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Everything posted by Volourn

  1. SPAM ALERT. This is the NBA thread. Not the ****ty wannabe punk 'basketball' thread.
  2. "I still believe a Trumpian president would mean a new era of pre WWI isolationism of the US." Funny enough that is what many non Amerikans who bash the US and currently hate on Trump have claimed they wanted... L0L Careful as you may very well get what you wish for.
  3. "Understatement of the year, dude doesn't have a single fan outside the USA." Not one? Why do people like you feel like lying? It onyl makes you look like a tool. I bet a non US poll would surprise you then if you think NOBODY outside the US like shim. Also, for the record for trolls like Bruce, I am NOT one of those non Amerikan fans of Trump but to claim they don'texist is pure bull that only an ignorant delusional liar would claim.
  5. That would be boring.
  6. So, there is gonna be a lack of choice? You gonna be forced to be 'evil'? *yawn* That is as bad as being forced to being good. It's like SJW Nazis whining that original GB had 4 males on the team so they decided to fix the sexism by pissing on one gender and having all females. LOGICZ. I really do hope you can choose to be 'good'. That way if you choose to remain on the 'evil' path the chocie actually matters. We'll see. The best way to defeat bigotry and bias is not to use bigotry and bias. Or in this case, lack of actual role-playing or greatly limiting it.
  7. Still looks younger than Connery. Not that that should be a shock considerjng Connery is older.
  8. No, he doesn't. Stop lying.
  9. "EDIT: Reported, btw." Reported for being a douche, btw. As for topic, it could be good, but it would have to be done way better than the lacklustre PE which I haven't even bothered to play the first expansion more than 5 minutes and haven't even bothered to download the 2nd one. This for a game I forked $250 for. L0L Darklands had potential but the controls were so awful. The character system was awesome, the world map could be good, etc., but those controls. *shudder* Updated it could be a good play through but I fear the same would happen. Obsidian would cherry pick the worst of it and ignore the actual good stuff. My 'faith' in Obsidian is at an all time low. :(
  10. Supergirl was REALLY good tonight. Probably the best (at worst top 3) episode oif this series. And, see, not a single SJW nonsensical bullcrap agenda pushing statement seen. Coincidence? I THINK NOT.
  11. Of course there are challenges. And, there is a right and wrong way to about it. Obviously, you shouldn't just scoop up every illegal and throw out at the border via dump truck. But, you also can't simply ignore people brekaing the law either. Yet again, both sides of the 'argument' are scumbags who are too busy trying to 'win' and label the other side as evil they don't try to find a legit solution. Trump = kick them all out no mercy then build a stinky ass walll which is scummy since we all know how walls have worked in the past. Democrats = give every single illegal a pardon, give them a billion dolalrs, who cares if they broke the law but if someone says something mean about illegals label them racist and throw THEM in prison for disagreeing with the thought police. iT'S AN INSULT TO ALL THE legal IMMIGRANTS who come to countries in a civil, legal, and moral way. LOGICZ.
  12. ," what other Western country has engaged in serious endeavors to force immigrants to leave" The US has never tried to get immigrants out of their country. They are trying to get ILLEGAL immigrants out. Just like every country in the world they are trying to enforce their laws. HOLY MOLY. The US has TONS of LEGAL immigration every year approved by the government.
  13. "But why are you assuming Trump is pro-Nazi or even wants real violence....he is a demagogue Volo, he doesnt actually want violence which is why he avoided the Chicago rally" Are you really defending him? he encourages his followers to beat up others and then brags that he'll pay any legal bills. How is that not pro violence? He avoided he Chicago rally because their was violence threatened against him. Not b/c there was violence. "And he definitely is not a Nazi," He sure is. He is all about pwoer, control, and slavery. He already wants to ban ANYONE from criticizing him once he (if) s in office. How is that not being a nazi? "I didnt mean that is the reason you would support him..no. I meant because he is very anti-PC " Being anti PC just for giggles is not cool. Being anti PC is more than just saying evil things. Saying 'I'm going to jail people who disagree with me', 'Or I am gonna force Mexico to pay for the all I want to build' is not just anti PC. It is evil. Saying that feminism is sexism and anti both male and female is anti PC because it is not approved. But, it is also very true. Anti PC is saying FACTS that the Feelz crowd don't like b/c it runs opposite of their agenda. Like stating FACTUALLY that men are pretty much as likely to be victims of spousal abuse as women. That is anti PC and 100% true but if I said that publicly I'd likely be crucified by the PC crowd. "What do you mean by true freedom? Please explain in detail so its clear " If you can't figure out what true freedom is you are hopeless. You have the freedom to be hopeless so more power to you.
