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Everything posted by Walsingham

  1. "Bristol mayor George Ferguson has had a cup of cold coffee poured over his head at the Bristol Anarchist Bookfair... He said he had had heated conversations with some people, and was pushed to the ground when he offered to shake the hand of the man who poured the coffee... ... Mr Ferguson, who stood as an Independent in November's mayoral election, said he was slightly bruised as a result of the attack but basically unhurt. He added that it was "surprising" it had taken five months for somebody to pour something over him." Thought that was amusing. LINK
  2. I simply don't buy the idea that the Chechens got significant help from the West in Chechnya. I don't expect anyone else to be swayed by that without better justification, but it's a lovely sunny day and I'm damned if I'm going through my old books to get 'evidence' for an absence of something.
  3. You got a point. Also, those who've never been in a big project need to understand that there's rarely a point where someone says "I have an idea: what if the product could just suck?" You get agendas, and different power dynamics and trade offs are made. It's why its so rare that creative projects achieve clarity and consistency in what they deliver, IMO. And the OP is quite right. The only way that the message about DRM will get across is by affecting the bottom line. I'm just not clear how. I don't understand how they're calculating that bottom line. I fear it's by the entirely laughable approach of saying that DRM will translate illegal use into legal rather than what it's done to me, which is translate legal use into not use.
  4. Ecclesiaton was fine, Tennant has the best situations and companions and Matt Smitt has the best writing. You are all far too jaded to enjoy Dr. Who anymore, tis a pity Point is, Harry Potter is more grown up.
  5. I thought you got patched up like a smashed vase a few years back, GD. How does camping affect you? You just tough it out?
  6. I'm not sure I'd be so cavalier about describing Serbia as having no Muslims, Drowsy. Even if it were true it wouldn't be because someone was frying bacon, in the nineties. On the subject of Chechnya, I'd remind those old enough that back in the day, Jihadis said Chechnya was proof that there was a Christian conspiracy against Muslims. Because - so they said - we should have sent in troops to support them against Russian oppression. Then of course using troops to liberate Muslims later was used by the exact same ideologues to 'prove' we were out to dominate and control Muslims. This is why I have zero time for people who say foreign policy is the problem. The bastards are just as creative with truth as they are with wire and ammonia.
  7. Going to watch that. Those revolvers looked a lot like nerf guns.
  8. Excellent question, without being ghoulish I will wager he shouldn't be taken alive as he would want to martyr himself Assuming the info 'leaking' out is sound I'd put a fiver on him eventually surrendering if they catch him right. Remember that it's not unknown to have vested (no pun intended) suicide bombers surrender. The reality of what is going on can eventually hit home. From my own experience it can get very scary when you know you could die soon. I just wanted to hang onto everything, as if dying was like sliding off everyday details, like gravel and birdsong, as you might slide off a lilo. Thinking about that it's hard for me not to hope the guy surrenders. I know I said that these guys are worthless ****, but you do get kids barrelled along sometimes, and maybe this is just some little brother with seriously misplaced hero workship issues.
  9. As an aside, I just noticed Nonek's sig. Awesome.
  10. Back off, man. I have the World's tiniest violin. It plays only for me.
  11. Weird. I guess (with my corporate head on) it makes sense to utilise the IP in the World building once you've done it for the game. Plus, maybe if it gets going you'd take inspiration from what was happening in game online and dramatise it. Could get the fans on both angles worked up.
  12. If I may take an interim show of hands (so to speak), are we all agreed that more fundamentally than any political creed the perpetrators were vain worthless arseholes? I just enjoy the rare shreds of consensus we achieve at times like this.
  13. To play devil's advocate, because it's fun... Industrial accidents are just that. Accidents. They cost a lot of money, and ruin (middle management) careers. However, the thing that makes EA crap is that they take things we care about and water them down and pimp them out and generally get inside our dreams and paint them beige. The difference is between killing a baby in a car crash, and rounding up people's house pets for use as kebab meat.
