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Maria Caliban

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Everything posted by Maria Caliban

  1. The pixies rock: " I'm getting 360 just for this game." Jade Empire and KotOR 2 were the reason I got an X-Box. Mass Effect is the reason I'm getting a 360. karka: "Do you remember modifiable Marvelous Dragonfly from Jade Empire?" Yes. Your point?
  2. That's got to be the most buggy game I've heard of yet. Delete the original game save from your X-Box and restart.
  3. Why wasn't Mira on this poll?
  4. James Dunn: "Have any of you ever gotten your consulars thru the this melee challange?" Yes. I had a 12 in str, a belt that gave me + 4 to strength, a pair of gauntlets that gave me +2 in strength, and an implant that gave me +2 in strength. Dxen was my second planet. I think my level was 16/4. I also had maxed dueling, which gives +3 to attack and defence. The items in this game make my D&D characters weep in envy.
  5. Crash Girl: " Detection Response and Investigation AI has always been a problem in almost every game I can remember playing." I recall Splinter Cell having a robust DIR-AI.
  6. Gorth: "You say, you can commit to this about as much as it being a hobby. That sort of rules out a few things." I know many people who put more passion and energy into their hobbies than they do in their work or relationships.
  7. You can get the drivers here.
  8. Surreptishus: "That trailer came out after Llyranor posted the link." I figured that out when I finished downloading the second video and watched it. Still, if the original poster comes back, I'd appreciate it if they added an FYI with the link. In other news... Given that the original SS was eclipsed by DOOM and SS 2 was eclipsed by HalfLife, I wonder if BioShock is going to inherit the SS curse.
  9. I'm certain this did not even occur to you but you might have mentioned that the content of that video was rather extreme.
  10. Dark Raven: "The Valsharess from HotU. " The Valsharess was a character with depth: whenever she appeared, it was like parts of her were popping out of the screen.
  11. Darque: "I think you misunderstand." To be fair to Nartwak, he did not misread your post. How is a free gaming tool on a company site less of a free gaming tool?
  12. My female lightside jedi also meditated with Visas. This was on the X-Box version. I wouldn't be surprised if this is a gender fluke as several times through the game I've had characters refer to the PC as 'he' or 'him'. I even had a play through where Kreia informed me I was not to breed with her. It occurred to me that Mariluka physiology might be vastly different than my own.
  13. -Go to Narr Shadda and talk to the Duros merchant. Indicate that you'll help him with the Rodian merchant. - Go to the Rodian merchant and tell her that Duros has a problem with her. Agree to not bother her. - Go back to the Duros and tell him that you want a better offer, he'll tell you the Exchange will bar you from trading with merchants if you don't help him. - Go back to the Rodian, inform her of Duros' threat. She'll give you a speech about the hard path verses the easy one. - Tell her you're interested in the longer path. You now have a new bonus mission: stabilizing Onderon and Dantoone to get her new trade routes. - Once you finish this mission, return to her. She'll have a bunch of new items.
  14. 3,963: Juhani born 3,956. Jedi Civil War ends My Revan/Juhani slashfic just became all sorts of icky.
  15. Melee Consulars are best played as buff bots. Spend the first few rounds of combat casting powers that boost your physical attributes, speed you up, and reduce damage taken. As for physical attributes, I'd go with raising your dexterity as it improves your defense and if you grab lightsaber finesse it will also improve your chance to hit. You're never going to do as much damage as a Guardian in melee and your vitality points are also lower so you need to concentrate on making sure you don't get hit. For feats, I'd maximize duel wield and critical hit. Elvish Leagion: " Edit: I just relized...no jedi base class gets sneak attack like the first...that sucks" The Jedi Watchman and Sith Assassin both get Sneak Attack, if I recollect correctly.
  16. Pop: " All deities had to give spell power to their followers through Mystra's weave, so I don't know if you could trace a spell back to them or back to Mystra." Is that all deities or all deities native to Faerun? During the Time of Troubles, I thought that clerics of the Seldarine could still cast magic despite Mystra no longer being around. Kaftan Barlast: "Now, is there any way for the party to expose the infiltrator just by studying the way she casts spells? The party contains a Wizard (detect magic, spellcraft) and a ranger (has some divine spells). The Lolth cleric carries a magical headband of "undetectable alignment" to prevent them from trying a simple "detect evil" All that detect magic tells you is that there's magic present and, if you concentrate long enough and combine it with a spellcraft roll, the spell's school. For instance, if the priestess casts Desecrate from the Evil sphere then a successful detect magic + spellcraft would tell the wizard that she was casting an Evocation spell of X level. A plain spellcraft roll would tell you that she was casting Desecrate, Cure Light Wounds, or what have you but not what deity was powering the spell. If she's doing a prayer or ritual then a knowledge [religion] check might clue in a character that something isn't quite right. It would have to be a rather high check, however, as prayers and rituals to Lloth aren't exactly well known. Moreover, Ellisatree is a chaotic goddess. For instance, her commandments for gatherings seem to be "When the moon is full, strip down butt nekked and shakith thy money-maker." I can see priests of Helm all following the exact same ritual when lying on hands or calling upon their god but Ellisatree doesn't strike me as a goddess who'd care about that.
