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Everything posted by Walsingham

  1. I guess you could do something less risky, like claim to be developing aphasia, or something.
  2. That's for anti-criminal batmilk. To be given to deliquent babies.
  3. I think making your own ale is going to be easier than making your own lager, since ale has more flavours and they will help mask any weirdness. Also it doesn't have to be fizzy. Anyone have a soda-stream? Do you think you could carbonate home-brew? Had call from home asking for me to come down AGAIN. I don't even notice the incovenience when it makes sense, but they're just in a flap, and this time it's pissing me off. I haven't had any proper time to myself in weeks, and it's no joke because work is suffering.
  4. I happen to have more faith in the powers of explanation right here over Wiki So far it sounds a lot like fascist anarchy. Kind of saying everyone will be equal apart from us winnarz who will crap all over you losarz.
  5. Good point. So, go for an STD check-up. Then, tell your 'friend' you have something dirty but not serious. he is BOUND to let this juicy info-nugget loose. All you then have to do is a bit later let slip to all and sundry how great it is to be 100% clean, and show them the printout.
  6. ...Because we're talking a specialist subject. If we were discussing heart failure I can listen to an explanation and be convinced where a heart surgeon or consultant would know it was balls. in this case I've got a specialist who I know is totally uninterested in politics, and would probably just find it funny if it were a conspiracy, and he's telling it's just plain wrong. Wrong like quack medicine. Sounds great to teh average punter, but full of unseen holes.
  7. I think I've got confused. Could someone sum up Objectivism again, as we're discussing it here? because I fear we may have gone beyond Ayn Rand.
  8. I've played enough games with you Walsingham. People like you believe Bernanke is the greatest blessing since Moses, and that waterboarding is a sex-game. You can't be reasoned with. It is, however, very funny to watch you flare up when you're confronted with something you can't deal with.. You clearly don't know anything about Wals if you're willing to make those accusations about his character. I've come to the conclusion that you're delusional and when faced with cognitive dissonance (i.e. everyone who's sane pointing out that you're a conspiracy theorist) you chose to reconcile it by launching attacks on the supposed political affiliations of your critics rather than face the notion that you believe in absolute fantasy. That's a very kind thing to say, Krez. And, for the record, I've followed links to the counter-evidence before. It seemed convincing so I asked my friend, who is a specialist in the field of damaged buildings and structures, what he thought of the counter-evidence and he said it was poor quality. Well, actually, he said it was "bollocks" to be precise. Now, I'm not going to cross the line by involving him directly, so you'd be within your rights to ignore this argument. However, I do believe I have sufficient credibility (as Krezack says) for you to consider what I'm saying. I suggest that it is you who is unwilling to consider the counter-evidence to your counter-evidence. Unless you want to contradict me by showing you've read and understood the vanilla version? Incidentally, I'm running with this 9/11 thing since I believe it qualifies as on topic.
  9. I always wanted to see those scorpion-horse things from revelations.
  10. http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/other_spor...ing/8161867.stm It seems compressed muscles tire less easily and are more efficient. recent designs of swimsuits exploit this. So finally we know why superheroes wear those bodyformed wonders!
  11. Taking devil's advocate, I suppose her statement about monopolies might work if the possession of market share dissociated from increased power. But money is a form of power - potential energy, convertible through commercial agreement into almost anything. As people succeed in the market they get more money, and either they convert that money into activity or it stagnates in a big heap. Really big sums of money can only be used to get more money, because there's only so many decorative lava lamps you can buy. I'm reasoning as I go, but it sems logical to expect a free market to collapse like a star into a monolithic monopolistic corporate dictatorship. Now if you will excuse me I need a cup of cocoa and a calm down.
  12. No it bloody isn't. 1. Create embarassing info-nugget describing yourself 2. Prepare certain proof that above is not in fact true 3. Tell leak info-nugget 4. Wait until info-nugget returns to you via third party 5. Use proof to show third party info-nugget is false 6. Third party can now be relied upon to disregard all information previously received from the leak, and will probably badmouth him to others It's really no harder than baking a cake.
  13. Well, it's pretty obvious that explosives were used. Beyond that.. ? Sorry. Wrong. I can't say this any nicer. I know there's some cool sounding people who will show you modelling and data that indicates explosives, but *fanfare* according to teacher their shown working is WRONG. Now, for one moment, let's play a game. If you will imagine that I'm telling you the gospel truth and tell me how you feel, I'll try to do the reverse and tell you how I feel.
  14. This would have to be the closest. Has ANYBODY read the last book of the Bible? Anybody? Anybody at all? I really can not believe some of this stuff. I'd be surprised if anyone here had NOT read it. Cracking read, the revelation of St John.
  15. Look. Are you going to embark in a classic counter-espionage manoeuvre or not? I mean, why waste the opportunity?
  16. After 36 years on this little mudball my experiences with humanity has been quite the opposite. I feel sorry for you then. Amen to that.
  17. Er... you're in a logic whirlpool: 9/11 was caused by an evil government, combating an evil government requires ending credibility of said government, ending credibility means accepting they are evil, they are evil because they perpetrated 9/11 You need to understand that i have an extremely good friend who is a world expert in structure engineering under attack. His quick capsule review was that counter-culture testimony on the attacks was balls. Two large airplanes flew into the goddamn buildings. The buildings fell down. There is nothing in the least bit surprising about this. Farting around with additional explosives or other effects is totally unnecessary. Combine that fact with previous Al Qaeda attempts on the twin towers, and Al Qaeda's generally bloodthirsty credentials, PLUS prior experience with hijacking planes... I mean do I have to go on? I genuinely want to communicate this, because you're wasting your life worrying about a fiction.
  18. And our racial phobia of having our living brains exposed and eaten while our lower limbs thrash about and sad wailing escapes our frothing mouths.
  19. I was just telling my friend about the weekend and he said "You dream of the day you get to talk your way out of the electric chair". Which I thought was rather cool.
  20. The only possible conclusion is that we have been carefully bred to have excessive brain size in order to optimise our profitability as a food crop by a race of brain-eating aliens.
  21. FAIL. Maybe, maybe not. In case you haven't noticed I haven't been posting as much as I use to. I am weaning myself of social contact via the Internet. In the real world I have limited myself to only work and visitations of family. I'm not saying you fail at doing it. I'm saying doing it is FAIL. For the love of God, man. Would it be so shocking if you got out, met some people, and realised people are (generally) great?
  22. I thought you were older. I didn't start reading it in the womb! I only became a nerd late in life.
  23. Does it beat the time when one unnamed moderator..ham censored a picture of a folded piece of paper? Who knew a piece of paper could be folded so wrong? Now that was dumb, this is nothing. I actually thinks it's sweet that you still remember that incident.
  24. I dunno. I've only read the first two chapters of Clauswitz, and my quick capsule review of 'virtually impossible to read, even for people who love war books' seems fair. I should add that it's taken my 22 years to read two chapters.
  25. I disagree. That's when you apply the rule about hitting rule breakers with a frying pan.
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