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Everything posted by Volourn

  1. Rokcetteer was a vagugely watchable movie so my careometer is very low. As for the gender/race change: I'm of two minds a) I don't care. Plenty of good black actresses who have entertained my in movies and on tv. Pick the right one and it could be fun. b) the evil cynical side is lauhing at the cultural appropriation that continues on. L0L Also, are all these ahrdcore anti whitey male pro minority people so fearful of anything that their big ideas is to steal old roles and giver them to others instead of you know make good quality roles for these minority actors. I would be insulted if I was an actor give me hands me downs out of pity. Of course, like I said, all that matters is if it is good. This happened with Denzel Washington in The Equalizer. Then again, it is denbzel 'Fin' Washington one of the best actors ever. of coruse, he did a damn good job. L0L
  2. "the influx of refugees into Europe, one of the most absurdly rich and stable parts of the planet (and that includes, let's say, Bulgaria), is kind of ridiculous" of course one could make the 'bigoted' assessment that Europe is 'rich and stable' BECAUSE they aren't controlled by extremist Islamists like elsewhere so accept all these refugees en masse who, quite clearly, still love their book - could, in the long run, destroy that stability.
  3. That facebook thing is inaccurate/Twitter/etc thing is accurate. You only get banned if you are on the 'wrong side' while being a ****. If you are on the right side you can say pretty much whatever you want. Like the favorite SJW Nazi saying: 'Hitler had the right idea... just the wrong target. :)'
  4. "And this was after he had really offended basically the whole of Mexico by calling them criminals" Even though he never actually said 'all of Mexico' were criminals. L0L As for Evil Hilary's tax hikes.. not surprising. She is evil tot he core. Trump is better than her only because we haven't seen him with any governmental power. She has had her shot. She failed. NEXT FAILURE PLEASE.
  5. "Why is it so difficult for people to figure out? Snowden partook in an act of betrayal only to counter what was already an act of betrayal by the US government against the American people. That Snowden is in Russia is one of neccesity, and we have zero evidence that he's attempting to terrorize the US while adamantly working for Putin or something. I really don't know what to say to the above three posts because a lot of it is "RUSSIA BAD, BETRAYAL BAD." Look at the context, look at the circumstances. Do I like Putin? Absolutely not. Does that mean his moves are always bad? No, and he's beside the point because AGAIN, none of you have any proof he's of any relevance to this discussion, as there's both zero evidence he's involved with Assange and zero evidence Snowden is doing anything to harm the USA via Russia. If you don't trust him, you don't trust him. Everyone has their gut they follows. All the same, I find it strange that none of you can name a reason to distrust him beyond "he's in russia." Yeah, and Assange is stuck in an embassy, because he cannot go anywhere else. For Snowden, Russia is the safest place that he personally can reside." The problem is Snowden claims he did what he did because people 'have thje right to know'; when the govt' is doing secretive and uncool things behind their back. WHICH IS EXACTLY WHAT RUSSIA AND PUTIN IS KNOWN TO DO REPEATEDLY. Yet, Snowden rushes all the way there. Now, why? Because Russia is the symbol of purity? I bet he made a deal with them to give them secret info to use against the US. I bet he is the one who gave Russia their intel on Hillary and the DNC. LMAO It is like me saying murdering is wrong and person a is bad... but I tunr around and support person b who also a murderer. WUT?
  6. "Please explain what reason anyone has to distrust anything said by Snowden. The man got in trouble because he showed integrity and transparency when the government did not." the same Snowden who went running to Russia? The same Russia the demos are now claiming are trying to sabotage the US election? CUTE. Snowden has no integrity because he has no morals. You don't whine about someone being a lair and untrusty and playings ecre spy games... then go to Russia and defend them while begging for their help while feeding them info. L0L
  7. But.. when people talk about illegal immigrants.. theya rne't talking about legal ones.. so what's your point?
  8. Are you kidding? ARE YOU KIDIDNG? R u K I D d iN?
  9. "Sanders pledged to support Clinton when/ if the time came and he followed through on that despite obviously being deeply unhappy about it." This is nonsense. That is like saying a wife who is abused by her husband should sta with him because she did promise to stay with him for 'better or worse'. COME ON. When he made that promise he assumed everything was on the up and up up. he woes them NOTYHING but he seems to be a coward. ALL TALK NO ACTI0N.
