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Everything posted by Walsingham

  1. Can we table the merits of the 'better devils' for its own discussion? I feel the relevance to Thatcher is now clearly made as a subject. In so far as going bonkers right wing, that's certainly how I remember it. However, with the benefit of hindsight I can now see a lot of serious issues with the role played by Big trades unionism in making Britain a basket case. I'm actually a fan of organising at a grass roots level. But the dream for many of the little sods in the 70s and 80s was a communist revolution. And I think it's sufficient to say that a dictatorship of the proletariat is still a crap deal in my opinion.
  2. I thought you said you were American, old boy? EDIT: Watching that video, while sympathising with the poor terrified bastards I did think "Is that T72 trolling by making smoke like that?"
  3. Query: It seems to me that the demand for political correctness is an attempt to neuter governance. As (I think) pictorially represented above. 1. Is sexual dimorphism something we can logically refute? 2. Is this similar to demands by some sectors for repressing homosexuality. Disjointed question, but interested.
  4. Apparently there is a USS Ponce. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/USS_Ponce_%28LPD-15%29 Proof that you can be a multi-million dollar death machine and still get mocked.
  5. Hugely amused by knots of teenagers waffling on about how bad she was. Not here, just in pubs all over the place.
  6. I just realised that I'm missing the opportunity each year to dress up as a gumshoe and wander around town drunk on bourbon and sneering at dames.
  7. Why in the name of ungodly toad-crisps would Nigeria POSSIBLY need nukes? Their only significant security threats are internal! WTF are they going to do? Nuke Ilorin? It's like giving a man a shotgun when he's trying to swat away tsetse flies. ~~ ASIDE: do put mor effort in, old boy. Even 'obyk' wouldn't be proud of arming North Korea. Stay in character or you won't get XP.
  8. I'm only saying this because I've been in the same place more than once, and (as most of us do) I try to make others validate my decisions SO... This is a rude thing to say, but I guess I can since I don't know her and it's not like a personal insult. There's a good reason why you wouldn't normally imagine being in this position. It's because it's a mess. Messes are inherently exciting, and often seem harmless because they're exciting. But they aren't once the first buzz wears off. My advice is to back off immediately. Stop sleeping with her. Help her. But don't ford straight into something immediately. Lend her money to get a place on her own if you have to. Just don't let her into yours. If she's still interested once she's made the break properly and is running under her own steam, then fair play. caveat I am after all an Englishman and emotions are to be feared and mistrusted, like sheep.
  9. Thing to remember in PnP is it's 'real'. Any lowlife furry dust-soaked halfwit can put a length of cast iron through the hero.
  10. So, okay, it's been a while, I want to make sure I've got everything straight. I'm Kreyzak, obyknven, and Cyclone Man, right? No, not Krez. Krez is a real person. EDIT: you WISH you were Krezack.
  11. I don't exactly 'like' what Meshugger says, but it's damned relevant. Is it the Northern League in Italy that wants to secede? Parrallel?
  12. I would gently suggest to newbs that they re-read this thread keeping in mind that LoF and obyknven are the same poster.
  13. Ultimately, for my money I'd accept either British affiliation or complete independence. But Argentine rule is just ****ing nuts. Actually, somewhat reminds me of Solomon and the women and the baby.
  14. That's what they'd be in my neck of the woods. I'm not sure whether such species are present out in California. I got drafted to cook Easter dinner for 8 people yesterday. My wife's family is predominantly California-based, but her sister and brother-in-law live a short ways away from us in MD. Said sister-in-law has been hosting her husband's parents for the past week, visiting from their home in Tucson, AZ. Further, Wife & Sis have a cousin who moved to Norfolk, VA, because that's where the Navy sent him, and who stuck around after his commission expired, as a reservist going back to school full-time. As we're the only family he can get to in a day trip, he and his girlfriend were also invited. My sister-in-law tried to arrange a get-together at a restaurant, but reservations at anywhere decent were hard to come by, so she turned to me late last week as "the guy who cooks for family gatherings." This was complicated a bit because my in-law's in-laws don't eat red meat or pork. So, in a somewhat atypical move for Easter, we had fish. I went to the fancy grocery store and bought a few pounds of a big white fillets (from a beast called "Whiting" or, if you're being fancy, "Hake"), that I could slather with a dijon-thyme sauce and broil for a couple minutes. (I'm usually not especially picky about my ingredients-- all the other stuff was bought at the regular ol' grocery store-- but it doesn't pay to mess around when it comes to fishmongers.) That came out pretty well, but the best part was the scalloped potatoes with mushrooms and goat cheese. I've never lived near enough to the sea to stick to just fresh fish. But your strategy is certainly what I'd do given the chance. That or sushi.
