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Everything posted by Walsingham

  1. When you awake, lose D4/2 SAN.
  2. Oh, he is so dashing and carefree. He's my hero. If I was carefree, than I wouldn't mind having to cope with someone's expectations. Oh and sensitive too, behind the heroism. My dreamboat....
  3. Oh, he is so dashing and carefree. He's my hero.
  4. Another example of Gordon dumb-as-**** Brown. If our intelligence agencies had been in on this we'd have been able to pay off the bank bailout.
  5. I personally like it. Anything that turns Red Alert into a game of squash.
  6. 213374U, I think you're being rather bleakly cynical. The point about kirottu's list is not that he always does them. The point is that it would be nearly impossible to do them even most of the time. I think for many of us that's the heart of it. We give respect to people who do things we quite like, and try to do but don't always manage to.
  7. Word to the wise on business exams: put in as much military history as possible. Management types LOVE thinking they are spartacus every time they do the tax figures.
  8. ROFL. What do you think I do here?
  9. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/sci/tech/8103106.stm You lease the car. You gain from the company aiming to provide low maintenance, and high fuel efficiency. essentially the same argument as is now being used in a lot of military kit. Not sure I buy it, but it's undeniably interesting.
  10. My worst exam ever I turned up an hour late for a 90 minute exam. My alarm clock had quite categorically failed to go off until the minute the exam started (corroborating witnesses). When I arrived I was asked "Are you ok? Can I get you anything?" By the invigilator and to my great satisfaction I had the presence of mind to smile beatifically and say "A plain black coffee, please." I received 20% which I believe they give you for attempting the questions. Im fairly certain I answered some of th elater questions by simply saying what I would have done had Fate not intended otherwise. Thinking back, I'm substantially happier for having spent my early university career getting drunk, chasing women, and getting into fights than I could possibly have been with a slightly higher mark. *laughs* Actually, just talking about it has cheered me right up!
  11. *gnash* *gnash*
  12. I am most jealous. I don't really bruise. Heal like a shark. Well, my teeth don't, but you know what I mean.
  13. I hope so, if it doesn't and I fail this exam I'm hunting you down and beating you though. Just so you know. Spoken like a gentleman, sir.
  14. It
  15. I just revisited a chap I found via youtube a couple of years ago. He was being slanged out for his cover of a song I really like. He had some issues but in spite of what people were saying I thought he had huge potential. So I took the time to PM him and offer support and a few musical pointers, chat to him about stuff in general. I felt a bit goofy, but figure if you can help then you should, right? Anyway, it seems like he's gone on to do more singing, and to improve, and also to go on to help other people including taking time to go teach sick kids in hospital. I'm not going to take much credit, but I'm sure if you help other people they sometimes in turn help other people. I just thought it was kind of cool.
  16. Don't despair. Last minute revision works. Only smug bastards will tell you otherwise.
  17. I refuse to believe that anyone who walks around with an 'I heart you' scrawl on his face ever did that. Unless it was shortly before he got de-man-parted.
  18. Pirates lose to the Royal Navy, as we already know. I don't know what would happen with ninjas. I can, however, see that the stealthy precision attacks of a ninja would be ideal in decapitating the Horde. I just think a combine harvester would be more efficient.
  19. Maybe you should start if you liked this piece of garbage Care to elaborate? You can't because _I_ am the comedy genius who allowed the Onur the Courageous postings, while you, sir are a singed baboon of no comedy repute.
  20. There used to be a zombie readiness thread which I stickied when I was a mod. Clearly the duty of care seems to have been contracted since I resigned.
  21. I think you guys are mental. I loved Pineapple Express for its comedy script, timing, and great fight sequence at the end. Nor am I a drug-taker, besides alcohol.
  22. Sorry. I just ruined the moment, there. I'm a bastard, and apologise.
  23. If I'm honest I was simply being pompous and myself, not British. Most British people are reflexively apologist about the Empire. 1. My statement was not intended to imply that being an administered colony was great. My observation - having read detailed documents on the commission for liberating Nigeria - was that their principal failure seemed to have been to make a non-racist assumption that the only thing stopping the 'natives' running things as well as we were was US. I still say this was incorrect, but that it betrayed a greater spirit of respect than is generally accepted. 2. It fair to point out that post-colonial period may not be over. But when should we regard it as being over? 50 years? 60? 100?
  24. We have had several so-called 'honour' killings in the UK where men from foreign cultures feel a female relative is better off dead than _being accused of_ (never mind actually doing anything) loose behaviour. that seems to be a cultural thing. Do you think this attitude to 'respect' is cultural, or personal?
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