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Everything posted by Jediphile

  1. Perhaps because many of the reasons you cite are the very reasons many of us, or at least me, like this movie.
  2. Good lord, learn to read please. You really need to take a closer look at Star Wars of the period you speculate about. The Great Sith War about 40 years before KotOR1 left the order decimated. For example, Atris tells Revan in the KotOR comic book #9 that the order is still rebuilding from the last war, referring to the Great Sith War against Exar Kun and Ulic Qel-Droma. There were more jedi before that war, but no Sith - that's why the Great Sith War got as bad as it did - the jedi were totally unprepared for it. Ulic Qel-Droma is even noted in Tales of the Jedi #2 (the paperback collection of which was titled "Knights of the Old Republic" long before Bioware began work on K1) as having heard only stories of the dark side until that point. A major point of the current on-going KotOR comic book is that precisely for the purpose of not being caught unawares again, a covenant exists within the order to detect and eliminate the Sith threat before it can rise again. Therefore a major Sith presense in the time between the Great Sith War around 4000 BBY and the Mandalorian Wars around 3963 BBY would directly contradict the plot of KotOR comic book, which is canon in Star Wars lore. And since a major point of KotOR1 is that Revan and Malak could build their own Sith order, it can be safely concluded that the Sith were not numerous or active in the years between, or Revan and Malak would have had to challenge them for rule of the Sith, which was not the case. So no, you do not have a time period here where both jedi and sith are numerous at the same time, and you won't have one until at least several generations after TSL.
  3. That's all speculation and reasoned argument by fans. I'm not questioning the logic,
  4. Ehm, you DO realise that the entire jedi order was wiped out by Sion and Nihilus before TSL and that the Sith were destroyed during the events of the game, right? If the point of the MMO's time setting is to have lots of jedi and sith, KotOR is a really bad time period with only the period of Palpatine's Empire and after being worse.
  5. As you probably know, Star Wars canon is not written in a straight line, so there are a lot of unknowns. I actually have not read all the New Jedi Order (NJO) stuff taking place 20+ years after RotJ, but you can pick up the plots pretty easily if you look through Wookieepedia. For a long time, new NJO novels were always the chronologically "newest" stories in Star Wars, but a few years back, they decided to begin a new comic book set about 100-120 or so years after RotJ, the point being that all the regular heroes (Luke, Leia, Han, Lando, etc.) would be long dead and gone. And the galaxy is in trouble. The comic series is called "Legacy" and has Cade Skywalker as the main character. Luke actually appears as a force ghost in one story, though, so it does establish that he died at some point and became one with the force like Obi-Wan. Everything in the computer games, comic books (except for all but a few parts of Star Wars Tales) and novels is canon. Yes, some people assign C-canon and whatnot, but LA actually considers everything they've released to be canon. Probably not the true Sith. For one thing, given that Kreia ends TSL with the comment that the great is coming, I'd assume the matter has long since been dealt with. I'm still clinging to the hope of seeing that resolved in a single-player KotOR3. Besides, the unknown regions of KotOR are not quite as unknown anymore in Luke's time 4000+ years later. Well, I don't read it either, but maybe we just don't like all the new characters. Or maybe we don't like the idea that Han, Leia and Luke are dead - it's much easier to accept they are not born yet if you go back in time and tell stories in the Old Republic. Krayt is a creature of the movie era, though, as his origin is set in the Republic comic books between Episodes I and II, IIRC. Thanks for your praise, though.
  6. Bear in mind that at least the jedi master and I think also the sith lord prestige classes have a unique ability to "push" the alignments of companions towards the extremes - I have sometimes ending up with companions being closer to LS mastery than the exile was because of this ability. So if your preference is for other prestige classes, then your experience may well be different.
  7. Yes, but I took that to not only imply but confirm that he did not die in the movie. If he had, talks of whether he would do a subsequent movie or not would be moot, wouldn't they?
  8. Impossible owing to the fact that Bane is dead by then. Not even Yoda lived a thousand years, and Bane is human.
  9. Always being LS ( ) I did so the first time only to decide to reload because the Selkath promptly threw Sunry in jail for years and cut the Republic's access to Kolto on Manaan. So if I'm to take the moral choice, I must hinder the Republic war effort against the Sith by denying it a vital resource of healing essential to saving the lives of soldiers defending the Republic across the galaxy from the Sith's domination? Yes, I realise the obvious choice is to always see the guilty pay for their crimes. Justice must be served. No argument. But isn't it a little too easy to do that while you insist on ignoring the implications? Are the resulting consequences to the Republic fair and just? Somehow take that choice seems "easy", which usually translates into "wrong" where morals and ethics are concerned. Of course Sunry deserves to pay for his crime, but during a war you might not be able to afford to choice to be so gullible in your choice. "Silent leges inter arma," as they say - "laws are silent amidst arms", which means during wartime. You also cannot ignore that the Selkath are completely superficial in their ruling, insisting on looking only at the absolutes - Sunry killed her, and he is a representative of the Republic. Hence he goes to prison and the Republic is banned from Manaan - case closed. So in this case I'll choose to withhold evidence not because Sunry deserves it, but because the Sith did plot against him, and because while he deserves punishment, the Republic - and its soldiers - do not, and I can't ignore that. So Sunry gets to walk off and I sweep it under the carpet... on Manaan. Sunry better not look forward to the end of the war, because when it's over, I'll bring the matter up again and add that he took the Republic's safety hostage during a time of crisis to cover up his own crime, and so, while there might have been extenuating circumstances for the crime itself, Sunry's subsequent choices to protect his own hide do not reflect well on his character or his dedication to the Republic at all. But that will have to wait until after the war.
