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Everything posted by Volourn
Bruce is lying again to push agenda. It is very rare for mass shootings to target gay bars. Also using this to attack gaming is evil. Games did not make the shooter do this. Nor guns. His evilness did. RIP victims.
Yet you support what Gawker did. Cause Hogan is a man. LOL
LOL Gawker has nothing to do with free speech. If you think this is a free speech issue u are delusional. I'm guessing Bruce supported whoever released all those Female celeb pics. This is an invasion of privacy issue. Also whining about the employees is cowardly and shameful.
Sansa is smarter than all of you including Jon. She didn't need magic to be still alive.
TMNT2 - Solid. Megan Fox is reaally good as April. The turtle family drama is bleh. Armell does good seperating himself from Arrow. 6/10 Warcraft - Better than Ithought it be. Nice twist with king. 7/10
RIP Eli. That said, even better reason to ,ike ELi he is completely and utterly anti SJW Nazi. SJW nazis would label him an enemy that must be destroyed if they saw the following video and he happened to be white: P.S. I don't agree with EVERYTHING he says in the video but unlike SJW Nazis Isupport his right to say it. oOOOOOOOO Yeahhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!
He is alright but his Divergent character doesn't give him much room for Bonds type. The character did have some depth to it espciially in terms of realting to both his parents. But, this is why he's an actor. To play DIFFERENT roles. My worry is they picked a white male actor who doesn't have a lot of positve critic power so his version of Bond will bombs giving them an excuse/an opening to go with a woman or a minority. (Idris Elba would be a good choice imo if they went that way or Will Smith) but the way I sus0-ect they are going about it are espciailly underhanded. L0L If you want a black Bond just do it. And, there are more than a few actress that can pull of a Bond type. Though my point is why not make a spy thriller starring a woman instead of just calling her Jane Bond. So lame and so uncreative.
"TV show Little finger just gave the Lannisters claim on Winterfell because now Sands can't prove who did the deed with her. She would be locked into marriage with Tyrion. It's stupid." Uh. Nah. The Lannisters can't prove Sansa would be carrying Tyrion's baby. It wouldn't work. Mind you, it was still stupid and/or igornant to simply hand her over to the Bol,tons though.
"Its like my views on how to deal with some of the racist comments from a small group of white South Africans ....tribunals and then incarceration for a 2-3 years. Remove them from society, people will quickly learn what is responsible behavior" Why are you just targeting white racists? Oh yeah, you are racist and believe only whites can be racist. People defending Obama ignore the fact that he is an ignorant racist. The funny thing is outside his silly evil words he has done NOTHING to help blacks in his country. Not one damn thing of note. PATHETIC. In fact many of his policies hurt the black community 9as well as others). "It's still a pretty great time to be born white." Define 'pretty great'. Define what whitiey gets in the US that non whites don't get? People also seem to ignore the fact that by the facts whitey isn't even the 'most privledged' in the US. That is asians. I mean unlike blacks, whitey doesn't even get their own tv channel. L0L "So...assuming the stutter is real, what exactly is divisive about the words he is trying to say?" He is stating whitey is evil and well off .. in spite the fact that many many whities are poor and leaving in crappy situation... but those poor whities shouldn't nor have the right to complain because they have white skin. How is that not divisive and racist by poo pooing someone because of their skin colour? L0L
"Yes he did" No he didn't. Nowhere in your link does he claim all Latinos are rapists. Nice try though but try again. Really annoying when SJW nazis make me defend a piece of trash like Trump.
X Men: Apoloapsy: Solid entertainment but could been better. Some major issues hurt its ratings though. First off, the cheesy 'speedster' time loop nonsense and the climax was so paint by numbers and could be seen a mile away. 7/10
He never claimed all Latinos were rapists and drug dealers. L0L Funny enough, more than a few Latinos support him. Stop making excuses for unneeded violence. using violence b/.c someone said mean things is wrong. PERIOD.
So.. Bruce okays violence if someone says mean things. Got it.
"This must be one of the most inaccurate posts you have ever made? You trolling I assume Lets keep it simple....is there one thing in this post that is true?" It's ALL true. EU will do everything in its power to destroy Britain if it leaves. It has to. For its very surival. If Britian leaves and it doesn't fall apart or *gasp* does better it makes the EU look weak and unneeded. This is why an exited Britian needs to fail for the EU and the EU will do everything it can to help Britian's fall. From breaking/reneging on tretaies, to economic pressure. If you think otherwise you don't get how real politik works.
How can an Russian army soldier - espciially be a major - be capture by Ukraine when Russia never invaded that country... Hmm..
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I like how people bash the guy who nearly had a triple double and actually led his team yet ignore the fact Mr. MVP did almost nothing but watch his bench warmers do all the heavy lifting. LMAO
They make you butthurt. That makes them good people. (and, no, don't got to the catch all of 'nazis make you butthurt so that makes them good people too' L0L). The Fords are certainly better people than the punks who oppose them.
"What about SJWNazis?" Nothing cna't save them. Spoil them. beat them. It don't matter. They whine like they breath. "Same thing with the Fords here, heh." Fords are good people. So they do drugs. BIG DEAL. It is funny that in a country where people are pushing to legalize drugs they slam people for doing them. LMAO That remind sof Kanadian/Liberla hypocrisy. Ford got 'physical'/in the face of people and he got lambasted and even got bullied by people who stole his mayoral power yet when Turdeau physically assaults someone,s wears like a madman, and 'accidentally' bumps someone people say 'that kewl'. LMAO
No defense. That is the difference. CLE needs to make tough shots. GS is usually wide open. LMAO
Beating your child never helps. EVER. nobody has ever grown up to be a 'decent human being' BECAUSE they were beaten as a child.
Britain/UK managed to survive just fine (thanks to slavery lol) pre EU. It'll manage post EU just fine 9after a few bumps). I mean, if Isreal can surive if not outright flourish being sorrounding by a ton of enemies.. saurely Britian has nothing to fear right... unless the rest of EU plans to bomb them? then again, knowing how evil and nazish the EU (led by Germany lol) is.. I could see the EU doing everything they can to destory Britian. There's alreayd been threats of ways they can cripple Britain because that is how EVIL the EU and its supporters are. they relish it. They plan for the total destruction of Britain so they can use it as an example to any other country that is thinking of leaving. In fact, for its surival, EU would NEED to destroy Britain. Thgat is why the pro EU contingent is pushing so ahrd... because they know they would have to go all out in the economic/.social or even outright physical war with Britian... just like the US gov't had to do when the South wanted to leave. Only way they leave is in bodybags. PERIOD.
*****S ON STEAM*
L0L Your ignorance is coming through again.