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Everything posted by Walsingham

  1. I'm not sure I'm liking this or simply obeying it.
  2. I just got a huge tax rebate, which I am choosing to assume was ordered directly by Prince Philip after reading me mithering oby.
  3. Make a youtube video or photobomb a celeb, and I'm sure you'll be going viral again. (Sorry couldn't resist, it put a funny image in my head). Try not to get confused and viral bomb a celeb. Unless it's Beiber.
  4. And, Junai, I love how you think a man shouldn't stand trial for a crime he's been lawfully charged with. By all means, Junai, let's abandon hope in democracy, and trust to strong men. And if they happen to commit a wee bit of sexual assault along the way, well what the hell. They can always go live free in countries where they're better understood. Like Russia, or China.
  5. It's got to be one of the few examples of things NOT being better 'back in the day'. It's always been gibberish.
  6. Stock cubes contain a lot of food preservatives and various flavor enhancers, which aren't very healthy and would kind of ruin the purpose behind the meal. And the soup is tasty without that crap. I'm pretty sure you need salt in it at least. And for reference, I'll try and remember to check my stock cubes for crap. If they're crap free I'll post the brand for ya.
  7. Thailand's an interesting country, and I'd certainly recommend holidaying there. But I'd sooner buy land, or invest in Ukraine. Culturally, the average Joe just abnegates all responsibility for their actions. Not a healthy reaction, IMO.
  8. I hope it was obvious, but I've got no problem with you Waldo. I just think you need to be careful what advice you give. Carrying a knife can mean you end up in a lot of trouble. I make no bones about it, but the only times I've ever NOT run like stink from a fight was when a friend of someone vulnerable was at risk. In none of those situations would a knife have helped. Conversely I've had people threaten me with a knife twice, and been stabbed once. Long story. On neither occasion did the gentlemen concerned need to go waving knives around, and in neither case did it help them look anything other than fearful c***s.
  9. So, we need to set you up with Catherine the Great?
  10. Congratulations. You just made me glad not to be young. At least I don't have to go to clubs and listen to crap any more.
  11. Since no-one else is biting: ...still a better love story than Twilight.
  12. Four words, maybe?
  13. Confirm spelling on that rum, Ros?
  14. Spot the government agent?
  15. Disappointed that the King - who is very old - decided to endorse yet another coup. As an aside, when anyone else saw this photo of the Junta leader, did you think 'his wife made him do it'?
  16. Running is always the best solution, but its not always possible. Knowing you're from Sweden I was more thinking along the lines of a small folder knife, that doubles as tool to open boxes etc. Remember, nobody wants a knife fight, not even your attackers. Having a knife is a great a**hole repellent, you don't even have to use it to be effective. Having known two professional fighters who've been ****ed up by drunk guys after sharp edges got involved I'd suggest you're talking balls. ...With all due respect to the fact that you're basically a meat avalanche. EDIT: ...with a gun.
  17. Solar stills are a far _far_ better idea.
  18. Why no stock cubes? Can you not get good ones in Austria?
  19. Breakfasted on whole pan-fried gurnard. Lemon pepper, olive oil. Toasted bagels. First time I've cooked this fish. Shallow oil, warmed the pepper through before starting the fish. Toasted both sides, then covered the pan with a lid to steam-fry. Total cook about 20 minutes, although eaten out of the pan still on the heat, sizzling oil mopped up with the bagels. Taste and texture of the flesh superb. Delicate, but with plenty more flavour than, say cod. Not much meat on the wee fellah. Feel full, but if I were serving at dinner I'd leave it as a discrete fish course, not a main. Black coffee.
  20. YOU have no idea? What the **** am I supposed to do? **** hobbits?
  21. Maybe you should just consider naturism.
  22. Chuck Palaniuk?
  23. Firstly, Longknife, can I suggest you have a prosthetic like in that Tarantino film, except instead of an M16 you have a live Nile crocodile. Liked your post. When it comes right down to it I think most of us want to be judged by what we can achieve, not what we look like we can achieve or what some other **** achieved. And since we want that for ourselves, and we're grown ups we allow that other people want the same.
  24. The internet informs me that I have to take the nearest book, turn to page 45, and the first sentence explains my lovelife. "Now Gandalf led the way."
  25. Precisely, GW is a great example Wals. They are currently undergoing a very, very painful restructuring program. Their one-staff-shop model might make it difficult to generate new customers, though. Once upon a time, as I'm sure you remember, GW (and White Dwarf) covered all RPGs, then GW became a games entity unto itself and pushed only its own products. Another example in a non-gaming context is football shirts - English Premiership teams release too many and the kids stop buying them. I do remember the days when GW understood it was part of an ecosystem. It needed to create gamers, not just customers. Speaking of which: http://www.orcsnest.com/
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