  15. My understanding was that the Executive operated a 'dual (****ed up) policy, resulting in both sides getting assurances of support that succeeded merely in instigating then prolonging the war. In fact, the Reagan Administration was sharply divided on the issue. Meeting on April 5, Haig and Assistant Secretary of State for Political Affairs Lawrence Eagleburger favoured backing Britain, concerned that equivocation would undermine the NATO alliance. Assistant Secretary of State for Inter-American Affairs Thomas Enders, however, feared that supporting Britain would undermine U.S. anti-communist efforts in Latin America. He received the firm backing of U.N. Ambassador Jeane Kirkpatrick, Haig's nominal subordinate and political rival. Kirkpatrick was guest of honour at a dinner held by the Argentine ambassador to the United States, on the day that the Argentine armed forces landed on the islands. The White House continued its neutrality; Reagan famously declared at the time that he could not understand why two allies were arguing over "that little ice-cold bunch of land down there". But he assented to Haig and Secretary of Defense Caspar Weinberger's position. Haig briefly (April 8–April 30) headed a "shuttle diplomacy" mission between London and Buenos Aires. According to a BBC documentary titled "The Falklands War and the White House",[19] Caspar Weinberger's Department of Defense began a number of non-public actions to support and supply the British military while Haig's shuttle diplomacy was still ongoing. Haig's message to the Argentines was that the British would indeed fight, and that the U.S. would support Britain, but at the time he was not aware that the U.S. was providing support already. A bit hackneyed, compared with other analyses I've read, but at least you can access it! EDIT: It is a personal maxim of mine that there is no such thing as divided loyalty. Loyalty is an integer of either one or zero.
  16. You'd think so with the omnibus (?) collections they did, but they're difficult to find in my experience. I think the stores local to me got one volume. That sucks. You can even get them at the local library here.
  17. It annoys the bojangles out of me that we have to accept weak spirits from the Obama administration over the Falklands. Arguably, such indecision helped provoke a war in the Falklands last time, and (much more famously) the invasion of Kuwait. As the interviewer above said, we NEVER fail to back up the US in a fight. Returning the favour might be gauche, but could make a real difference aroudn the world. Taiwan, anyone? I can only hope that this is a case of playing the public game different from the private. Britain is an old diplomatic hand. And while the Foreign Office were scandalously complicit in encouraging the Argentines in the 1970s/80s I don't get the feeling they're like that any more.
  18. I hardly think it's a goddamn conspiracy. I was barely a teenager when I worked out the EC couldn't possibly work as more than a trade area. Not very secret, surely? Ultimately, we're talking about democracies here. People (most people) had at least some say in the creation of the EU. I think it should be scrapped now, but that doesn't mean I think we can just blame 'Ze Germans'.
  19. Russian cholera also best.
  20. Up betimes, and exploded from both ends. I'm running a fever as I write this. My immune system either over or under-reacting. All my joints are grinding together like a child playing reluctantly on the violin. Now listening to Schubert and eating oranges under an iron sky. Bit weird, but I've always liked those massive bees. There's something admirable in their size and broad benevolence.
  21. Walsingham


    Rediscovered Amanda Palmer. Two tracks from her Aussie tour rock me: - Vegemite - Bad Wine and Lemon Cake Really puts 'normal' song writing in perspective.
  22. Doesn't the second pretty much follow from the first?
  23. I hadn't considered that as factor in live performance, but now you mention it, I'd say you might be right.
  24. You can get some very good Dredd compilations now. Great to have them all bound together without the somewhat sketchy other stories 2000AD used to run. Yes Skinless Man I'm looking at you.
  25. At 2 and a half million attacks from Russia alone (according to that link) I'd say it's a serious issue. I believe that "ze barbarians" are one of many reasons why we're witnessing the death throes of the net as we've got used to it. Free traffic brings free exploitation. Fundamentally, and because these is a free-wheeling forum, I'll ask a test question: What does UK PLC gain by exposing our 'net to Russia? Besides Oby, of course.
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