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Everything posted by Jediphile

  1. Wasn't the entire run of both the Young Jedi Knights and the Junior Jedi Knights about that?
  2. try Reven - he could have destroyed the republic, but he was doing it... how does Kriea say it? to mask another war? the war with the true sith. but he did not think he was doing right, he knew he had to do it to save the republic. Given that Revan did fall the dark side and waged war on the Republic, he's not the best example, I think. And for one thing, Kreia is stating her opinion of what happened. She need not be wrong for that reason, but she is biased and her position subjective... and she is quite proud of having taught Revan, isn't she? Besides, while Revan may have returned to the LS (canonically), there is little so suggest he did so out of choice. "Suffice to say redemption was not Revan's choice, and I have never believed those of the Council who attempt to console themselves otherwise for the crime they committed," as Zez-Kai Ell puts it. A similar example would be Atris, who thought that she did good by sacrificing others in an attempt to expose the sith so they could be stopped. But instead she was corrupted herself. A better example is Luke Skywalker in the Dark Empire comic books. He needs to embrace the dark side to get close enough to the Emperor to destroy his cloning factility. He is redeemed, but he too wouldn't have made it back without the intervention of his sister.
  3. Meh. First of all, the very black and white aspect of Star Wars is one of its strengths. Yes, it may seem overly simplified and forced, and it even is IMHO, but it's still the charm of the plots and the setting. As for what the Force really is, I honestly don't think we should know, because it would ruin the mystery - never did Lucas harm Star Wars as much as when he introduced midi-chlorians, because it takes away from the mystery of the force, and that's a bit sad, just as it would be a bit sad to uncover the truth of the Loch Ness monster or the Bermuda Triangle, and just as Nihilus would be a lot less scarier and interesting if we knew all about his backstory in TSL. Or to quote Stephen King in a recent article: "... nightmares exist outside of logic, and there's little fun to be had in explanations; they're antithetical to the poetry of fear." We need that scary stuff, because if you explain the force, then you unmask the dark side. And we need to keep the dark side as something we're supposed to fear.
  4. Team Gizka rules - they're finishing TSL for us for free Nuff said
  5. True. It's not very much X-Files, But frankly, given how this movie has been received, I'm now very skeptical that we'll ever to see the alleged invasion of 2012, which Carter has mentioned plans for doing - http://hollywoodinsider.ew.com/2008/04/chris-carter-wa.html
  6. I liked it, but it has a few problems. For one, it has lots of Mulder and Scully, but very little X-Files. It's not particularly scary, and there is very little supernatural about it. But it's a pretty good crime-thriller. But I acknowledge that I'm obviously pretty alone with that opinion. 10.2 milllion in the opening weekend? Ouch! First no KotOR3 and not it looks like no X-Files 3 movie either...
  7. Can't we do that with KSE already? I forget...
  8. Does anything work smoothly with Vista? Lol, ya know, I've had Vista for about a month now and have yet to experience any problems with it. It's been working better than XP ever did for me, actually. But I really dunno if I'd be willing to rollback to XP just to make the restoration project work. Guess I'd play it on one of my older computers Should be no need. I know lots of people have problems with it, but I seem to play TSL on Vista just fine. In fact, I've had Vista for over a year now and have pretty much the same experience as you. Some stuff don't work, no, but the compatability problems have been far less than I expected. While I have no love for Microsoft in any way, I do get the feeling that lots of people just assumed Vista would suck and therefore only note it when they have that suspicion confirmed. It does have a few, but my experience tells me it's better than its reputation. Not as much better than XP as MS would have you believe, I think, but not terrible either. Really, I think it's greatest problem is how MS has marketed it.
  9. It should be subjected to reason and criticism, yes, but the point that doing so does not invalidate the opinion as an opinion. More people might disagree with it - "a belief or judgment that rests on grounds insufficient to produce complete certainty". But since it rests on insufficient grounds by defintion, who is to say that diverging opinion is "wrong"? The majority may think Rembrant is a great artist, but beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and I'm allowed to hate it and say his work is crap if that is my opinion. Galileo once argued that the sun, not the earth, was the center of the universe and was accused of heresy and put under house arrest for it. But we know today he was right. Now, obviously that's a pretty extreme example to compare to in this case, but it does tell us that a person does not need to be wrong simply because more people disagree with him. And remember that while Galileo based his conclusions on science, they were still only suspicions and theories. 1. Quality speaks to "native excellence", "superiority" or "accomplishment or attainment" among other things, and as such becomes a measure of whether something is good or bad, which is always subjective. I don't really disagree with your defintion, but it seems to me you overlook that it is a matter of subjectivity when that standard is applied to something. Lots of people (including myself) think that the new Batman movie is an exellent work of high quality, but just because we're more people thinking so does not make it any less subjective. 2. It may be well implemented and executed. I accept that. It would not have sold if it were not. But just because the people who played it didn't know play the "Little Computer People" (because it is really old) doesn't make the Sims any more or less derivative of it or even innovative. And if the Sims don't appeal to me, then it doesn't, in which case I'm not likely to consider it a classic even if I accept that was a hit among some people. It really is that simple. 3. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Sim_games I sense derailment...