  17. Ginthaerial: " The people who lambast Alignment for restricting roleplaying, tebd to also like Planescape: Torment for its deep roleplaying aspects." Alignment was built into the setting in a far more visceral and complex way in Planescape than it is in the generic D&D setting. My PHB has only *one* page on alignment but a dozen on races, classes, combat, and equipment. It's treated like an afterthought yet it's vitally important for anyone playing a paladin or cleric but near-to-useless for a rogue or fighter. On the other hand, the Vampire games from White Wolf (all WW games, actually) has an alignment system that's, mechanically, even more restrictive than the D&D one. However, it's crafted into the very idea of a vampiric condition so it's strongly grounded in the setting and effects every character equally. Tigranes: " Since I don't believe in an absolute and universal value of Good and Evil, that throws me into "Alignments are bad cookies" party," I don't believe in magical elves but that doesn't mean I think they're bad in an RPG. Dgwar: "Chaotic Neutral would be the only D&D alignment that would allow you to do whatever you wanted...." Only if you have a poor DM. metadigital: "Not sure anyone is guilty of not giving answers in good faith ..." They are trying to lead this poor youth astray. I suspect they're all CE. Atreides: " What's up with the lawful btw? The Punisher isn't motivated by obeying the law." Paladins behave in a lawful good manner. If you take a paladin and place him in a land where the law is that you must feed newborn babes to demons every Tuesday* then they're going to break that law. A lawful character does not have to follow the law of the land. From the PHB: A Lawful Evil person methodically takes what he wants within the limits of his code of conduct without regard for whom it hurts. *As anyone who's debated D&D alignment knows, you can't bring up paladins without including demons and dead babies. Darque: "Chaotic people wouldn't care if laws were broken" That's an oversimplification. For instance, you could have the head of the town militia be a CG woman who demands strict adherence to the law but also bucks her society's expectations for demeanor and behavior, opposes the church because she sees them as enforcing outdated ideals, and works in an adaptable, unorganized manner. The majority of people are upset when laws are broken because most laws are there for a reason. **** metadigital: " Yeah, my understanding is that "Lawful" refers to an external, societal law." Please don't misconstrue my intention here but your understanding of 'lawful' in a D&D context is inaccurate. Lawful can refer to law, tradition, or personal code. If an assassin ritualistically murders someone every new moon, disembowels them, eats their brain, and offers their heart Shar then they're acting in a lawful evil manner. If another murderer simply lets the pressure build until they *must* roam the street at night with an axe, find some lone prostitute, and chunk them then they're acting in a chaotic evil manner. The lawful/chaotic axis is as more about personality and methodology, leaving intentions or specific behaviors for the good/evil axis.
  18. You could take the saved game, copy and paste it to a folder outside of the game folder, uninstall the game and then reinstall it.
  19. Atreides: "What kind of alignment are we looking at for a character like the Punisher? The dude's got a righteous cause - fighting on the side of justice but the methods he employs are pretty badass themself." I've mused upon this hypothetical for some time now - approximately the time it took me to read the thread - and can come to only a single conclusion: The Punisher is Lawful Evil. All other answers are false and I fear they are not given in good faith.
  20. To clarify, do you want someone to develop an RPG system based on The Longest Journey or are you asking someone to GM a play-by-post game in that setting?
  21. Have you tried reloading before the cut scene that caused this error?
  22. I must say, I do get a warm, fuzzy feeling when I see my thread being linked to when it's been over a year since I created it.
  23. Darque: "I think Requiem is a souless abomination, and I hope a video game of it is never made. But that's just me. " I sense you're a Werewolf fan.
  24. astr0creep: "And yet, animals have no laws, they live in chaos and all is perfect. Why is that?" It's perfect for the lion. Would the zebra say the same?
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