counter-attack. I must say that if nothing else all this has taught me the importance of making a simple plan for coming back from setbacks.
  22. I think she has good taste.
  23. What iteration of Walsingham was that? What's the current one? Caesar was all things to all men. I have been a few things to a bunch of people. I taught English for a year a long while back.
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