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Everything posted by Darkside

  1. Is that AIMese or Nerdling? I hated the swoops on K2. The simplicity of the K1 tracks was much better.
  2. I like polls. However, I do wish there was some kind of limit on how many polls you can make a month.
  3. Good. If I had had to listen to "Optimus! We ran off to face the big bad guys to be heros even though they're 100x our size and now we're screwed! Save us!" one more time... <_<
  4. I would also have to say Vrook. It was because of narrow-minded fools like him that the Jedi Order crumbled in the first place.
  5. Griff and Vrook are major asses, but the one I hate the most is the droid guy's wife on Tatooine. I can't believe she called me one of her husbands playthings just because I had a hunting license. Screw letting her husband die, I wanted to kill her. <_<
  6. Atris has 66.6%. How fitting. (I voted for her, btw.)
  7. Launchie! There you are! Muso and I were just wondering why you don't post quite as much. P.S. I appreciate the hot chocolate I'm drinking.
  8. I might ask for that for Christmas. I tried watching the new ones, but they just seemed so childish. Please tell me the old ones didn't have whiney teenagers too.
  9. No, it's Blarg-headed frack monkey. ... *ahem* Sorry about that. Deadlocked moment. Carry on.
  10. Be nice to Mothie. It's not his fault he's a nanny. Where is DL/KB/HIJKLMNOP anyway? I miss her/him/them.
  11. Thanks. You think blue would be better? Lemme see... *brings GIMP back up*
  12. Quiet you! Now where did I put that picture of starscream disintergrating... " Shush, you're supposed to leave that detail out! Besides, that was the best I could come up with, having never seen Transformers before. :">
  13. If you mean Vrook, you can kill him. If you mean HK, you're a bloody heretic.
  14. You mean this? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Mmm, I'd dish out big money for a resort trip there.
  15. I'd rather be furniture than a small burn on the rug. < Eldar
  16. I will not be defeated by you!!!
  17. ... and if you want to escape their hunting dogs, keep your head down, don't flame or say something stupid, and pray for luck. Worked for me.
  18. I was beginning to wonder... I declare myself new GM. My first official act as GM is to declare Russia winner. You guys lose, go home and cry.
  19. I'm a 14 year old girl gamer, I like Halo, Thief: Deadly Shadows, Ratchet and Clank, Jak, Final Fantasy, and Starfox 64. I have a black belt in karate and I passed the SATs. I like ice cream and donughts. I am frightened by the emoticon.
  20. 10601 Yet my training is still not complete. <_<
  21. ^ Well, images take longer to load than text, so you're okay until it grows to DL proportions. No, no tracing here. But the ghost should look familiar. It's straight out of the Halo 2 book, but its freehand. Same with the chocobo and the FFX strategy guide. You can't go first person in FFX to study a chocobo, and if you stand still in Halo you're likely to get shot, so I made due with what I had. Eru: I don't have much talent as it is! Don't take what I've got.
  22. I've been told I act like her too. But hey, that's a compliment to me. Wow, I've never met another NCIS fan. I was beginning to think my mom and I were alone. I miss Kate.
  23. Let's see, between school, karate, homework, tv, parties, and errands, I've attempted to make this post a good seven times to no avail. So: take 8. Part of my time neglecting this thread went into making a logo for my friends' band. I would post it, but it doesn't seem to want to upload. Their name is Chain Reaction, so I drew a radiation sign (which, come to think of it, might be upside down) with flames behind it. The flames were on request. At the center of the sign is an atom which has a glowing orbit trail around the sign. "Chain Reaction" is written below it in funky letters I designed, with the "C" and the "R" chained together. The rest was spent doing constructive crap that has nothing to do with art. So I uploaded some old ones instead. Hope you guys like them. Chocobos are l33t. For you, Sir Mothie, part 2. ^ I tried to resize them, but photobucket wouldn't acknowledge the new sizes. So I linked them instead. BTW, I got some complaints about my old sig being too big, so I tried to make a smaller one. Comments welcome. Now I just need a matching avvie (nudges Calax).
  24. The Dwarven fighter not being a complete drunk.
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