  10. Are you serious?... I'm trolling by saying the MMO might be decent? Good point there, you're really smart. It's silly to think people won't give an MMO sequel to a former GotY title a chance. The MMO won't flop. I'm saying you're trolling because you keep insisting that we're "lying" when we say we're not interested in playing the MMO, for our own given reasons, and keep on insisting we will play it. Please take your own advice. I already did, and it helped too.
  11. Actually you're right, but somehow I don't think that was the intention. Hence I included it
  12. Easiest, yes, but not the best for the Republic. Because Sunry insists on either being acquitted or else dragging the Republic into the matter, you must choose which goal it is better to serve - to see justice done in spite of the selkath consequently denying the Republic access to Kolto on Manaan or whether you must prove his innocence despite knowing he's guilty for the Republic to retain access to the Kolto essential to the war effort against the Sith. The latter is harder, but might be considered one of those lesser evils you must choose for the sake of the greater good in a time of war. It's one of the points I like in K1 - it's deliberately morally ambiguous.
  13. Intelligence check - Failed. No, I merely don't see the point of arguing if you persist that your opinion equals the truth without providing a basis for why that should be considered the case. I could persist myself, but to what avail? And if you persist, the result is more likely to be for me to not respond to your posts in the future - as I didn't both above and in the MMO discussion- than it is for me to concede anything.
  14. Well, those are the options - you can either fight and kill Jagi, or you can - with good persuasion - convince that Canderous was justified in his choice, in which case Jagi will kill himself as a sign of dishonour or whatever...
  15. Then for God's sake, don't watch Leaving Las Vegas Or Titanic... or Seven... or Alien 3... or Dances With Wolves... or Blade Runner... or Ran (by Akira Kurosawa) or The Seven Samurai or 21 Grams or Hamlet or Reservoir Dogs or The Usual Suspects or Citizen Kane or Braveheart or Ghandi or Taxi Driver or Brazil or Wag the Dog or Fight Club or Saving Private Ryan or a plethory of some of the best films ever made. In fact, stop watching good movies altogehter - the danger of depression is far, far too great.
  16. I suppose you'd also want Michelangelo to reduce the Sistine Chapel a little so that it "flows better"? Or maybe Jackson should have cut "Return of the King" down to less than two hours for the same reason? It's the fact that Nolan dares to take a Batman movie to a new level and end it on a "dreary and depressing ending" that makes "The Dark Knight" a movie classic and not merely an above average superhero flick. It's not a superhero flick at all. Superheroes always defeat the bad guy in the end. That doesn't happen here. "The Joker won," as Gordon puts it. THAT's the reason this movie has a complex plot that justifies the movie's length. To say that the ending should have been more coherent and make more sense is just untrue - watch the film again and you'll note that it IS coherent and DOES make sense! This is a serious movie about real issues disguised as a superhero movie. If you don't like complex and serious movies like that, then fair enough, but at least say that's the reason. Your comment reads to me like one of those "this doesn't follow the rules of of comic superhero movies"-types of comments. My apologies if that is not your intent, but I'm frankly so sick of people saying crap like that. If Nolan can deliver a movie of this sort of quality, then such "rules" and "perceptions" should not apply to him as an artist, but sadly there still people - and note that I'm not saying you're one of them - who insist comic book superheroes (whatever that is) should follow a strict certain formula, which is just so untrue, especially for Batman. Anyone who ever read Miller's "The Dark Knight Returns" or "Batman: Year One" or Moore's "The Killilng Joke" (which has inspired the Joker in this movie) will know, that Batman is precisely the one "superhero" that you cannot make that assumption about. This is not a superhero movie and should not be holden to the "standards" that are said to apply for such movies.
  17. You neglected to add "IMHO", "in my opinion" or similar to that. You have a right to your opinion, but that is what it is. Repeating it does not make it fact, and neither I nor anyone else must agree with it. And as I've already stated, I don't.
  18. Every developer makes bad games sooner or later. It's only a question of time and money. Besides, why should I have faith that Bioware can make an MMO that I'll like when nobody else has been able to? I liked K1, but frankly TSL would have been a far better game if LA hadn't pushed the deadline. I certainly liked TSL's plot a lot more, so "returning" KotOR to Bioware does not have THAT much appeal. See Deadly_Nightshade's response above, which it now falls upon me to wholeheartedly agree with...
  19. Playing LS never stopped me from using Force Storm
  20. That is just so untrue. I've never been attracted to MMOs, even free ones like Runescape. If a KotOR MMO costs a monthly fee on top of the price of the game, then there is no possibility I'll try it. None. And even if it has unrestricted free online play - which I sincerely doubt will be the case - then it's still astronomically unlikely I'll ever even try it, let alone pay for the game. MMOs simply don't attract me. I agree with GhostofAnakin that the game would then still have to get impossibly good reviews for me to even consider it.
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