  14. "It doesnt matter if you support Trump or not" It does when you repeatedly claim I do. I'm anti PC. That doesn't mean I'm pro nazi and pro violence. Like Trump and you. I'm pro freedom. I would never win an election thoguh because only .1% of people actually believe in true freedom. The rest who claim they are just pretenders, fraudsters, or ignorant as they don't actually know freedom is.
  15. Wait... are yous till working on the perception I'm pro Trump? You aren't even reading my posts. LMAO And, again, you are syaing it is okay to commit violence as long as it is against people Bruce dissaproves of. THAT is scary. That is what Trump does. WHY ARE YOU LIKE DONALD TRUMP!?! *shudders*
  16. "But he has created this environment where there is this level of violence at rally's, he started it by his very offensive public views...his success is exactly because he is going against established but unpopular political institutions. He gained support through his populism and invective...but the negative side to it is there really are people who don"t like him and will cause issues at his rally's " Sanders and Clinton also have very offensive public views... so they deserve violence too? Geez.. it is like you cna't read what you actually write. You ar eblaming him for other people's actions. The people went to HIS rally and committed violence. That ain't on him. It is on the perpetrators. PERIOD. Stop makinge xcuses simply b/c they are 'your side'. LMAO That is exactly what Trump does - it is okay to commit violence on the other side. DO YOU REALLY WANT TO BE LIKE TRUMP!?!
  17. Trump is trash but the very people who whine about him condoning violence have done the exact same thing. The thing is most people hate violence unless it is directed at someone they hate. No doubt in my mind if Trump was attacked/killed people like Bruce would cheer and say 'he had it coming' but if Sanders or Clinton gets attacked/killled they'd be like 'violence should not be used to solve issues'. Hypocrites. EVERYONE.
  18. "Volo why do you think its wrong if only I decide what is considered free speech? That would not be practical or realistic, I would have tribunals of people who decide these things So it wouldn't just be up to me, I'm not arrogant" Tribunals of people you choose hence meaning you would only choose those who agree with you - much like dictator nazis do. Soorround yourself with puppets and claim, see, I don't make 'all' the decisions. LMAO You think Hitler went solo? Of course not. He had help being anti freedom. WHY ARE YOU LIKE HITLER?
  19. "I would allow freedom of speech but not if it offends people on certain levels..trust me there would be much less social acrimony" if I followed your stupid philosophy you would be be inpriosned because your Nazi SJWism offends me. See how that works? It is not freedom of speech if you only allow speech you approve of. That is what nazi SJWs don't udnerstand.
  20. Wait. Aren't these the same police who the Liberals claim enjoy murdering blacks because they are racist (even though many are blacks themselves)? Lovely. Liberals/democrats love violence. They love slavery. They are nazis. Just like the side they hate. That's why they hate Trump. They ARE Trump.
  21. "Did you guys watch the Obama\Trudeau press conference at the White House" They ar emorons too busy faking for the cameras to actually work. Did Obama murder any Amerikans this week yet? Has Trudeau broke another promise this week? "If you poke a hornet's nest, you have to expect to get stung." Remember that if you are readinga story about a Trump supporter killing one of these 'protestors' next week... right? Blaming the victim is hilarious. race baiters (which trump is one but so is almsot every single Liberal) are evil scumbag pieces of crap. It is EVIL that violent protetsors are somehow acceptable to people as long as they are violent towards the the 'right' people. That is SJW Nazism at its finest.
  22. "defended his reporter who was charged with resisting arrest, tweeting," What was she being arrested for in the first place? LMAO Yopu need to be arrresting someone for a reason. This charge is stupid unless she is charged with something else. People defend violent psyhcopaths are pathetic. Are you anti free speech b/c if youa re cheering them on you aren't. People trashing Trump for canceling it are foolish. He and his team don't need permission to cancel something if they are worried. None of this changes the fatc that Trump is a scumbag just like Clinton and Sanders. But, anti freedom punks are anti freedom punks.
  23. Stop with bragging about Kanada and health care. For starters, it isn't free. And, it is unstable and sloppy. Nyurses get fired for no reason, people don't get the care is needed, thimngs can be expensive, etc., etc. 'Free' Kanadian Health Care is up there with the major myths my country has sold to others along as 'we're all nice guys'. LMAO
  24. "behind the US throwing their support behind the Kurds since 2014." The US has been doing that for decades. 2014. L0L
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