  10. Except the people who voted for didn't get the chance to base their votes strictly on facts but on lies. Think of it this way.. if Trump had played the PC game throughout the elction and say all the 'right' things and people elected him on that.. then proceeded with his wall nonsense AFTER he was elected would it not be right to complain about that kind of bull****z politicz? People have the right to know what and who they are voting on.
  11. Me? No. Because I was never loyal to him. But, he most certainly betrayed his worshippers "Of course this is just another attack on Hilary, its politics, but its now been interpreted by some as " Trump is encouraging Russia to commit cyber espionage " ...people do love to vilify him and at times they do exaggerate what he says or read too much into his motives " Agreed with this. Some people are going to use that statement as proof that he is actively working with Russia to spy on the US and will want him executed (Like they don't already). L0L
  12. Yup. You are correct. I am a doofus and cannot read properly.
  13. If youa re setting up bombs so random innocent people can be killed YOU are auto fanatic. It doesn't matter what 'cause' you fight for - even if in ofitself it is 'moral' (the cause not the bombing).
  14. 'Sander's people'. You mean that guy who is such a coward that he claims to fight against the establishment... all the while sucking up to them and being the 'good soldier'? LMAO He's untrustworthy, a fake, and a fraud. I thought he was better than the other two but nope he is just another piece of ****. Not surprising though. That is politics.
  15. GB was not a 'cult classic'. It was a hit. And,m nu GB isn't better than anything. I don't care about the Marvel comic book films but even its worst is better than the trash known as GB 16. Now, excuse me, this sexist boypig has gotta go watch some classic male films that are anti women. *goes to watch Alien*
  16. Not dietcly about cop shootings but relevant in terms of how silly the whole BLM/SJW Nazi crowd that push this dumb racism agenda: btw, This is GOD (not personally religious but when God speaks thou shalt listen) speaking: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9u4QIBaiYtE
  17. Is Turkey a religion?
  18. Is that a real dialogue between the two? And these are the two main options? HOLY CRAP.
  19. "your own little landplotting" My own? ARE YOU HIGH?
  20. L0L Someone mass murders people and people mock those concerned by those mass murders by spamming bull**** lists. It is okay if people get blown up.. chances are it won't be you... no, let us just show you what TRUE fear mongering... BURN YOUR BED PILLOWS. THOSE EVIL PILLOWS ARE OUT TO DESTROY YOU. MUAHAHHAHAAHAHAH! Idiot. P.S. You can help deal with the evil pillows AND help deal with mass murderers. WOW. Multi tasking. I AM FREAKIN AMAZIN'. I CREATED THE THEORY OF MULTI TASKING. HOLY MOLY ****Z. p.s.s. 'People who warn people to be worried about mass murdered by 'muslim terorrists' are just fearmongers.... let me fearmonger you about othger stuff too/ fearmongering is wrong... unless I do it. LMFAO People.
  21. ", she worked for the Al Gore campaign in 2000.." You mean the guy who proudly boasted that he created the internet? L0LZ
  22. "It's probably because you are sexist." Probably? GUARANTEED.
  23. Too much apologies and excuses on behalf of 9extremist0 muslims. That is the big issue. When an extremist Chrstian nutball people don't rush to the defens eof the religion or make excuses for the guy and try to blame the victims or others. They RIGHTLY point out that 100% the extremists and extremism is the issue. Nobody holds back in mocking and making fun of Christians/CVatholic for their priest molestation problem but point out/.mocking Islam for its obvious massive hatred foranyone who disdagrees with them is sickening. A bunch of extremist Muslims mass murdering other Muslims and somehow it is the fault of 'West'. WHAT. Thing is like the stupid defense of bad cops. Defending the bad ones (be they cops, Muslims, Christians, BLM, KKK) does absolutely NO GOOD for the actual good ones. ZILCH. Condolences to the victims and those who actually care about them. P.S. As above, it should be pointed out by making excuses for 'evil' people doing bad things by stating they 'must be crazy' does no service to people who actually have mental issues that they can't control. Extreme hatred is not a 'mental illness'. Plenty of KKK mmebers and BLM can hate the object of their wrath yet control themselves and not kill people. P.S.S. This isn't directly about these recent incidents since not neccessarily enough info to 'diagnose' them (lol) but a general trend amongst the usual peons.
  24. Nazi WILL Nazi.
  25. "Clinton is a guarantee that the next 4 years will look a lot like the last 8. Trump is going to make America great for racists again." Funny but Obama already did that. His quote "He could have been my son." talking about someone simply based on the colour of their skin is pure racism. I mean, it is like me claiming that Steve Nash 'could have been my brother' simply because he was white. LMAO
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