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Everything posted by Volourn

  1. ":This doesn't surprise me, it seems many people associated with the Trump campaign practice and sprout violent rhetoric and think its okay, how about this part of the article from the butler" Consideirng how many people on the Democrat side have threatened or asked Trump to be murdered to whine about this being a 'Trump' problem is ignorant and evil.
  2. Spurs should be embarassed. OKC is a good team but to be completely **** on - espicially game after game 1 - is ridiculous. Still say GS will win the series. GS isn't SA. SA is always beatable - it is why they have never won back to back championships. GS is just not going to lose a 7 game series.
  3. "Thanks for picking up that fat bastard from us!" TRIPLE L0L Where are all the pathetic moronic Leaf fans who were blaming Kessel for them sucking? HAHAHAHA!
  4. Carter had bad ratings. It makes total sense. I mean even the star gave up on it.
  5. Good. It is mostly a good show. now, they just need to knock off with their sexist SJW Nazi nonsense and it will be even better.
  6. " because the crime were committed with a motivation the People finds social repugnant" Which to any rational human being is such a stupid empty statement. Murdering/assaulting someone (safe for self defense) should be 'socially repugnant' no matter what. Wether the motivation is 'racial hatred', greed, or 'romance gone bad drama. The very act is repugnant. 'Hate' crime is something nazis would make up so only nazis support it.
  7. The whole idea of hate crimes is spin tingling horrible. If I punch you because I'ma menaie it should be treated no different than if I punched you because I hate your race/gender/sexual orientation. A punch is a punch is a pucnh./ Charge with physical assault there. That's it. Case closed. Only nazis think otherwise.
  8. "So in other words, in Bio games, it is completely OK, to massacre refugees" Are you guys high or just insnae? Those 'refugees' are violent sucmbags who try to commit murder. They aren't just random harmless refugees. "you can't say anything negative to the special, as redneckdevil said, "snowflake" characters..." Why are you lying? I turned the bozo down flat and he didn't leave. He shrugeed his shoulders and still remained my ally until I told his terrorist self to get bent. WHY DO PEOPLE MAKE BULLCRAP UP!?!
  9. Sshh.. and look at Jonb Snow's ass you patariachy perf. The fight scene - 5 on 1 - was entertaining but simply not believably relaistic wise. Plus, the dual weilder looked awkward as hell.
  10. Better than episode 2. LMAO Though. John and Sansa are gonna miss each other it looks like. He leaves Castle Black this epi and she srrvives there next week. HAHAH. And, first time we see the youngest Stark and he is about to be tortured by scum. R00fles!
  11. Made perfect sense. They were evil pieces of crap who got violent b/c they didn't get what they want. What doesn't make sense is believing they should act like you would in that situation. LMAO They certainly weren't 'terrified refugees' like you claimed they were.
  12. "Actually I have never ever judged Trump on looks" I NEVER claimed YOU did. But, ti doesn'tt ake much to find memes and pics making fun of Trump and other males' looks or mocking their **** size. People always go after the guy's ****. LMAO "I dont judge politicians or celebrities on looks." That isn't true. EVERYONE judges people by their looks. Eveyrone makes assumptions absed on looks. That is proven fact. And, I've seen you say x celebrity is hot or not so, yeah, there you go.. so don't pretend you don't. It is embarassing. Humans have eyes. We judge everything intially at the very least by looks. It is one of the 5 senses for a reason.
  13. " I mean, your first act when you reach Kirkwall is to massacre a bunch of scared refugees." Huh? Those weren't 'scared' refugees. Those were thugs. "Volo have you ever used the adult Romance mod and Romanced Iron Bull?" Nope. Couldn't even finish the game once because it simply got boring.
  14. "Volo do you think Coulter makes sense?" On some of things yes on some things no. "once again women get judged on something irrelevant" Again, you make it sound like that only happens to women. That's bullcrap. It happens to both men and women or how many times do we need to see some pic making fun of Trump and the other male republican's looks. Not to mention the constant **** size jokes that target males. LMAO
  15. ." The problem with Anders in ur party is that u either have to accept his advances OR politely refuse him while still sounding like there's a chance. If u are blunt or rude in denying his advances, u lose him from the party." This is a lie. I flat out refused his advances and hooked up with a woman and he never ran away. I only lost him as a companion when I couldn't support his terrorism. Not ebcause I refused to have sex with him. Don't bull****z. That SJW Nazis turf.
  16. Kididng right? She is as attractive as ever. btw, Funny people whine about Trump beings exist yet the first real compliant about a female supporter of his ... is to attack her apprant loss of looks. LMAO BTW, I have a ahrd time believing a strong independent woman 9whetehr you agree with her views or not) like Coulter would support a serious sexist/hater of women. LMAO Then again, we have Clinton supporters wanting her to name a sexist pig (Clinton's truthism) like Sanders her running mate in an election. Then again, she does laugh at rape victims.
  17. I like how you completely miss the point of the post.
  18. It just shows how pathetic politicians are. The fact Sanders is willing to be her running mate when she has labeled him a rapists exist monster. is HILARIOUS. Not to mention all the trahsing he's done of her. And, if Clinton goes with it and would show that she is not as pro woman as she claims since would be willing to work with someone she claimed to be a sexist rapist monster. Then again, she is a woman who laughs at rape victims!
  19. The only one trolling is you. I've listed several earlier in this thread. Do you actually read the threads you post in? LMAO
  20. I've already named some. Do you not read?
  21. I don't have to do nothing. I'm too ugly I have no worry about ever potentially getting any woman pregnant so if one claims I'm the father of their baby I know they are flat out lying not to mention delusional. L0L
  22. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/men/relationships/fatherhood/11839479/Should-we-be-doing-more-to-expose-paternity-fraud.html So.. how do are friendly neigbourhood SJW nazis spin this as not being anti male? But, hey, men don't get treated like trahs just because they are male. LMAO No gende rbias at all.. The patriarchy strikes again: http://ambividete.com/2015/05/04/equality-under-the-law-are-women-offenders-treated-more-leniently-than-men/
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