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Everything posted by samm

  1. ben folds - the ascent of stan
  2. I recently played a very good MP module for NWN1 with my girlfriend, because we couldn't continue our coop-runthrough of NWN2. Other than that, as a filler for the want of something better, I don't play NWN modules anymore. [edit] Man, writing English after a DMing a PnP session and being tired is a bad combination...
  3. Nice, they have a good explanation for the slightly odd look of their game now Could you explain to a non-dev, why destructibility and 'fitting' textures and lighting can't be combined? Would that be too perfect to be true?
  4. the secret meeting - shooting laser beams hm, i like other songs and collide better...
  5. If your PC is connected by one single conneciton cable to the subwoofer, which in that case contains the decoder for the digital signal, and that subwoofer does not have the option to plug in two additional sattelites, you can't upgrade the system to 7.1 with another set of 2 speakers.
  6. It's good to see that prefabs are indeed used, and how they are used. And it's even better if people pick up Expotron. Go, cc-people, go! Yes, or replace the mus file with something better for our liking. The second solution is probably closer to what I'll do, or just turn the music's volume down, while leaving the rest of the sounds up... Turn my speakers off
  7. Faith and the Muse - Interlude (Annabell) sometimes I wish I could play the guitar. So beautiful...
  8. The theme sounds a bit too dissonant and is probably quite disturbing during character creation for my taste. Also, ask Jeremy Soule if he lends you his synthesizer for the strings The drums are cool, imo. So is the release of the granny tool. Go to work now, custom content creators! Btw, does someone actually use downloaded area prefabs in his/her module? I don't mean to be to negative, sorry if it sounds as if.
  9. portishead - roads 5 mins later: boole - america inline the lyrics are... fun, if you don't take it personally as bush-fan or something
  10. baley: mazzy star - fade into you
  11. folds can be fun at times... "you don't know what it's like, being male, middleclass and white. it gets me real p***ed off and" so on decoded feedback - breath
  12. ha - i've heard people claiming everyone liking music should like metal (progressive at least)... so untrue... anyway: currently listening to kmfdm - juke joint jezebel
  13. and one - get you closer (club mix) hehe, i feel at home and at a party at the same time with sanctuary-radio. lala, to get you closer... so drifted of mentally that i posted in the animals-thread instead of here actually. should probably get some sleep, but music keeps me awake...
  14. [edit] damn, wrong thread
  15. pff... just something to distract from the cool show that amd has pulled off on its analyst's day.
  16. the first sentence still needs some change "Ich will Unreal Tournament spielen!" (what you wrote could be translated as "I wool plai UT"; "wollen" is quite a difficult verb to inflect and build a correct sentence with. Similar to my problems with english that pop up every now and then...). I haven't got any links either, but I like that WOW-Dress-Song.
  17. that's quite precisely like my situation in a year
  18. musopticon?: Thank you, I already emailed the professor, so I'm currently just waiting... *sighs* karka: I think studying for two more years or so is very worth already in the medium-term.
  19. my f***ing god, i just got examn-results, and it says "failed" on the one examn I was best prepared for and always got a "very good" in exercises and the previous tests. this just can't be, and i'm in a state of shock right now. they really must have made a mistake. did i have a blackout the day of the examination? i don't remember... this can't be. i'm not failing again.
  20. aphrodite's child - the four horsemen
  21. raconteurs? tristania - equilibrium
  22. clawfinger - evolution. this track is so incredibly cool, getting really extatic about it and it fits the thread I will never write into because of its question, which is no question really, it's like opening a thread about wether it's raining outside or not (seen from my room), when you can just look out of the window and see that it's raining.
  23. das ich - sehnsucht (from lava: asche)
  24. Ha, I always liked Lennons Titles! (Well, many of them) Skinny Puppy - Politikil
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