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Everything posted by Volourn

  1. Define 'worked up over'. LMAOI Obsidian is another company that has admitted to being pro SJW Nazi agenda. They even promoted the guy at the front of that. BIO, btw, is so focused on the agenda that they have forgotten that quality comes first. You can spint ti all you want. YOU claimed that game developers weren't going along with the SJW agenda. Other ssaid you wrong even gave youe xamples. You keep moving the goal posts because you just can't admit you were wrong. Have you also forgotten EA - BIO's owner - have also come out and said they are all for the SJW Nazi agenda? And, they have multiple companies to run with it. But, hey, keep lying and spinning that 'no game developer' is running with the SJW agenda. Your original words that i quoted were: "I just don't see evidence that game developers are caving into some sort of SJW agenda." I proved wrong with ease. Just admit it.
  2. Again you ignore the facts that developers have admiitted to having a SJW Nazi agenda. The fact that some companies have thus far not succumbed doesn't change the fatc that some game developers are doing the agenda. Have bragged about it even. Even when it hurts their bottom line.So, again, the fact you list games that don't do it doesn't mean there isn't any. Unless you are gonna pretend that BIO doesn't or Beamdog doesn't. Or whatever. As for Numbers and the game. It's BD. They are crappy hence why I didn't bother with this expansion. When it was first announced I was mildly intrigued because why wouldn't I want more BG... but I remembered.. it's BD. They suck.
  3. You attack their baldness. You attack the size of their ****. How is that not 'anti male'. I like how even when someone attacks men it is somehow labeled anti women. LMAO But, I guess you'd consider it a compliment when a woman is called butch (ie. more of man) when it actually is used as an insult to attack their lack of womanhood, right? L0LZ
  4. As opposed to how Obama is seen as weak, and a pushover? Not to mention someone who cna't even follow through on promises? Iran and NK mock him. Russia just giggles. Europe is too busy infighting, Afrika is too busy leeching billions of dollars from others, ME is too busy blaming Isreal for its problems, etc., etc. Do people need to post all the videos where he attacks men? he attacks their 'manhood' all the time. Sorry, dude, Trump attacks EVERYONE who disagrees with him. That is not beings exist. That is being a jerk.
  5. "Trump's words are xenophobic and sexist." How is he sexist? he bashes men too. He attacks white men too. he attacks anyone who disagrees with him. That makes him a SJW Nazi.
  6. "I just don't see evidence that game developers are caving into some sort of SJW agenda." Then you are willingly being blind and deaf since the developers have admitted to doing just that.
  7. "Cause I don't remember this level of outrage over the gross sex cards in everyone's favourite game, The Witcher 3" Kiddin' right? There was HUGE outrage over the Twitcher's sex cards. HUGE. And, gross? It was SEXY as hell. How is that gross? I bet you have no problme with naked men /gay/lesbian cards. Youa re as bad as he is. NKAEDNESS FOR ALL. SEXINESS FOR ALL. Nakeded and sexiness is NOT gross. Only SJW nazis think so .
  8. I don't like lies being spread about the dwarven race. Those are my people so check your human privledge and know your facts.
  9. You do realize not all dwarves are men and I'd wager most aren't gay (oh noes, just like humans). And, majority of female dwarves (at least the D&D variety) don't have beards.
  10. You do realzie that Hilary is pro rapist and laughs at rape victims right? L0LZ Yet she claims to fight for 'women rights'. Talkin' 'bout hypo-cris-y.
  11. "There is no Internet campaign against white male gamers," Yes there is. Have youf orgotten all the spam about how white male gamers are all rapists, murderers, slavers, sexist, racist monsters who are worse than ISIS? Or 'Gamers Are Dead' and 'We Will Murder All Gamers and That's a Good Thing'? LMAO Don't be delusional. Nothjing wrong with a 'healthy mix' of different races nor do I mind some dwarven lovin'. there should be more HOTTIE female dwarfs to sex up. We haven't gotten that yet. But to claim that SJW nazis don't have an anti white male gamer agenda is either flat out lying or delusionalism. Your pick.
