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Everything posted by Volourn

  1. So Clinton'sd team proves yet again how much of a nazi she is. They are refusing to debate The Colonel until he is 'nicer'. LMAO Damn SJW Nazis. Feels matter more than facts but only their feelz.. L0LZ
  2. "Personally I think its a little embarrassing that there no are NO active female members on this forum We dont have even 2-3 ? Its something we should be trying to understand and or change....people don't seem that concerned ?" Why do you feel like you should force women to post here? Women are grown adults. They will post where they damn well please. They don't someone who is depserate to be friend zoned trying to get them to post where they don't want to. I'm sure there are women who post here. They just don't want to admit it or they'll have SJW Nazis white knighting and tretaing them like little babies when they are grown adults who can take car eof themselves. bruce, you don't believe in equality. If you did, you would treat women like you would treat men. Like I do. I don't play PC games no matter the gender becuase I actually respect both men and women.
  3. "If they commit any crimes during that time, their remaining family will be penalized." Sound stupid. No logic at all.
  4. Batman vs Superman: Best modern comic/superhero movie. Also, a HUGE FU to all the crybabies who whined about the first one. 10/10 just for that.
  5. "And yes I dont think its right what Gawker did with the lady celebrates...its worse than what they did with Hogan as he is real attention seeker....he is a wrestler and he was involved in a immoral act " Wait. And, Jennifer Lawrence isn't an attention seeker? COME ON. Also, it should be noted attention seekers they may be but NEITHER asked for their private moments to be shared with the world. How is eitehr situation different except one has a **** and the one has a vagina? Your inherent sexism is showing.
  6. "So once again what Hogan did is worse, in life we can only control our own moral decisions....no one else to blame But Gawker is a company, its not living and its driven by profit. A bad decision by a human will normally always be worse than an objective of profit" This doiesn't make sense. Not surprising though. Gawker is owned and run by humans. And, really? So... if a company poisons water to make profit and millions die.... that is a-ok because one human who steals (or has sex with a married woman) is worse than said company just b/c their goal was profit and his was sex? COME ON. Hogan did something with a grown woman. They both agreed to have sex. He did not agree to be filmed. LMAO But you get butthurt over videos of naked FEMALE celebrities doing all sorts of sexy things. I doubt all of them were just making love to their husband Mr. Moral Police. SJW nazis. L0L
  7. Also. Western media reporting news in the west. IMAGINE THAT. That said, I do agree with the sentiment. This idea that ISIS (or AQ) is anti Wst/US for anything they did is ridiculous. Those groups hate pretty much everybody including and ESPICIALLY other Muslims. Whgich is why I don't get why many Muslims and pro Muslims keep making excuses for extremists. Too many times we hear is 'what they did BUT..." No. there is no but. Sane people don't go " what the christian extremists di was wroing BUT.." Ther eis no BUT. PERIOD.
  8. "So there is no such thing as " a man is okay with his wife sleeping with another man, even if he thinks he is fine with it " Why do you think youa re able to make the call and tell someone else how they thinkj? You are like the SJW white guy telling a black person who pro GG how they have been brainwashed (like gamers have that kind of power lol) and how you SJW nazis are fighting for their rights. Or the SJW Man telling a woman what to do with their body for their 'own good'. LMAO
  9. "There is nothing wrong with a movement like BLM, after the series of police killings of certain African Americans you can perfectly understand its purpose" You mean like that case where BLM and theor cohorts cried racism when 3 of the 6 officers involved were black? The police chief was black? The DA was black? Pretty much all the power players except 3 of 6 cops (that is 50% black representation btw in a country that is maybe 12.5% black) and one of the higher ups was white while everyone else involved was black? yeah, racism. COME ON. The problem here isn't racism. The problem is that cops in general have way too much power and abuse it way too often and their defenders will cover them no matter b/c they are the 'good guys'.
  10. "No offense but you are blinded to the obvious injustice, you are fine he can sue Gawker because you dont like Gawker but the fact he had an affair with his friend wife you seem to ignore. So for me its you that have your priorities wrong" Offense attended, you need to get your priorities straight. Hogan's moral 'failings' are irrelevant and do not excuse Gawker's immoral and obviously illegal doings. Also, as mentioned above, Hogan and co's actions were chocies made by consenting adults. Gawker and their coconspirators took choice out of others' hands. That is evil. Also, get off your moral high horse. You have no empathy at all. Again, the only difference here is that Hogan is a man and not a woman. I guarantee that you and your SJW cohorts would no doubt have a different reaction if he happened to be a woman. I thought SJW were about 'feelz'? I would think you would be happy that the law sides with supporting Hogan's hurt 'feelz' than Gawker's evil pursuit of greed.
