Oddly enough, I ran into the same problem. After every planet you gain a cutscene and you get one whenever a new person joins. I also believe some trigger when you reach a certain point in the plot.
Every cut scene stays in 'queue' and I ended up doing what you did (running in and out of the ship several times) but I caught on early enough that I started coming in and out of the Hawk a bit more frequently.
I'd say that she and Sion had the best voices with Kreia and HK-47 right behind them. The problem was that she wasn't given enough time and material.
The in game model was good enough but doesn't compare to the concept and promo art.
This is my humble opinion and of course people are free to disagree with it but at higher levels Dexterity is far more important than Strength to a Jedi. This includes the Guardian.
At the end of the game, I had a Strength of 12 and a Dexterity of 23. + 37+31 to hit and did 10-38/11-44 damage. I had a defense of 30. If we switch the values for Dexterity and Strength I now have +32/+26 to hit and do 15-41/16-49 but my Defense drops to 25.
Jedi can't wear armor so the highest defense the can get from their clothing is 3. Unless you want to get hit constantly you have to put something into Dexterity or use the defense boosts from Force powers. Unfortunately, Guardians will tend to have the lowest amount of force points.
It's easier to get items that boost Dex and strength becomes useless when you have Lightsaber Finess. With that starting build I still had a 26 in Dex at the end of the game.
The equation code was fun, the ABC code was fun, the Pazzak game was fun, the dots and Xs code was fun -- thinking spacilly is not fun.
Hey, did you see my responce to your 'This Ending makes no sense' thread, Boiler?
Oddly enough, I began to like Revan more as I played through the Sith Lords.
The backstory of the Exile is more compelling but I think that Revan is still much more powerful.