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Everything posted by Volourn
"But Volo lets be honest, everyone thinks the Canadian accent sounds weird ..its like you trying to imitate an American Maybe thats the solution...change your accent to sound American? " You reallly are an ignorant insulting tool. LMAO
"some weird Canadian right wing group" I missed this but if you think I'm anything resembling the right wing that is hilariously laughable.
."sorry its just you throw the word around so indiscriminately" *sigh* You still don't get it. "Volo can you give me your definition of racism?" Pre judging and/or hating someone based on their race. "I dont think you understand what it means" I udnerstand it better than SJW nazis who believe racism is 'white person saying anything negatie about non white person'. Or 'white perosn' for short. L0L;
"I can't be racist, I don't hate black people! In fact, I have many black friends!" I love this. Like the opposite is better. "I have no black friends so I must eb racist." I dunno but a racist wouldn't really hang out with people they despise right? RIGHT. Not a s amatter of coruse. The term racist is so diluted it loses all meaning. And, look at that. Another racist.. but, hey it cna't be racist because whites have 'all' the power... even in China. which is home to a huge % of the world's population it is all whitey power. Bruce, if youd on't get why your comments towards Asians can be considered racist that is cute.
Sorry Bruce but nice try. It is one thing to dislike someone because of their business practices but you seem to feel that makes it okay to dehumanize them and mock them for the way they speak. How is that not 'racist'? btw, I personally don'tind the occasional good spirited 'racial' joke (including against us whities) but your guffawing seems to come from racial hatred. And, the fact you still get what I'm doing with the whole 'blame Hilary' thing is hilarious.
So mocking women is enoguih to demomize you but you cna mock Asians according to Bruce b/c that's 'funny'? Which is hialrious since Bruce is fine with laughing at rape victims. The LOGIC. Also, why is Bruce ignoring the story of the Clinton supporter who physically assaulted Sanders supporters? Why isn't he attacking Clinton and blaming her for his actions like he does with Trump and his supporters? I know why. Do you know why? Does Bruce know why? I dunno but I know why.
It's the big bang theory. Something happens because it happens even though nothing existed. 'Self made men' 9and women) aren't made in the vaccum. Those who fail fail because they weren't good enough. PERIOD. Unless you are a sexist racist who doesn't think oprah Winfrey didn't earn her success. Are you a sexist racist?
Don't hate the playa hate the gamea! Better than EPI 3. LMAO Ramsay 'winning' again. L0L Poor actress. Comes back and has 2 scenes.. says nothing in 1st.. dies in 2nd... Her character arc (and she had a small one depsite being a small time player) just thrown in the trash. L0L They actuyally had Jon and Sansa 'hook up'/. I thoguht she'd miss him at Castle Black. Talk about awkward do. This 'reunion' would have meant even more if Sansa and Jon had ANY interaction previously. Dany burns all the SEXIST PIGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
"identifying the whole of it with the most strident and caricaturesque of "right-wing" figures." Kiddin' right? The left labels the right as racist, sexist, inhuman, etc. And,t hat is when theya re being kind. Both the left and right are trash. Theya re both scum.
How is it odd? And, how is not relevant. Hilary Clinton laughs at rape victims. That is a fact. I thought SJW nazis were supposed to be supportive of women? I'm no SJW but I would NEVER laugh at a rape victim. How cna you support someone like that? btw,. This goes back to my original post in this thread. SJW nazis are so disconnected from what they pretend to stand for it is sad and funny. Claim to be supportive of women's rights yet mock female rape victims is a ok and worthy of a president. I cna't recall one time in history where a sitting US President was recorded LITERALLY laughing a rape victim. And, she claimed to be a feminist. HAHAHA!
Why would you want to vote for someone who laughs at rape victims?
LMAO SJW Nazis strike again!
"Basically anything that doesn't jibe with whatever the stance of the alt-right is on the subject at hand." What the heck is the 'alt-right'? Alternative right? What does that even mean? L0L
SJW Nazis don't believe in freedom, equality, or truth. They pretend that only the 'groups' they are 'fighting' for have issues and shut down anyone who dares claim opposite completely ignoring any facts. They are at the point that even if a member of a group they are pretending to fight for disagrees with them that person is full of self hatred, is delusional, and needs to be told what is good for them up to including threats of rape, murder, and getting them fired for daring to disagree with the party line. They are a problem. The solution is the final solution of laughing at the moroncy and letting true freedom reign as they loathe freedom.
Plus, the word poverity is menaingless unless you talk about what and where. Someone considered poor in Kanada is finanically better off than poor in say the ME. Also, Bruce goes on and on how men have it 'easy' yet seems to ignore the fact they commit suicides at a much higher rate, are inprisoned more harshly and for longer terms than woman, when all things are considered even will lose custody of their child, have no real legal reproductions rights (though thankfuully that is finally getting some push back), are more likely to be victims of rape, assault, and murder. And, of coruse when it is brought up even by women men are still mocked for it and are told to 'man up' While a woman is automatically comforted. And, the fatc that the West might be better off than some ancient time does not impress me at all. I'm more concerned about the PRESENT and the FUTURE not the PAST.
"Kind of like how posters here are always droning on about SJW's despite the fact no one here really seems to be one." Kiddin' right? But then again, SJW nazis are delusional.
Except SJ groups aren;'t interested in helping anyone except themsleves getting power. It is alkl about pwoer, slavery, and control. SJW Nazis loathe women - espicially strong women who disagree with their garbage. Just look at your reaction to the woman in the video. You basically mansplain that she is an idiot who hates herself. RIDUKULOUS.
"We live in a Golden Age, don't you ever take any time to enjoy it?" Just because your life is perfect doesn't mean everyone else's is. Go tell the people living in Fort McMurray that we are living in a 'Golden Age' you self involved egocentric punk.
"Volo this women says men are getting badly treated in marriage and men dont get listened to...seriously? Are we playing the old " men are victims in society due to nasty, mean women " card ?...waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, I'm a man....my life is so hard .....waaaaaaaaaaa Dont believe it for a second Volo, I can guarantee you men are fine :yes:" So, you completely ignore the woman and call her a lying piece of crap because she doesn't mimic what you SJW Nazis tout? She states facts you state nonsense. And, btw, she doesn't actually attack women - most certainly not all women. She cirticizes how society as a whole treats males. And, your reaction to her comments (as well as the comments by the others in the video) proves her point. When someone says men have it tough.. the reaction is to tell them to 'man up' and 'stop crying'. When women complain the reaction is 'it's ok dear.. those monstrous rapist sexist men are the problem'. LMAO Everything she says is 100% true. DEAL. WITH. IT.
Almost as classy at laughing and mocking a rape victim, right? RIGHT!?!
Ronald has killed nobody. Stop lying.
Alum is a SJW Nazi. They have no sense of humour.
I love how that both the Malala and Trump quotes cna be twisted depending on the reader's viewpoint.
Is it? It is rare but I do it.