  14. That particular irony is SO 2003.
  15. You've got bags of energy, though. You may hate me for suggesting this, but have you thought about something a bit more interesting, like being a journalist or a cop or something?
  16. Walsingham


    ALL Toots and the Maytals songs do that.
  17. I've not seen a mass grave, and I'd rather not ever. I ~have~ seen more dead people than I care for, and few of them were particularly pleasant. Most of them just looked horribly ~dead~. I doubt any video-game will ever be able to carry that sensation across. Not do I want it to. However, as Obsidian has stated, it would be interesting to explore more mature themes than usually done in CRPGs. And I believe that along that line of thought, a more ~believable~ approach to killing and death would be an interesting avenue to walk. The usual glorified mass murderers that is a typical RPG player character is a trope I'd like to see dissapear. You make a good point.
  18. Just to quickly chime in, we're trying something very much like this in our tabletop WHFRP game at the moment. Obvioulsy it's one feth of a lot easier to do by description but it's cool, anyway. I take the point that one sword could get boring, but that's only if it doesn't change in unexpected ways or mature with you. The example I'd use would be Gimli's axe. Isn't there a bit at Helm's Deep where it gains a big notch in the blade due to an orc's "iron collar"? From our game we've got one fella with a simple sabre which just never seems to stop scoring one shot stabbing kills. Another fellah picked up a billhook sans shaft which he's been using as an improvised axe, and has just got re-shafted, albeit using oak and bronze. ~ As a complete aside, but it amuses us, our youngest player can't seem to hold on to the same sword for more than half a session.
  19. Wasn't there a discussion about this in a recent video blog that got emailed out?
  20. As other posters have indicated, there's mileage in what you're saying. However, I'm talking about my feeling on whether it's right for Project Eternity. My gut and considered reaction is emphatically no. My considered points boil down to: 1. Doing it as you suggest will have a cost in terms of project team time 2. Justifying this means ensuring that enough players like the impact it has on their gaming experience 3. To do this means dialling up the impact the mechanic has on combat effectiveness. 4. If the effectiveness is dialled up then it means that the relevant in-game factors become correspondingly more important to good level design. 5. There is a risk that existing levels will need lighting redesigns or stealthy players will find them either a breeze or impossible. 6. I just don't feel that the benefit _in Project Eternity_ is worth the risk to invested effort As has been pointed out thsi sort of mechanic would suit a dedicated stealth game.
  21. Zoraptor: Did you catch the radio reimagining of Blake's 7? They had prequels, and I must say they were damned good. If the show is based around the same writers and so forth then I don't think you'll be disappointed. On Dr Who, I know it's for kids. I get that. Just having grown up with Victorian 'cautionary' tales of blood, and torso explosions, and being burned alive I feel kids can take a lot meatier subject matter.
  22. The ones that got me were when I realized I was older than a lot of pro athletes, as well as when I realized I had lived more years without a brother than with one. Alan do you think you've reached the point in your life where you realize you aren't going to be an astronaut, or is this something you still aspire to? LOL. I was just thinking about this yesterday, talking about the one way Mars trips. Good news is I decided that I kind of enjoy here, and some other bloke can do this one.
  23. Good luck with that. I take the trouble to follow up the news at trial and afterwards (eventually) in books. Can't think of many cases where the public got a solid read of the truth, even five/ten years later. I agree that there's a lot of wild speculation. But the same way that dogs howl and bark, we humans gossip. As they used to say in the War "If you know a better 'ole, go to it."
  24. UPDATE: The BBC's Frank Gardner does a quick summary of possible perps.
  25. The Bam (which is an awesome name for a city) quake killed tens of thousands, and ruined a rather nice mud brick castle rather badly. I think only Haiti or Sumatra (indirectly) in the last decade or so were definitely worse in terms of casualties. Incidentally, that links describes Bam as one of the most "popular poo" districts. I bet somewhere someone was really pleased with that alteration. Arsehole.
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