  12. That sounds jerkish. That's being fired. If they wanted him they want to keep him. It is defintiely a firing just smokescreened. But, Larry Bird has always been an **** who loves to destroy careers.
  13. L0L I bet Bruce gets all mad if Hilary gets mocked in pics. For me, big deal. Who cares if someone makes an unflattering pic of someone. I also find it funny she decided to go for his man parts. So unoriginal. Can you imagine the reaction if a man drew an unflattering pic of a woman and her genitilla. The OUTRAGE AND THE CRIES OF SEXISM. R00fles! That said, hitting someone b/c you disliek their art is unacceptable and if true and found they should be punished. PERIOD.
  14. It's funny but not actually accurate. Chances are if he lived during slavery he wouldn't own slaves. Also, year 2? He might be labeled 'devil' or 'demon' if he showed up then. L0LZ
  15. Here's one: Take your own advice. You are amongst the worst for every single one of your points. Why so hypocritical?
  16. "Specifically framed in such a way that it's clearly just to make fun of the person being quoted, I would say so, yes. I mean, that seems like bullying to me." *shakes head*
  17. "f course I had Bruce quotes in my signature that, yes, I suppose were rather bullying. I never really thought of it as bullying, but I suppose it fits the bill well enough." Wait. Having someone quoted in your signature is now bullying? COME ON.
  18. "So what's the result? Simple: you get a bunch of trolls or frequently troll-like people such as Bruce and Obyknven and Volourn and." The one acting like a troll is you. Your personal attack on my person has not gone unntoiced, troll. the fact, you compare me to Bruce the SJW nazis and Oby is something a trioll would do to get a reaction out of me. Good job. 10/10 Troll Job. The fact you defend Alum whose posts usually include all sort of insults directed at anyone who disagrees with them is HILARIOUS.
  19. "It is an insanely tough job, it has never sat well with me when people try to paint it in a different light. You can be critical of a person's decisions and policies while still respecting the office and sacrifice it calls for. I consider it unpatriotic to do otherwise." So.. it is unpatriotic to use your free speech? That's HILARIOUS. That is like people calling others unpatriotic when they criticize the army/soldiers even though the whole point of the army is tod efend the right to freedom including free speech. LMAO Criticizing the president/prime minister/country's leaders is the height of patriotism. You must be pro NK. LMAO
  20. "Hiro if you cant provide the link then you are lying and your position is unclear and disingenuous " Prove that he lying. I bet you can't.
  21. "campaign of intimidation" CAMPAIGN OF INTIMIDATION. "with the eventual result of getting the developers to self-censor (which is ironic, given GamerGate's supposed anti-censorship bent, but not surprising). This, on the other hand, supposedly references "SJW's", who despite being alleged to be some sort of shadowy group who controls all media, are the right-wing's favourite punching bag at the moment." The irony of a SJW Nazi whining about this since they spend their days attacking and shaming and bullying women and getting them fired for having opposing views. LMAO
  22. That newest Dreed is overrated. It was meh. The first with Stallone was better even if it wasn't as grimdark.
  23. Not as good as the 1st episode. The out of nowhere deaths are boring. What a waste of Roose. And, Greyjoy's death is meaningless b/.c hard to care about a chaarcter's fate we haven't see for a few seasons. COME ON. This is storytelling 101. Even Jon Snow's expected revival was handled boringly. I should have been pumped up for this major event but it was blaisse. Most of the rest of the show was good. King's Landing stuff was good, Sansa saying goodbye to her old-new buddy, Tyrion's dealing with the dragons. All good. Yo, GOT, surprising deathsa re good when they matter or handled well. You don't need a 'named' chaarcter to die every week to get people talk about the show.
  24. "I'm not sure that's the highest purpose of an internet forum and the most worthy pursuit one can engage in on one." Kiddin' right? It is the only real purpose of internet forums. LMAO
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