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Everything posted by Volourn

  1. *yawn* A team that great defensively is the rarity which is why they are great. Just like a over the top offensive juaggernault is also rare hence their greatness. If EVERRY team gave up only 84 points a game it would be boring just like if every teams cored 120 points it would be boring. 100ish per game with professional shooters making ridiculous shots look routin is the way it should. And, the league, the viewers, the players, and most importantly I don't give a crap what YOU personally think is 'entertaining'. L0LZ
  2. "I hope Trump now apologizes for calling her a criminal ...it should be mandatory in these types of cases " L0L I bet you feel the same way for all the men who are accused of rape when those cases are often dropped. 'Mandatory'. Just another word in a SJW Nazi's slave vocab.
  3. https://twitter.com/ameeritalsham/status/748294518743699456 L0L bruce loves Hilary and loves Obama. Obama is buddies with iran while Clinton wants to DESTROY them. Who to side with? Hmmm...
  4. Why wouldn't that be funny?
  5. " A team scoring > 90 points should be a rarity." u on crack.
  6. "Why would you be going on about slavery....were your ancestors slaves?" Even worse. They were mostly French. :d But, one does not need to have been a slave to know that slavery is wrong.... mmmkayyy? And, trust me, if I had any influence I would abolish anything to do with the Nazi Queen in my country.
  7. UK has done **** for Kanadians. they aren't loyal to me or my fellows. They were slavers. They were the very thing they oppose the EU for. I am loyal to Kanada to a degree but I have no loyalty to a country that is so far away. The only reason why Kanada is a country is because Britian feared another War of Independence in the Amerikas.
  8. Perhaps if Britian didn't treat the Amerikan colonies worse than the EU treats Brtiain the US wouldn't have felt the need to leave. *shrug*
  9. Wow. On one hand, on the surface, this means a slam dunk championship. However, Durant put himself in a tough spot b/c if they win he'll likely be labeled as just going for a title the 'easy' way.. if they do worse than lasts eason, he'll get the blame for 'ruining' their chemistry.
  10. Treason? Consdering that many of the settlers 'chosen' to go NA were the unwanted, I'd say Britian betrayed them first. Can you betray someone who was never loyal to you in the first place?
  11. The truth often is.
  12. Bruce is the guy who would jump off a cliff while slitting his throw after dousing himself with gasoline and lighting a match.. as long as the person who told him to do so was H0T. LMAO
  13. And, who exactly truly opposes Russia for their gross human rights violations? L0L
  14. "is ideologically aligned with a more tolerant and equitable society and she supports the eponymous " Obama Legacy " Let's recap that youa re talking about a woman who laughs and mocks (female) rape victims. Equitable? This is a woman who doesn't give a crap about the poor and is all about making herself and her buddies rich. "I can understand valid criticism of aspects of the Obama legacy but end of the day the various outcomes and changes of the Obama legacy , like the gay marriage bill, are more positive and constructive than bad" More constructive? Must explain about how the racial divide between blacks and whites is worse now than it ever was under Bush. Gay marriage bill? That had very little to do with him. Obama's legacy is one of racism, bigotry, and hatred? The health bill is a joke that actually punishes poor people whoa re now forced to buy health insurance they can't afford and to add insult to injury his ilk mockingly called it AFFORDABLE Health Care Act. This is the guy who sucks the **** of Iran and Russia but attacks actual Amerikan Allies. Why does he do that? Cowardice.
  15. The world is on crack. The US is one of the most tolerant countries in the world hence the fact that it is one of the most mixed ra melting pots in the world. The reason this pooll is a joke is it takes into maccount a country like China which isd what? A huge majorty of Chinese/Asian. And, Germany is a country that is most known for murdering millions of people. Then we have my precious country and our treatment of our Indian/'Native' population. LMAO And, Clinton? the fact the trusts her shows how delusional they are. OLbama I can understand because his public persona has been whitewashed 9lol) but Clinton? COME ON.
  16. "So no formal deal negotiations have even started and Farage is already openly insulting MEPs and making threats" How conviennt you ignore the evil Nazis acting like scumbags before he even speaks. Of course he is gonna be 'rude' when they are being rude to them. btw, You talk about threats, pro EU punks wer emaking threats way before this including wiping Britiain right off the map , crippling them as much as people, and committing mass murder. That is the EU for you. Evil Nazis will evil Nazi.
  17. Yeah that seems insane. Just as insane as the gov't doing their damnest to downplauy the extremist religion connection.
  18. Actions speak louder than words. The fact you think otherwise says everything I need to know. The EU are Nazis. PERIOD. Just look at how pro EU people act - they want to mass murder old people. Human rights. My ass.
  19. Neither does your precious EU.
  20. Overrated episode. King's Landing for the most part was unsatisfactory even though I loathe the religious nutbags. Margery is stupid. Tommen';s suicide would have been bnetter/worse if he ONLY thought she had died. And, Cersei's reaction to his death was as cold as hell. Nowhere near the reaction she had to her other children. How long till LF tries to kill/kills Sans because she told him to get bent? And, I have mostly supported Dany but I really need to see her smug look to be wiped out. As punishment at least one of her dragons should die in the season premiere.
  21. "Some people become gay because of abuse ..." L0L
  22. "The majority of gay people are born this way" What does that even mean? That some aren't born that way/ WHAT THE HELL.
  23. "Now your PM who you think is weak and a SJW Nazi is probably the best person to run Canada at the moment. I like him and what he stands for. He comes across as sincere but he is a real idealist ....he believes in certain things that would be dispelled if he lived in Europe and had to deal with the reality of radical Islam" Such an idealist he likes to go around hitting women and being a bully. L0L "But so what, even if he is naive he really seems to believe it and his progressive attitude seems to work for Canada" So progressive that he calls everyone who disagrees with him nasty names. "I suppose so but if it really is a joke someone has got a very strange sense of humor because lets say it is a joke its aimed at suggesting people who support BREXIT are like her ....stupid " True or false it is hilarious. That is all that matters with utube vids.
  24. The 'charisma vaccum' is one of the most popular actresses OR sctors in the business. Your definition of 'charisma vaccum' is ignorant. Independence Day 2 - Watchable. Nowhere near as good as the original. The younger actors were failures as replacements and even the returnees were nowhere near as good as before., This was no passion project to be sure. Some of the set pieces were good but... ugh. 5/10
  25. "British people wanted to leave the EU because they are racists and dont like Muslims" Hating Muslims is no more racist than hating Christians. HOLY MOLY. WHY CNA';T PEOPLE GET THAT SIMPLE CONCEPT!?!
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