  10. If I understand you correctly, you're saying a character in an MMO will not be unique in a way that matters in the plot. I would agree with that. To quote Syndrome from "The Incredibles": "And when everyone's super, no one will be." Syndrome wanted that in the film, which is why he is a villain.
  11. I disagree with content of that statement, and please note that while you're basically making the same thing yourself by declaring the position as unsound without providing a basis for that position or, indeed, accusing people of hiding behind their opinions as an excuse, I shall take that too as a merely statement of opinion and not hold it against you. Yes, though - again - only in your opinion. Excellent: "possessing outstanding quality or superior merit; remarkably good." Since it speaks to quality, which is entirely subjective, it again becomes a matter of opinion. As for innovative, I'm skeptical. It undoutedly looked very different when it came out, but it can also be seen as highly derivative of the various earlier Sim games blended with a hefty dose of inspiration from Activision's "Little Computer People". Which is all down to personal taste. I've actually played Battlefield, but it just didn't appeal to me because I don't find FPS that interesting in and of themselves. A good plot helps, but then that is what I'm interested in, and I really just endure the FPS aspect. So for someone's opinion to be valid it must conform to or not stray far from the established norm or consensus? If that's your position, then I doubt I could disagree more.
  12. What would that have to do with anything? Really you have no idea what they have in store but still you sit here and critize. Its hilarious you think people care about your ramblings of how its going to be horrible. Bioware is an amazing company funded by EA they will deliver. Just wait and see SWG, like all MMOs, sucks. Yes, I know that Bioware is a great developer, they're one of my favorites, probably my actual favorite. I just hold no like/respect for the MMO genre, and I don't think that will change. And since when has EA been good at anything except sports games? Wow you should really stop while your ahead, you just re-posted what I accused you of, that is entirely your opinion. EA has created some of the greatest games of are time, and you really should look them up and play them before you post another comment making your self look even more ignorant. Whether EA has created some of the greatest games around is also an opinion. You're welcome that opinion, but nobody has to share it with you. 'I want teh kotor 3' may speak strongly from opinion, but personally I see nothing particularly wrong with that, as long as he does not try to assert those opinions as fact, which does not seem to be the case to me. To say that all MMOs suck, for example, is still just a statement of opinion, as is saying EA has only released good sports games. You may not agree with that, and in fact I consider Populous and SimCity fairly significant games myself (to name two), but that still doesn't invalidate the opinion that it is so. Frankly, while EA was a good publisher a decade ago, I can't remember liking anything they've published since (no, the Sims didn't appeal to me either). By all means disagree and argue, but please don't fall into the trap of assuming things about the poster on that basis, as that tends to lead nowhere positive in my experience. Yes, I know that's easy to do.
  13. Apparently SWG's abuse of HK-47 wasn't enough... Translation: Now EA's bitch. Just wait and see
  14. KotOR1 introduced the idea that guardians use blue lightsabers, consulars green, and sentinels yellow, probably because Yoda used a green saber in the prequels, while Obi-Wan's and Anakin's were blue, and Mace had a unique colour. The idea is maintained in the KotOR comic book, where the main character, Zayne, is a bit of a "rogue jedi" and has a yellow saber, while his aggressive master, Lucien, has a blue lightsaber, and Lucien's cronies, who are all stated to be consulars, all have green sabers. A silly idea IMHO, though. The classes are silly compared to the movies, and so determining things from colour is too, I think.
  15. Yes, that's the danger. The road to Hell is paved with good intentions. No argument. But if you hold onto your moral code so firmly and strictly that you let innocent people die and suffer as a result, then you're just as likely to become something terrible. It just doesn't work to say "do the right thing always", because the thing about ethics and morality is that there is never an easy way. This part of KotOR1 was another way to illustrate that, except from the other side - it's rarely as easy as having to simply resist the temptation to gain more power or money or both for yourself.
  16. Well, he's listed as a guardian/jedi master level 9/9 (as of the beginning of Episode II) in the revised core rules book for the Star Wars d20 tabletop RPG, so... But I agree Jedi Weapon Master makes more sense, as he is said to be one of the greatest duelists. Thing is, jedi weapon master doesn't exist in the RPG rules - the class was just invented for TSL.
  17. Great line/scene . It was, but frankly it was sort of disturbing to find myself laughing at it. I mean, yuck... The Joker is totally nuts... And I laughed? He just killed somebody as a joke, and I LAUGHED?!? But that's one reason why this movie is so brilliant.
