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Everything posted by Volourn

  1. Except Trump is a SJW Nazi. he is all about feels, power, control, and slavery.
  2. Like a goblin would speak like a 21st century human being. LMAO Unless it is used as a joke. Also, I also find that they claim theya re proud of their SJW nazi content yet that content is such minimal silliness it has no real impact outside of having eveyrone on all 3 sides troll each other. If you are gonna write for your agenda at least just go straight out on it. LMAO Should have had every single character, story, and line be about SJW Nazism. That would have been beautiful. Instead they add a throwaway npc, a throw away pary member, and add some throwaway lines to existing characters. DEEP. But, this is Beamdog. They suck. They cna't do anything right. Actually, that isn't true. they can beat a dead horse for a little extra cash. L0L Good job.
  3. "But this criticism about the mentally retarded children I don't understand?" It's not PC. A lot of people who get butthurt over its use in general dialogue don't get calling some random person the term is not the same as insulting or making fun of those with actual disabilities in that area. So, you should never use because PC Warriors will think you are the devil because they will take it out of context and make you out to be some sort of evil monster. I perosnally never use the term word with disalbilties. It is more fitting as a meaner term for idiot. I've had it directed at me. I shrug because I don't shrivel into a pile of poo b/s someone is mean. LMAO I don't get along 'fine', 'bad', or 'good' with anyone. I don't know you guys. You ar enot important. Only the content of your posts are worthy or not worthy of wasting my time on. P.S. Just read one of those links... learned a new sexual term... hobosexual... LMFAO
  4. I find it funny that non Amerikans cried about how unfair it was the US got popular movies first (lol how much does the rest of the world love Amerikan culture while blasting it non stop? ) yet when it is the opposite they just mock, attack, and bully. EVIL. That said, not too many movies on the horizon that ar e'must watch' for me. Pretty much just Suicide Squad amongst the big releases that I 'must' watch.
  5. "Please provide the link where I said that...I'm calling you out Volo, sorry" I never claimed YOU did. i claimed SJW nazis have , whom you support, have done so since the start. So whining about the other side using extreme language against them is is silly when the side you chose to support has done much worse and to sound 1, STARTED IT. But, hey, according to you it is okay for SJW Nazis to call White Male Gamers sexist, racist, rapists, monsters, worse than ISIS, and state that Hitler had the right diea but the wrong target. R00fles!
  6. Kind of like calling people you disagree with 'worse than ISIS'... right? RIGHT.
  7. Affirmative action... using a white dude. LMAO
  8. 'Think of the children'. I knew that be coming once that phrase came up. "No Volo I believe in equality but we need to address societal and historical imbalances that exist in the modern age amongst, for example, the races and genders And this imbalance will be different depending where you live. My question to you Volo is a simple one and only one you can answer " are you part of the problem....or the solution " ?" The Final Solution. Also, this myth that the majority of people are pro SJW is silly. The vast majority of women - let alone people - don't even consider themselves feminists let alone SJWs. Vast majority of people are pro equality with SJW Nazis are wholeheartedly against.
  9. This girl barely looks 20. Jolie looked like a grown woman who could be an experience adventureress. That said, she can still do a good job but to many whiners that ain't goode nough. You gotta cast 80 year olds in these starring roles.
  10. "And the best part is, is that she's freaking out while a feminist is speaking." The wrong kind of feminist. SJWs LOATHE women who disagree with them. They get them fired and threaten to rape and murder them. L0L So.. when is Bruce gonna finally officially admit he is not pro equality but pro women? (Not that there is anything wrong with being pro women but just own your nonsense).
  11. Going younger? Que the whining of the 'old people espicially women never get the roles'. LMAO
  12. "Volo....please don't tell you actually support that video?" Funny how you ignore the fatc you have proven yourself sexist time and time againm yet you dare claim it is about 'gender equality' when you have stated you don't care if you hurt guys feelings or beat them up but you would treat women with kids' gloves. 'Equality'. L0L I don't believe you know what that word means. As for the video, do I agree with everything? No. But, it is a lot closer to the truth than anything you or your SJW Nazi buddies claim.
  13. SJW Nazis don't support gender equality. BEST. JOKE. EVAR.
  14. GS's head coach - while good - shouldn't have won COTY. I mean they won about half their games w/o him even on the bench. LMAO Can you imagine a player playing half the games and winning MVP? COME ON.
  15. The reasoning is unreasonable in the same way the suspension originally was. That said, as above, this could have been avoided if the NFLPA was stronger than they are and wouldn't allow such vague yet over the top language to make its way into the bargaining agreement in the first place. It should be clearly stated that the evidence should be clear (it wans't and the NFL actually originally LIED about their evidence and then swept it under the rug) and consistent.
  16. Yup. GS basiclaly squashed them in 2nd half of G4 w/o Curry. I wouldn't be worried this round. Playing the Clips though w/o Curry would be a tough challenge.
  17. The whole idea of 'female empowerment' is lame and reeks of sexism as it implies that women are weak by default. That is why a certain other female character does much more for so called strong women than the snakes do. Yeha, they are hot but that's it. Their story is stupid. Their characters are stupid. Their motivation -w hich started off simple but logical (vengeance for daddy's death) has gone of the rails. LAME The rest of the show was solid though... then again, I guess they needed to do some gruesome deaths for 'named' characters in the season premiere. At least one of them should have died . Also, the show is racist (lol) by having the big black guard die due to a dagger in the back and he died right away while his boss hung on for over a minute. LMAO
  18. That Dorn crap was absolutely ridiculous. It was a SJW Nazi wet dream. LMAO Can you imagine that dialogue being said from a man to a woman? LMAO ALso, it is sad that the Lanistors have more heart and sould than the Dornish ladies do. Yay for Sansa and co. And, yum and ewww at that ending.
  19. How is that not a million dolalr fine according to NBA rules? Funny that they'll fine someone millions for being 'mean' but phsyical assault? Nah. That's kewl.
  20. Thanks for picking up that fat bastard from us!" D0uble L0L
  21. Welll... the King had his worst series in a long while... That said, I get to laugh at Maple Leafs fans who blamed Kessell for them sucking. HAHA!
  22. "I would never be rude if you were women?" Yet SJW Nazism is about 'equality', right Bruce? LMAO
  23. I thought you SJW Nazi types were against judging people based on what they wear? Attack the content of the character not what is covering it up. Hypocrites.
  24. Nah. It wasn't that impressive. Yeha he got 60 points - by hogging the ball and just throwing it up for giggles.
  25. Yet a lot of people probably still are voting for her and will likely vote for her come election time. IDIOTS.
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