  11. ."like I said earlier about those photos of the actresses about there sex lives..and no they not the same as Hogan" Yeah, Ia greed. they have pussies and Hogan has a ****. We get it, Bruce. You are sexist and view women as weak and pathetic and must be treated like children with kid glvoes. And, men are just barbaric rapist monsters who don't matter.
  12. Gawker got what theyd eserved. Is the fine 'excessive'. Sure, arguably, Hogan is getting a ton of monies because his feelz 9and reputation) was 'hurt' by this. But, Gawker is evil and they ENJOY destorying other people's lives. They do it all the time and they are extremely cavalier and hypocritical about it. Brcue is only defending them because a) Hogan is just a male and his life is meaningless unlike women as evidenced by his post about and b) Gawker is a SJW Nazi organization. That is who YOU align yourself with Bruce and you are still defending them. That said, chances are an appeal will likely knock that that ward down by half and Hogan will likely see very little of it. As for 'innocent' workers losing their jobs. a) You work for an evil group like Gawker you ain't no innocent. b) If you happen to be atcually 'innocent' aka maintaince rew and the like) you'll likely find a new job just fine. But, hey, if you shut down a resturant that is just a mob front that has actual staf... that is wrong. Poor waiters, cooks, and baretenders.
  13. Critics are dumb. News at Obsidian. I'm looking forward to it. better than the crappy overrated Avengers.
  14. "not wearing a helmet, on a dirt bike with no lights, at night, wearing dark clothing, is not only more likely to cause an accident, but is more likely to result in a fatal accident." Please explain to me how not wearing a helmet is more likely to cause an accident than wearing one? You do know what the entire purpose of a helmet is, right? It is to help in lessening potential damage from an accident that already happens. It is not some magic shield that gives you +5% chance to avoid accidents. It gives you protection you get in an acicdent in bump your head. It is the same goal for seatbelts. they don't prevent accidents. They help make (usuallY) accidents be less damaging. They don't magically stop your car from being hit.
  15. Stepping in front of a car can cause an accident. However, wearing or not wearing a helmet will NOT prevent an accident. Very poor comparison.
  16. 'Just too good'. LMAO You make it sound like it was a blowout. LMAO
  17. "it was a completely preventable accident. What, the person who ran over and killed Tray because Tray wasn't exercising proper safety precautions (and common sense) isn't a victim, either?" Who died? And, him wearing a helmet wouldn't PREVENT the accident? Your logic doesn't eve make sense. How do helemts PREVENT accidents? COME ON. "They're probably traumatized for life because of the guy's foolishness." Oh, come on. Stop with the lame 'my feelz' are more important than someone else's life. DISGUSTING.
  18. Blaming the victim. TYPICAL. Kinda like blaming someone who got robbed b/c they didn't lock their door. COME ON.
  19. SPAM ALERT. This is the NBA thread. Not the ****ty wannabe punk 'basketball' thread.
  20. "I still believe a Trumpian president would mean a new era of pre WWI isolationism of the US." Funny enough that is what many non Amerikans who bash the US and currently hate on Trump have claimed they wanted... L0L Careful as you may very well get what you wish for.
  21. "Understatement of the year, dude doesn't have a single fan outside the USA." Not one? Why do people like you feel like lying? It onyl makes you look like a tool. I bet a non US poll would surprise you then if you think NOBODY outside the US like shim. Also, for the record for trolls like Bruce, I am NOT one of those non Amerikan fans of Trump but to claim they don'texist is pure bull that only an ignorant delusional liar would claim.
  23. That would be boring.
  24. So, there is gonna be a lack of choice? You gonna be forced to be 'evil'? *yawn* That is as bad as being forced to being good. It's like SJW Nazis whining that original GB had 4 males on the team so they decided to fix the sexism by pissing on one gender and having all females. LOGICZ. I really do hope you can choose to be 'good'. That way if you choose to remain on the 'evil' path the chocie actually matters. We'll see. The best way to defeat bigotry and bias is not to use bigotry and bias. Or in this case, lack of actual role-playing or greatly limiting it.
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