  18. As am I (though I suppose that's a given considering my chosen screenname). Legacy is a comic book published monthy by Dark Horse. The sith haven't won, exactly, though. The nice thing about Legacy is that there are more than two factions - the Republic and Jedi, the remnant of the Empire (yes, even 120+ years after its fall), and the Sith Sure they are. Dark Horse currently has four Star Wars titles published monthly, two of which are in the movies era (Dark Times is set just after Episode III and Rebellion between Episodes IV and V). Legacy is set around 120 years after Episode VI with all new characters. The Knights of the Old Republic comic book is set 3964 BBY, which is about eight years before the events of KotOR1 and during the Mandalorian Wars. The book follows the jedi student Zayne Carrick and does in some ways serve to chronicle the events of the Mandalorians Wars, though mostly by reference as it has its entirely own plot to follow. Zayne frequently finds himself in hotspots of the war, though, such as the battles of Vanquo and Serocco, and the Mandalorian invasion of Taris. Both Revan and Malak have appeared, though not under those names, which has led to criticism from some KotOR fans. Personally, I've liked the books, though, and don't see why people are upset by how Revan and Malak are portrayed in them. If anything, the books have to a far greater degree been held back by sometimes dire art, as the number of artists working on the book has varied too much for it to find its own tone yet IMHO. So far about one year of events have transpired and it seems to be reaching the point where Revan and Malak will split the jedi order. Issue 31 is about to be published soon. I'm sure you can pick the books up in most comic book stores, but if you don't know these books and are interested, I recommend you begin from the start. Fortunately the earlier books have already been collected in paperbacks as the various arcs have been finished. Volume I, collecting issues 0-6, is called "Commencement"". It's not a continued story (except with regards to the overall plot of the series itself), so you can stop there if it doesn't appeal to you. I still collect this title and have all the issues myself, though. Sure there is more unexplored space in Star Wars. But not as much as there once was. The "Unknown Regions" of the KotOR era would not be the same as they are in Palpatine's time.
  19. But what kind of society are you promoting if you condone a cold-blooded murder when it suits your purposes (or when it is done by one of your own). What society am I condoning if I interpret my moral choices so strictly that the Republic might lose the war as a result? Am I not indirectly condoning the Sith, if I do that? Don't get me wrong - letting Sunry off the hook is absolutely not fair. He did the crime and deserves punishment. But he was being manipulated the sith, who did fabricate evidence to incriminate him. And if he hadn't killed that Elassa, she would have done something nasty to him somewhere down the road. Clearly having him exposed is exactly what the sith want, and in and of itself that should give (and did) give me pause as to what choice to make. Having some overidealistic lightsider reveal the entire thing would make the sith cheer, since it plays right into their hands. You cannot be blind to that. Good means neither stupid nor ignoring something inconvenient. There are choices when you must do a little evil. Take another example. Some terrorists or whatever are about to detone a nuclear bomb in a major city, but you've captured one of them, only he won't talk. Do you torture him? If you do, it's immoral. There is no question doing that is wrong. But if you don't, thousands, maybe millions of innocent people will die. Do you just ignore that so you can hold onto your moral high ground? Is THAT ethical? Or what if they've captured your family, and you've captured one of them. Do you torture him for the location of your family? It would be unethical to do. So what do you do? Do you let your family die rather than do a little evil? Will that comfort you when your family is dead and you know you might have been able to save them? Now, that's more personal, but the outcome is the same - innocent people will suffer and die if you decide to take the absolute moral high ground in all of these situations.
  20. I prefer the silver/white crystals and viridian, though I usually give Visas a purple crystal. Somehow it fits her. But I can't be bothered to look around for them, if I can't find or buy them. Frankly, I just tend to use whatever is handy, since it's really only cosmetic. Besides, veridian really seems indistinguishable from green and bronze from red...
  21. "How about a magic trick? I'm gonna make this pencil disappear..."
  22. The item acquisition in TSL is random, and frankly rather too random for my taste. Still, if you're just looking for a colour crystal, you can usually pick up more by buying them at the looters' camp on Dantooine. No guarantees for what colours will be available, though...
  23. We can talk about other films. I just watched Paycheck with Ben Affleck, Uma Thurman and Harvey Den... uhm, Aaron Eckhart today, for example Not a particularly good movie. Decent action in a so-so plot, which would seem okay, except it's based on a story by Philip K. ****, in which I'd have expected more. It's directed by John Woo, though so...
  24. Lightsaber colours have no bearing on class and vice versa really, they just added that in KotOR1. In fact, the classes themselves are totally baseless and appear only as a result of the D20-based tabletop RPG system upon which the KotOR games are loosely based - Luke did not switch from being a jedi guardian to being a jedi consular because he switched the colour of his saber from blue to green between ESB and ROTJ. So I doubt Mace Windu really has an official class, though the revised corebook for tabletop D20 RPG lists him as a guardian/jedi master. Still, since he is a noted lightsaber duelist, I suspect TSL game mechanics would be more likely to make him a guardian/weapon master. But then the jedi weapon master prestige class only exists in TSL. Short version: Use the colour you like and don't worry too much about the class-structure, because frankly it doesn't make much sense anyway.
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